TTC November 25th


Hi all,
I hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving! We traveled back to WI to see both sets of family and it was nice. It's nice to be home though too. Nothing beats your own bed! The turkey and everything was great! I managed to only gain a few pounds, but that doesn't mean I don't have a lot to lose yet! ;)

So my chart is really whacky this month and I'm wondering if it's b/c of the Clomid. I usually ovulate on CD 13 or 14 and according to FF, it's put me ovulating at CD 11! Yikes! My surge on my monitor didn't even show up until CD13 so I'm thinking that's probably more accurate than the temps. I've heard that Clomid can really affect temps during a cycle, so maybe I shouldn't bother going by temps? Anyway, I guess I'll just have to wait 2 weeks to find out the results!

Lisa - How are you? You asked earlier about good times to BD during a cycle. There are a lot of opinions on the best time and I think it all depends on your situation. For people with DH that have low sperm counts, they recommend every other day starting 5 days prior to when you think you'll ovulate. For normal folks, if you get the day before ovulation, the day of ovulation and the day after ovulation, those are the best times for success! Hope that helps!

Morris - How are you feeling. Still sick? I hope not...

Hi Autumn/Melanie/Jen! How were your Holiday's?

Kristan - Yay for the heartbeat! That has to be so cool. I never did make it that far with either of my pregnancies, so I hope my next one gives me that chance! Are you feeling better these days?

Gotta run and start cooking now!
Anne - Your chart does look like CD11 according to your temps would be o day. I'm not familiar on how the FM works so I'm not sure. But it looks like somewhere between CD11 and CD13 to me, but what do I know! Thanks for the bding input! I'm on my 2ww right now. I'm on CD27 so I'll see by the end of this week what's going on. Tons of babydust to you!!

I hope everyone is having a nice weekend. We're putting our Xmas tree up today so that should be fun. Everyone went home this am and the house is quiet. We're almost done with our yard. Our sprinklers are all set so we're just waiting for the guy to come and spray on the grass/mulch mix this week. Can't wait to finally have grass!

hi everyone!

anne, looks like you are well on your way. funny how you are ovulating early - my fingers are crossed.

lisa, i hope this is your month. why are you just putting in grass now? did you move or do something to your house? have fun with the tree. we will be getting ours soon.

hi mel - where have you been???

hi autumn, hi jen, hi kristan - hope you all are well.

i am same - still ill, still feel gross, but trucking along. this is my second week of pyramids - i was so sore last week!

i am hoping for a clean monday - who is with me?
Hi everyone! I"m not sure if I even posted last week. Life's been so busy. I did read the posts (most), but didn't really have a chance to leave a post!

Thanksgiving was great. A friend and her son came up for a couple of days. I worked just 3 days last week and will work just a couple days this upcoming week. DH will go to old home next weekend to winterize. The work is all done (painting, carpet, staging). It looks great, just need someone to look at it now!

DH has been approved for diabaility, which will help to provide some financial help (esp will 2 mortgages). He lost the vision in his left eye a couple years ago due to shingles in his eye. We have an appt in Jan at Mayo clinic for corneal transplant consult. Which leads to my exciting Jan news, I'll be working just 2 days/week at my normal job and supplementing with work in my hometown.

I"m beginning to have dreams of being pg. My "baby" turned 2 this past week, which is always tough for me. They seem to turn into Daddy's boys overnight around this age. Where's my baby?!?!?!? I want another baby!!! I suppose this is normal process of motherhood!

I ordered 4 new DVDs from fit by Tracey website. Kickboxing & step. I can only get through Amy Bento's first 3 sections of step, and it's comical. I actually have done it back to back (secitions 1-3, then repeat sections 1-3). It'll be so fun when I KNOW it.

Gotta go, will check back later!


Jadon born 11/23/05
Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94
Hi Melanie! We missed you! I'm glad everything is going well with you!

Morris - I'm in on the clean eating Monday. I really need it.

melanie, great to hear from you! while i am so sorry to hear of dh's eye sight, i am hopeful mayo clinic will have good info. also, disability will be quite helpful i am sure. that is great news about you driving less come january. will that be permanent? also, let me know what you think of your new dvd's. i am eyeing an elliptical from sears - nordic track autostrider. i don't really want one, but i know soon i will need something to make up for not running, and i cannot do step every day. i think i get a bonus at work this year, and dh always tells me to do something with it instead of just save save save as i am prone to do. perhaps, i will get one just after christmas.

lisa, how should we do our challenge? i am sooo bad these days, no will power, and my hips are showing for it. i guess one goal for me is no refined foods. also, limiting sweets. i need an okay splurge food, b/c right now, i am gorging on soy crisps, nuts, and cookies!!! wish me luck.

i did cardio fusion mix and match this morning i was supposed to run, but we had freezing rain. if it is still abd tomorrow, i will hit the treadmill.

Morris - I failed today. I had my last piece of pumpkin pie and cool whip on top. The no refined foods and limiting sweets would be great for me. How was your day today?

HAHA - i failed too lisa. miserably. i had a chocolate soy protein bar and a large cookie, also snacked too much on soy crisps. i am going to try writing everything down today for accountability. perhaps that will help. it is as thugh all my will power went flying out the window!

ds was up for several hours last night. not sure why. i finally brought him into bed with us, but then i couldn't sleep. i thought i'd skip a workout this am, but since i was not sleeping anyways, why not???hoping for a nap later.

good luck today lisa! wish me luck toox( x(
Get your rest Morris! You are pg and have a little one to take care of! I'll be praying that we both have a good day. I'm planning on doing B&G today.

Hi everyone else! Hope everyone is doing well!!

Yeah! My new DVDs came today. I have so much to learn with Amy & I almost have Cathe's high intensity step learned. Any bets if I can hold off until Christmas?!??!?!


Jadon born 11/23/05
Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94
melanie, i cannot wait to hear about your new dvd's. let me know if there are any must-gets!

lisa, yesterday (tues) was actually a good day for me, i ate balanced, and 90%clean. i felt okay too, so maybe i am turning the corner on the nausea? lets see what i can do today. how was your day?

i had a fun but cold run outside today and am hopnig to squeeze in some abs later. how is everyone? anne, did you o yet? jen, how are you? autumn, what is new? kristan, hope you are feeling good. my belly is just starting to thicken:)

where is everyone? busy with holiday stuff?

i took ds for his picture yesterday, something i never have done. it was such fun! he looked adorable and has been so sweet lately. makes me melt. yesterday's clean eating went okay - i was 85% clean. today i am determined! i am also feeling a bit better during the mid part of the day, so that helps. early am and evening still are awful. i am also trying to tackle some projects ;ike holiday baking - i usually make bread. also need to start cards and some online shopping. this weekend for sure!

mel, how are the new workouts?

lisa, when is your tww over? how is the clean eating?

hope everyone is well
I am here, just lurking lately, busy...busy...busy...

I'll have a couple days off starting tomorrow.

MORRIS!!! STOP ASKING ME ABOUT THE NEW DVDs!!! I am trying so hard NOT to do them (they're Christmas gifts). ;) :D :D :D I want to see some pics of your kiddo, can you e-mail me a couple? [email protected]

Autumn, thank you so much for the DVDs. I haven't had a chance to try them yet, I"m excited about TaeBo & Christi Taylor. It's nice for variety. I"ll send you an e-mail about the postage. ;)

Hi to everyone out there! It is FREEZING here. -22 with windchill on Tuesday.



Jadon born 11/23/05
Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94
opps - sorry, mel - i didn't realize they were a surprise for later. meanwhile, are you totally off getting an elliptical? i am going to go try one out at sears. i will try to send you some e mail pics this weekend - my little one is adorable. have fun on your days off! stay warm:
I'm trying not to want an ellipitcal right now. I'm hoping that my recent DVD fetish will wane my desire for an ellipitcal. I really want a Lifefitness Elliptical machine ($3500 new).

Last night I was snowed in International Falls. I didn't make it home to my boys, I exercised at the fitness center in town, they have Procar? It was okay but didn't have the arm things to swing (stationary arms).

Better get to work. ;)


Jadon born 11/23/05
Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94
HI all,
Just a quick note that I could use some prayers today. I just found out that Mom is having surgery to get a tracheotomy put in. She was rushed to the hospital this morning b/c she couldn't breathe. She's been in a nursing home to get her foot healed and this happens. I guess her Rheumatoid arthritis causes the vocal chords to get rigid and then they don't function properly and can't breathe or swallow. She'll have to have the trach. forever if they decide not to do surgery to fix the chords. It's a tricky surgery, I guess, b/c you have to get it just right so that there aren't issues down the road with swallowing. They did say she'll be there for a week and will try to put a tube in that is self adjusting, so she wouldn't have to put her finger over the hole to talk all the time.

Ugghhh...between my sister not talking to me and on the brink of divorce and this it's been a tough few weeks. I can't even worry about whether I'm pregnant or not.

Hope everyone is well!
Anne, just said a prayer for you and your mom. Please keep us posted.

I"m ovulating today (and yesterday). Unfortuanely DH is at the old house (and he forgot to leave me his sperm.) ;) I'm out again this month. :(

How's everyone else doing? Got your Christmas letters and pics done? Morris, I"m still waiting for those adorable pics!!!!!!!


Jadon born 11/23/05
Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94
Anne - My prayers and thoughts are with you and your family situation with your mom and sister.

Morris - Good job on the clean eating!! I've been doing bad. I have been stressed at work and AF came couple days ago. Today was okay though.

Melanie - You're so good and disciplined. Hope your DVDs make it for Xmas.

Sorry I've been MIA. I've been super busy with work and I'll be working through the weekend. I got AF a couple days back and she's mean! I hate it. I'm determined to get a workout in tonight though and hopefully the eating will get better too.

anne, i will be saying prayers for you and your mum and sister. i am so sorry for everything you are going thru but hope it is better later.

melanie, sorry you are out this month. perhaps getting the other home winterized will take a bit of stress away. i hope you enjoy some down time with the kids.

lisa, sorry things have been so stressy at home and at work. af is mean!!!! hope you are starting to feel a bit better soon.

i had my 10 week dr visit yesterday and baby is growing and doing well. i am so relieved and feel like i can finally relax a bit. very very cold and windy here today. yuck!!! bbl

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