Twin Pregnancy and Activity Level


I just need to hear some words of encouragement. I am 31 weeks and cannot freaking move. No, not because I'm on bed rest, but because I literally just can't move. I entered this pregnancy in the best shape I've ever been in, and -- you would never guess as I can't even walk from one end of the bleeping mall to the other. It is so frustrating. This is my first week that I've cut my hours back at work, so I'm down to about 20-25 hours finally. I sit at a computer for the most part, so work is not what I'd call strenuous or anything, but it seems to exhaust me anyways. I just can't fathom that I ever ran/bike/did Cathe videos. I feel SO pathetic and helpless. The weight gain isn't even an issue for me (so far 55 pounds -- I gained 75 pounds with my previous single pregnancy 5 years ago). I could still walk and I remember feeling much stronger and healthier -- climbing ladders and walking briskly -- even if I was fat! I don't mean to blather on and complain... but between being paranoid about all the potential complications that come from a multiple pregnancy (more concerned too since I miscarried prior to this pregnancy in the first place) and paranoid about my own current physical/mental state... I'm just really low at the moment.

Thanks for listening.
At 31 weeks, I can only imagine how much energy it's taken to get you this far! Hang in there - are they talking about inducing early? Really, you are so close to the finish line!! If you think about it, with 55 extra pounds, ANYTHING you do can be considered a workout - not to mention TWO little growing persons who are taking what ever energy you have left!

You say you just sit at the computer at work - well, first of all, getting to work can be enough effort for one morning :) , second of all, try getting up and stretching a little every 30 minutes or so. I, too, have long days in front of a computer and have found that I need to keep my blood moving or I feel more tired (literally falling-asleep-at-my-desk kind of tired :) )

Have you talked to your doctor? I've never been pg with twins, so I don't know what's normal fatigue. Maybe he can check your iron levels, though, and see if there's anything that they can do for you in that department.

Are you getting plenty to drink and eating periodically? Small snacks wtih lots of water sometimes help keep your energy consistent...

Not much else to offer but support and hugs. I hope the last weeks fly by for you and that you are back to all your favorite activities as soon as possible. These days will pass and you won't believe you ever had doubts about your physical abilities!!

Hang in there!!

Been there, done that! I have 4 children, ages 6, 4 and 14 month old twins. I remember being exactly where you are. I literally cried myself to sleep every night because I was so terribly uncomfortable (then baby B would kick baby A and wake him up and baby A would start kicking me and I would wake up and...) you get the idea.

I'm a SAHM so I stayed home most of the time but I remember telling DH I needed to take a nap after showering it was such an event.

I also remember telling people I didn't care how much work twins were, I just wanted them OUT!!

I opted for a c-section (baby B - Ethan - was breech the entire pregnancy) and once those babies were out I felt like a million bucks. I was 10 lbs from my pre-pregnancy weight at my six week check-up. (I developed hypothyroidism when the babies were about 4 months old so I never lost my weight but that is a whole nother saga).

Point is, being pregnant with twins is brutal. Being totally exhausted is normal and you will feel much better after the babies are born.

After I got my thyroid levels regulated and the hang of having so many small kids around I got back into my fitness routine and now I'm working on getting back into shape.

Please note - my experience is unique - I would have been back into shape months and months ago but it took over 6 months to regulate my thyroid - that set me way back.

Being pregnant with twins is a whole different experience than being pregnant with a single. I actually gained MORE weight with my first than with the twins but felt better with my first. I was carrying two 6 lb babies, two bags of water and two placenta. Just hang in there - after they are born you will feel so much better!
Thanks so much to both of you for responding... I REALLY REALLY appreciate the kind words and support.

No plans to induce early. I am hoping to be able to give birth (as we did with first child) with our midwife at the birthing center. I am scared that I won't be able to do it but I am trying to think positively that I will be able to rouse myself for the occasion -- even if showering at the moment takes a lot of energy!

Hearing you say you cried yourself to sleep every night makes me feel tremendously better -- at least that I'm not losing my mind at the moment. I'm not usually that way... but now I am constantly in tears and just viciously miserable, especially before bed when I am most tired.

Nothing to do but take it one day at a time... and try to keep reminding myself that I am not crazy; I am pregnant. It really WILL be okay.

Thanks so much!

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