Two Circuit Workouts on One DVD


Workout one - Upper Body/Hi-Lo Circuit
Warm up
Intense hi/lo section 1
Heavy chest work
Intense hi/lo section 2
Heavy triceps work
Intense hi/lo section 3
Heavy back work
Intense hi/lo section 4
Heavy shoulder work
Intense hi/lo section 5
Heavy biceps work
Core work

Workout two - Kickboxing/Lower Body Interval Circuit
Warm up
Kick/punch combo 1
Interval 1 (like an Imax blast but kickbox-based instead of step oriented)
Leg drill 1 using heavy weights
Kick/punch combo 2
Interval 2
Leg drill 2 using heavy weights
Kick punch combo 3
Interval 3
Leg drill 3 using heavy weights
Kick punch combo 4
Interval 4
Leg drill 4 using heavy weights
All 4 intervals back to back

Core work

**There could be a total body weight premix using weight segments from both circuit workouts

**A premix combining the cardio segments

**And a short but fun bonus step section so that there could be a 15-15-15 premix of step/hi-lo/kickboxing

Just an idea.

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