Tues Feb 15 Daily Check-In


Good morning, ladies:

I am very sore from doing BC yesterday - wow, that workout kicks butt!! I was going to do ME today but I think I will save that for tomorrow and do KPC instead. Someone mentioned that BC has a Core Premix and I am going to check that out as well. I am feeling very toned except for the core...

Hope you all have a great day and that those of you who are ill are feeling better! My eldest has the flu so it may just be a matter of time for me, and for kiddo #2. Ick. And here I was so happy that we'd avoided it this winter!

:7 :7 :7
Howdy, Ladies!
I am starting today feeling great and back on track! Yesterday was not a good day food wise. I think I am PMSing. I had to stick everything in my mouth.:9 But today is a new day. I did All Step and Stability ball of PUB.

Have a great day!
Good morning ladies,

I have been pretty busy, so I haven't checked in. Today was Lo Max & Core Max workout #2. I did Gym Style Chest & Tri's and have major DOMS in my tri's. I am loving this series!. I hope everyone is doing well!

Okay, Okay, I couldn't resist. I am still awaiting my CK Sales order, but I did receive my 2 DVDs that I preordered from Cathe at the last minute, Imax 3 and Stretch Max.
I was going to wait until a rotation was posted for the Hardcore series before cracking them open....but.....

I ended up doing SS Upper Body, SS ab segments,and the Imax 3 Premix for the intervals 1-5. Wow!!! I love it! How much fun could this be!!! I was sooo tempted to do the whole thing but I didn't have the time.
Now I am thinking I should get the gym style DVDs, which were the only ones I didn't get...!

Have a great day all!
Hi everyone,

The morning sickness is really wearing me down. I am used to waking up at 5:45 to do my workouts but instead I've been waking up at 4am nauseous and barely able to get out of bed.x( Times like this I really wish I could just stay home and not go to work!

So, I've had to move my workouts to evenings. Last night I did GS- Back, Shoulders, and Biceps. Tonight I might try some of KickMax if I feel like it.

I miss all of you but right now it's discouraging coming to these forums because I want to do the workouts that the rest of you are doing, and that I'm used to doing:(

Thanks for letting me vent,
This morning I did gym style legs and all I can say is OUCH!!!!
I'm already sore in my left hamstring. I had a difficult time doing the hamstring and glute exercises on the ball, can't keep my balance, and my foot moves when I have it up on the step.:-(
Hello everyone!

I am going to to PLB this morning and PUB later today. I got to get my house cleaned too so I got to get going.

Marie-hope you and your family stay well. Chances are you probably won't get sick since you workout alot, I have not been sick at all this winter even though everyone else was. Take Care~

Aila-I bet you were up before the crack of dawn doing your workouts as usual, huh? I don't know how you can do them soooo early, you maniac!

Carla-I think my TTOM is coming and I was very tired yesterday so I got to kick butt today. My cravings kick in too, and I always hate to be tempted, but better to be tempted earlier in the day then after dinner time. ;-)

Have a great day!

Wendy-hope you feel better. Do what you can when you can as we all have moments of sickness, don't feel bad about it at all.
Hope you have a great day!

I just changed over to morning workouts a couple of months ago and LOVE it. It took a while of getting used to, but I have so much to do later in the day with the kids. I like it better this way. I get up at 5 am on my weight days because I need to eat 30 min before. On my cardio days I get up at 5:30. Then it's shower time and on with my day. I have seen people getting up at 4-4:30. I can't get up that early.


I hope you feel better. The morning sickness will pass soon. I had it with my daughter and it was really rough. I use to drink peppermint tea to help with the nausea. I don't know if you like tea, but it really does help. Feel better soon!

Good morning...

Marie...hope you can avoid the flu!

Wendy...hope you get over the morning sickness...:(...its great you still want to get in some working out though.

Dorothy...when I did Gym Style legs last week, my hamstrings hurt a few days! The exercises on the stability ball do take some time to conquer...:)

So, I am doing Gym Style legs too and maybe the timesaver of Gym Style Chest & Triceps and then a 6 mile run....enjoy your workouts...:)...Carole
Good morning!

This morning I did SJP Step premix, then PLB standing legs, and finished it all off with BS/BF abs add-on, and stretch. A great workout. Feel really good now.

Wendybdh - I'm so sorry to hear that the nausea is so bad for you right now :-( Is it a situation of the medication magnifying the pregnancy hormones? What I mean is, once you're off the medication, do you think you'll start feeling a bit better?

I plan to do KickMax low-impact premix tomorrow, so I'm going to pull it out this afternoon and practice the combos a bit. They looked really good when I first previewed them, but possibly a bit complicated. I can't believe how flexible Cathe is in that workout. And her black shoes really make her legs look loooooooooong.

Have a great day everyone! Stay healthy!
Morning Everyone,

I will be doing PLB plus Ab from Ab Hits.

Hey Wendy, sorry to hear about the morning sickness. Just keep some saltines by your bed, and before you get out of bed have a few. That always helped me. I also kept them in the car, my purse, etc....:(

Have a great day!
Laurie Mac

Did Power Circuit last night and then previewed LowMax--looks like an AWESOME work out! I can't wait to try it!:+ I was SUPPOSED to shelve it until after the baby is born but it looks so great I won't be able to wait to atleast try a premix! Maybe I'll sneak it in at the end of the month before I start a new rotation.}(

I checked my records and I *DID* preorder Stretchmax so I emailed customer svc last night night. Just waiting for a response now.

Tonight is the standing premix of L & G and then the upper body work only from ctx kickbox.

Wendybdh-Hate to hear that you are feeling so badly.;( I was lucky enough not to get any morning sickness so I can't even relate to how you must feel. Hang in there...it will get better!

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!


Wow everyones workouts look awesome. Carol you do some long hard workouts...and you can tell you look awesome. Well today I am going to do a 6 mile run ...I did GS Legs last night...love it...it that does not whip my legs into shape nothing will. HAVE A GREAT DAY
Hi good morning. Today is KIckmax. I am going to give all I have during this workout. In kickbox you receive what you give.I think Cathe has said this in one of her post. Later if I have more energy I am going to try Low Max. I can not wait to start my workout. Have a great day everybody.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie. :) :) :)
I can't believe how many people check in so early now. I used to come on here and there were like 4 posts. It's great! You ladies all kick butt!!!
This morning was BC. Was dreading it again, but got through it and actually didn't have to pause it once for extra recovery so I must be making progress. I even did all the push ups with straight legs instead of on my knees. Woo hoo. That's a big accomplishment for me.

Wendy - I hope you feel better. I never threw up while I was in early pregnancy, but I had nausea pretty much all day long. I sucked on peppermints. It seemed to really help.

Hope everyone has a great day!


Only 3 more days until Vegas!}( Only 3 more days until I have to leave my baby for 2 days;(
Wendy, I am sorry you are feeling so ill. When I was pregnant I had to be careful to eat really regularly - that was the only thing that kept the morning sickness at bay. I know you are frustrated but it's wonderful that you are still trying to get your workouts in. Be patient, once you get through the first trimester, it does get easier!

Take care,
My workout didn't get done yesterday....DH had a nice dinner planned.

So today I'll be doing my gym ciruit.

Wendy, sorry your having morning sickness...hopefully it will pass soon.

Enjoy your day

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