Turkey Day Workout Challenge


A friend of mine just called, all very excited. "What are you doing Thursday morning?" I told her I planned on doing S&H Chest & Back before going to my mom's for dinner. "Oh," she says. "Feel up to something a little more challenging?" I'm like "OK, what have you got in mind?" She says "I was thinking we could get together & see how hard we can push ourselves so we can eat like pigs." "Ok, I'm game. Let's do Power Hour or MIS." "Oh no, don't you own a 90 minute Cathe tape?" she banters. I'm like "Ooooohhhhh! You mean Body Max!" Then my legs start to go from under me! This woman is SERIOUS! "Yeah, that's it. I'll come over & we'll do that whole tape together." She wants to see me cry! I have never done the whole workout in one "sitting!"

So, here's my challenge. Join us in Body Max on Thursday. Then we can check in later & say how we did. AND WE MUST BE HONEST!

I'm ready to take the next step! http://www.smilies-world.de/Smilies/Smilies_klein_1/a_smil09.gif
Waaah! No fair! "http://www.plaudersmilies.de/cry.gif My "challenge" will be doing ANY workout at all being that I just found out I am having Thanksgiving, PLUS, getting company the night before for the whole weekend. WISH me luck. I hope to sneak past their room they'll be sleeping in and do SOMETHING! Have fun you guys. Enjoy that pumpkin pie you will have earned! ;-)

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Now I'm not promising anything here....
But I found this funny because I was thinking about Body Max ATW for Thanksgiving.

I won't be checking in until the following Monday, but I'll look for your check in!

I did the cardio and circuit portion about 3 weeks ago. First a 30-minute-everything-lifted step routine then 15 minutes of Drills (aka intervals) and leg circuits. I still think this is Cathe's hardest tape.

This is my plan for Thanksgiving morning:

Rhythmic Step warm-up
Body Max step circuit segment
CTX Power Circuit circuit segment
5 minutes slow squats/lunges
CTX Kickbox abs segment
total upper body weight-lifting session

That oughtta kick the appetite into gear!

I won't be at the 'puter until the following Monday, but I'll chime in! In fact, I plan on making Wed. night (pre-T-Day) through the following Monday p.m. a "Grand Slam"; 2-3 hour workouts each day. I love doing that!

Thanksgiving Day Workout Challenge

Hey! I'll take the challenge!!! Noooooo problemo! No sweat...I do everything at my own intensity level...but I can always finish the workout. I'll do the workout while the turkey is in the oven and the family is sleeping! (I can't stand it when anyone speaks to me while I work out..it just disrupts my "survival" concentration and actually makes me very angry :-mad! - anyone else feel that way?) :)

Take a break, "slurp" ;-) the coffee, be nice to yourself and others and enjoy your life...Runathon http://www.plauder-smilies.de/happy/coffee.gif[/img]
I'm either doing MIC or Imax and some weights. I ALWAYS work out on holidays - for one thing, days off are the best time for me to get in workouts, and for another, I'll be EATING at a truck stop buffet. How truly funky can one get?! I always get my money's worth at a buffet.

Just Do It! :)
Well...I just did ALL of Body Max Saturday! Does that count?? ;-)

Actually, I WOULD join you in your challenge, except I will be doing 3-4 hours straight of cleaning someone else's house before coming home to have the Thanksgiving meal. I will be entirely too wiped out. Sorry! But, I wish you luck! :D

Well, I printed out your mish-mosh Annette. Maybe I will give that one a try.

If not, it may be BodyMax in its entirety or a running/hiking session.

If I am really unmotivated like I have been lately, it will have to be one of my "new" Cathe tapes..PowerMax, Rythmic Step..can't even remember the rest.

Definitly a MAJOR workout day!!!

Hey Annette..

Do you think I can put S&H legs in there where your 5 min. slow squats is?? Gosh, wouldn't that be overkill on the legs!! Would for sure be takin' Friday off!!:):) OK, maybe only the squats segment of S&H. I am so sad. Without Cathe, I lack structure!!!:)


PS.. I have never done CTX Power Circuit segment!! Sounds like fun!
I'm glad tio have read your post!
I will take the challenge. I will change my rotation a bit this week to accomodate it.
yesterday:pS CST and warm up and part 1 Body Max
today: PS LL &A
Wed: Cardio Kicks
Thurdsay: Body Max
Fri: Cardio choice 50-60"
Sat: PS BBA & short cardio

Live by the golden rule: treat others as yourself :)
Well, My sister and a few friends are signed up for another annual "Turkey Trot" this year. It's fun and alot of towns have them - Thanksgiving morning races. This one is only 4 miles, but should be a good off-setter for the mashed spuds I'm no doubt going to consume! Only problem is it's supposed to be BITTER cold!!!!! But we will pull on out hats and headbands and away we go.

Happy Thanksgiving to all!

Thanksgiving Day Challenge

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Nov-26-02 AT 09:29AM (Est)[/font][p]In preparation of doing BodyMax on Thursday.....I did it this morning! :) It was great! It had been a while since I did it so I had to check it out again! I used a 4" board and did great! Soooo...I will do it again on Thursday.

Now, I am wanting to do Step Works for the first time. It just looks like so much fun!

Take a break, "slurp" ;-) the coffee, be nice to yourself and others and enjoy your life...Runathon http://www.plauder-smilies.de/happy/coffee.gif[/img]
RE: Janice -

The first principle of the Aquajockotic Philosophy is:

"You can do anything you d@#* well feel like doing!"

Every now and then, you just gotta go to the wall in a workout, and slinging in a little Slow and Heavy after the Cathe Mish-Mosh I listed would be just the ticket!

You'll love Power Circuit! The music is awesome and the way Cathe choreographs the whole workout, especially the circuit section, just pulls you along. I especially love the kickbox music that covers the last three circuits - less melodic, more "tribal", and as Cathe says, "Perfect for kickboxing!"

Happy T-Day!

RE: Thanksgiving Day Workout Challenge

Hi Runathon,
I feel the same way about interuptions during my workout. My family pretty much knows now not to bother me. I'll be in Chicago for Thanksgiving so I won't be able to do Bodymax but I think I will make it my goal to do it when I get home on Saturday.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
Now I had scheduled Body Max for Wednesday and IMAX for Thanksgiving but now I may have to switch it around! BodyMax has a way of completely draining me and by afternoon I'm ready for a nap! :D Susan
RE: Thanksgiving Day Workout Challenge

Oh I agree about being interupted. It is really TERRIBLE when the phone rings. My dog starts barking and running around, too. I usually don't have that problem because I work out so early, ut every once in a while I'll work out a little later and it never fails that the phone will ring.
I'm up for a Turkey Day challenge! I have Bodymax slated for tonight and IMax set for Thursday - but it will be a challenge nonetheless!
I have Imax scheduled for Thursday also! Must be a "Thursday thing" with Imax huh?


Fitness~ it's a journey, not a race!

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