Tummy Tucks?


Active Member
there is a post in the thread about "body changes while working out" from a woman who has had a tummy tuck after not being able to get that tummy back in shape after child bearing... she says its the best thing she has done...

I am bringing the topic to the top to see if anyone wants to tell us more about tummy tucks.

A number of writers are curious to find out more.

time not working out?
other consideration?
I'm also very interested in it. My first pregnancy I had a c-section that got infected so I had to be reopened. My Dr. chose not to sew me back up. Rather, he wanted me to heal from the inside out. I've since had another baby and am now trying for #3 (shhhh, very few people know...LOL). I can easily see this being in my future. Not to mention, I have a horrible scar from the c-section. My OB's comment when I came back for my yearly check up after my first baby was "OMG...did I do that?". So, I'm thinking that I could get the scar fixed WITH a tummy tuck...:)

The cost was prohibitive when I got my hernia repair, but my doctor told me that they pull down the skin from the top and then cut off the excess at the bottom and "make" a new belly button where it belongs! ;)
Remember Susan Powter(spelling)? She was that bold and brassy blond who'd dropped a lot of weight and became a guru. Anyway, she had one and her tummy looked great. I think the scars are below the bikini line. The most important thing is to be certain you get a doctor who has performed many, many tummy tucks and you should be fine.
They don't show you the scary side of it

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jun-12-01 AT 06:43PM (Est)[/font][p]The before-and-after pics are great, but I think it's also important to check out some of the sites that tell you the real nuts and bolts of such an operation (like, for example, the big drain you'll have hanging out of you for at least several days). Not to scare anyone, but it's important to be well informed before undertaking a MAJOR surgical procedure. I haven't made a decision for myself yet since I'm not at my goal weight.



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[font color='red']144 pounds gone...and counting![/font]
RE: They don't show you the scary side of it

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jun-12-01 AT 09:20PM (Est)[/font][p]thanks.... knowing the possible bad outcomes is as important as knowing to good ones.
That's the right attitude! I too am fine the way I am! I'd love to sport a six pack but my body has different ideas. That's right where it wants all my body fat. Oh well! :)
Also, there can be some very serious consequences. I have read horror storie about people dying from breast jobs and liposuction!
Hi Cinza! My husband's cousin had a tummy tuck a few months ago and the surgery went bad. She came home from the hospital not feeling very well; was taken back to the hospital to discover she was hemorraging (sp?) internally. She seems to be fine now, but still has her days of not feeling so good. This is a woman that has lost over 100 lbs. in a year's time. She had a lot of loose skin hanging and wanted the tummy tuck. I think she was better off not having one done. Please reconsider. I too would love to look like Cathe and I do get frustrated when all of my hard work isn't paying off. Its just the breaks we pay for after we've had children. Can't do anything about that loose skin but I've accepted it and I do look good in a bikini (if I do say so myself)! Take care, Kathy
I have had 2 friends that had tummy tucks with no problems. One of them is an aerobics instructor and she was back to teaching in 4 weeks. Her loose skin was due to pregnancies and my other friend had lost a great amount of weight and the skin was too lose. They were both extremely happy that they did it. I think it is just a personal preference and if someone wants to do it then I think they should after extensive research.
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jun-13-01 AT 02:36PM (Est)[/font][p]
thanks Kathy!!

nah, I'm not considering a tuck... just curious and opening the topic because there was interest on another line of discussion.

I checked out a bunch of before and afters photos and

I still look better than the 'after' photos I saw ! (i might not have gotten 'best case scenerio' photos... mostly these were out of shape women who hadnt been doing their Cathe workouts! ...so they didnt look totally fabulous afterwards ..

I have considerable stretch marks ... i dont think there is much i can do about them .
just wishful thinking to make any improvement.....

I gave up my perfect body to a baby before i even knew how much fun a perfect body could be......OHHHH if i could just have another shot at it!
Hi Cinza! I happened to have glanced at a picture of you. You do look incredible by the way! Your one very pretty lady! Just thought I'd let you know. Take care, Kathy
tummy tucks

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jun-13-01 AT 03:45PM (Est)[/font][p]Thanks Kathy!
i never get that photo when i go to the bio...did you get it directly?
RE: tummy tucks

Hi Cinza! You posted on another thread here on Cathe's website if anyone wanted to take a look at you and I just clicked on it and low and behold there you popped up! Kathy
I am new to Cathe's tapes and this website and have been poking around for a week or two when the subject of tummy tucks appeared.

I had one in 1995. I had a child and spent three years of weight training, step benching and doing ab work like crazy but I could not get rid of the extra pouch of skin on the lower ab area no matter what I did. There also was a layer of marshmallow under that pouch that would not budge.

After spending three years doing the maximum I could to get rid of it I finally had a tummy tuck (with a little liposuction of the saddlebag area of the outer thigh while I was at it) and I am glad I did it.

I had no complications from surgery and my lower abs are tight, with no loose skin. The scar has faded mostly but it is very low and even in a bikini you can't see it.

If anyone wants any more information about my experience you can e mail me. I am not a doctor but I can tell you whatever else you might want to know from a patient's point of view.

Marlene, e mail address: [email protected]

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