Tyler Jacob is Here!!!!!!!! ++ Pics


Tyler Jacob arrived on 1/23/04 at 11:07 a.m.!

He was 3.5 wks early but arrived in perfect, healthy condition! He is soooo cute and such a lil' cuddler. I couldn't be happier than I am! He is such a little blessing!

Wt: 7lb 6oz
Length: 20 1/4"
Head: 12 1/2"

Pics: http://www.babiesonline.com/babies/l/lilmoore/

Here's the story....
On 1/20 (Tuesday) I went to the doc and found I was dilated to 4cm. So, they sent me straight over to L&D thinking I would go immed. into labor. Well...I didn't. So, they kept me overnight and didn't want to induce since I was only 36wks + 1 day) So, on Wed. morning they sent us home (still taking terbutaline until I hit 37 wks) and told me to call if anything changed.

On Thursday I started to feel REALLY crampy and tons of pressure, so I called the doc. I also had some spotting. He told me to come in first thing Friday morning.

Our appt. was at 8:45 and I was at 5cm :p so they sent me straight to L&D to break my water. The doc decided the risk of delivering the baby was less than sending me home to end up delivering in the car since my 1st labor was only 2 hours! We live 40 min. away from the hospital.

So, they broke my water at 9:20. Within minutes I was at 6cm and they gave me a bit of pitocin to regulate the contractions. My doc was going into surgery for the rest of the day at 12:00 noon so we were trying to beat his schedule ;-) With the pitocin the cx came on hard and strong but I knew it would be over quickly so I did it again without MEDS!!!!!

I quickly dilated to 9cm and within 10 min of being at 9 I was complete and pushing!! I only pushed for 4 cx and Tyler was born at 11:07 a.m.!!!! My doc had almost 50 minutes to spare before his surgery (hee hee)

It was the most wonderful thing ever! He is so cute and has a full head of strawberry blonde hair (just like my other son, Calbe).

I am having some probs with Carpul Tunnel in my right arm and hoping it goes away soon. Also, can't wait to get back into my workouts but know I need to let my body heal first!

We are all doing great and happy to be home.

Wanted to say thank you to all of your for your support during my pregnancy. I didn't get to workout like I had hoped due to being on bedrest and early restrictions. However, it was all worth it in the end! I look forward to hanging out with you post-pardum!

Love ya!

Tyler 1/23/04
Caleb 4/24/00
Congratulations, Fitnut!!!! He is a beautiful baby!! How nice that he came early and everything went so smoothly!! I can only wish for the early thing - my son was over a week late! Have fun and give your little mufffin a big hug and kiss from us!
Hey there--he sure is a cutie. And don't you just love that newborn smell? I am glad everything went so well.

take good care of yourself
CONGRATULATIONS AND HUGS!!! I'll try to look at the pictures right after I post this!! I can't believe you had the baby already, I thought you were several months behind me and there you go having that baby "quick like a bunny", I think I'm the only one who is really pregnant for 9 months and every one else is only seems to be pregnant for a month or two.

Enjoy that sweet boy!! Babies do smell wonderful. My little guy cries when anyone else is holding him (frequently at least) and I tell them..."you have to stick your nose in his neck and smell him every 10 seconds like I do...then he'll think you are MOM and he'll quit crying" UMMMMMM that wonderful smell.

Conragulations Fitnut! Oh he's so CUTE! I love the name too. Jacob, that's my little guys name too.
Have fun with him!

Tyler is adorable. Congrats! I am a little envious of your 2 hour labor w/o drugs. ;) I'll get over it though...

Baby Justin born 1/17/04

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
Congrats!! He is beautiful. Whata good weight for early. Enjoy him and take lots of pictures!! My baby is 8 weeks old already and growing like a weed. They grow SO fast.

Congratulations, FitNut! Happy one week birthday to little Tyler. He is so cute!

PS- Does anyone else agree that little newborns look like glow worms. So adorable!
Hi gals! Thanks so much for the luvs:) Yes, I think he is cute too. He is just so adorable I can't get enough hugs from him. He definitely is not running low on kisses or attention! I guess you can not over spoil a newborn, right!!!!

I too end up sleeping with him in the wee hours of the morning. Brie- you were so right with your post on do they ever sleep without putting their passy in, re-swaddling, hiccuping etc. It has been quite eventful at our house come 3:00 a.m as of lately! ;) He usually ends up in our bed so we can all get some sleep.

Emy - I totally agree... I was just telling my hubby this evening that he looks like a lil' glow worm. What a honey!

Anyway, I am dying to workout! I want this fat off my butt. However, I know I must wait awhile. My stomach muscles are still killing me as is my carpul tunnel in my right arm!

So glad to be back w/ya' all:)
I missed the announcement! That's wonderful news. Now you have what? 4 sons plus the hubby? Girl, that's some manly house you have there.;-)

Glad everyone is doing well!


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