TTC and preggers Week April 19th


Hi ladies,
Wanted to start us off while I had a reprieve from my pain. Today was pretty excruciating to say the least. Gosh, I thought with the D&C it would be different than losing it naturally, but no...had pretty bad contractions/cramping every five minutes for hours today starting at noon today and almost done now (10pm). Had to call DH home from work to help me out with the pain. He's my hero...

Anyway, I don't want to dwell, b/c it's going o.k now. Will probably just take it really easy tomorrow and try for a walk if it's really going to be 70 degrees.

How's the eating and exercising going for everyone? I actually joined SNAP fitness with DH the other day. Mostly I use the cardio machine that is really easy on my knees. I'll still do Cathe's workouts, but add in the cardio, so I can really start losing some weight. They have a great pull-up machine there too. Since I got P90X, I've been wanting a place to be able to do pullups and get stronger arms.

Hope everyone has a nice weekend!

Anne, I'm so sorry for the pain you are/were in. Glad DH can be there for you. My sisters belong to Snap too. Let us know how the pullup progress goes.
Hi Girls,
I finally think I am on the mend with the bronchitis. I went to get my allergy shot last week, and I made an appt for the very next day with the allergist to check me out. He put me on Augmentin (safe) and Singular to use at night since I can't stop coughing. It has helped somewhat. I think my bronc. tubes just need time to heal. I took a 15 minute walk on WEd, and I wanted to do more, but I started coughing my brains out (and peed myself a little in the process), so I headed home. Thurs, I had class so no exercise. But, I did Amy's Kickbox Extreme for almost 30 min on Friday before the coughing started. So, hopefully, tonight when I exercise, I will be able to go longer. Boy, I wish this didn't happen! I just hope the baby is o.k. through all of this.

Anne-You and your DH are in my prayers. I didn't post a lot (if at all) last week, but I had read almost daily. You are such an inspriation!

Hi Kristan, Morris, Maggie, Kate, and Lisa!
p.s. I have a birthday party to go to today (I am out of town right now). I made chicken wing dip, so I am sure I will indulge just a little with that and all the other goodies}( .
Anne - Ouch! I'm glad you're feeling less pain now. Is SNAP fitness a gym? I suck at pull-ups. I can use the assisted pull-ups machine where it helps lift some of your weight, but I can't pull up my full weight on my own. Hope to get there someday though.

Jen - Yay for finally feeling better! I've done the sneeze a ton and pee a little. Isn't pg fun that way?

Hi everyone else! I'm taking my kids to my parents' pool again today for another day of swimming lessons. Figure it's spending time with them and I don't have to pay for lessons if we're teaching them. Hopefully DH will also let me swim some laps while we're there so I can get some cardio in. I've been good with the weights last week, but not too much cardio. This week since I've been feeling much better lately, I'm going to up the cardio. Hope everyone is having a nice weekend!

anne, i am so sorry for all your pain. i hope things feel better soon. when do you expect to hear back from the cr's?

lisa, swimming sounds so nice. i think i would not even care about how i look in a bathing suit right now:) enjoy the cardio. glad you are feeling better.

jen, that cough sounds horrible. glad you are on the mend.

kate, did you have a nice day?

ds and i had such a great day, but i am exhausted now. we went to target and lowes, the playground, a walk, and i managed an 8 mil run and plb. cannot wait for bed!!

i was hoping i could hear some stories from you all. my parents are still very far on the outs, and the longer this goes on, the less of a chance there is for a reconcilliation i think. i am especially frustreted with my mother's attitude. she keeps saying "it is over," and "your father has to live with his choices." she is ignoring the fact he is totally open to working on things! my worry is her and my dad's presense around the birth of our baby. i feel so sad and stressed about them, and i do not want that around dh, ds or our baby. so how do i tell them that? and do i truthfully need help after the baby or will i be able to manage on my own? i know with ds, i had really no help i took advantage of and did just fine. dh will have 10 days off around the birth, but after that he is back at work (and hopefully in the country). so my question is, how did you all do the birth of your 2nd? did you have or need help? thanks for any help!
I'm really tired today and may try doing upper body later on today, but lately Sundays have truly been a day of rest.

Last week:
4DS back/biceps premix
Power Max
4DS upper body
70 min stationary bike
4DS bootcamp/lower body premix--modified
Cardio Toolbox, skipping hi/lo portion.

I have another ultrasound tomorrow--I can't believe that 4 weeks have passed already. Time is flying. I am frantically trying to finish up this year's school, so that I can break. Break will largely consist of getting my ducks in a row for next year. I actually really enjoy the planning process and the more prepared I am the more we all enjoy school.

Anne--I am sorry for your pain. Can't they give you pain meds or something? I mean emotionally it's hard enough without adding the physical pain to it. I'm glad for your dear husband being there for you.

Morris--I was going to ask you about your parents today. I'm sorry your mother is being so hard-hearted. I hope he stays willing to work things out. Maybe she will come around. I do think that going from one child to two was the hardest transition of any, but it can be done--you just may have to lower your standards on how clean the house is, etc. It really depends a lot on whether you have a mellow baby or a "caffinated" one. Will you get to take some time off work? Could you do some freezer meals to prepare for post partum? Just having some frozen easy meals on hand is something that I really enjoy for those days I'm too tired to cook.

Jen--I'm glad to hear that you are on the mend. You've been through a lot with all the nausea and illness and ticks and such. I hope you feel better for the duration of your pregnancy.

Lisa--Swimming seems like it would be excellent cardio for pregnancy as there is really no impact. How nice that you have access to a pool.

Kristan--How did the house thing go?

Kate--Officially welcome to the 2nd trimester. You and I are 10 weeks apart (since I have stolen back my original due date}( )

take care, everyone
Jen, Good to see ya! Glad you're getting some relief. Your party sounds yummY!!!!!

Lisa, Hope you got your swim in. Yes, Snap is a gym - a chain place. My sisters really like it. It's open 24 hours.

Morris, Yes! I had a great day! Sounds like you did too - a full one! Where do you get your energy woman?!:) Re the help w/ #2: I am a really independent person and I don't typically ask for any help. DH was home for less than a week after #2 was born and I did okay. I get TERRIBLE PPD so I would cry a lot but I was capable to do everything. How old will DS be when baby comes? Gina was 26 months when Isabel was born and it was manageable. Maybe your parents will "grow up" to be able to be a help to you???

Maggie, Great WOs - glad you're getting a rest day. Hope the US goes well - any of the kids coming?

I had a nice long walk with my youngest sis tonight - a little over an hour. I was too tired for a Cathe.

See you tomorrow!
Jen- is the chicken wing dip the one with diced ckicken, hot wing sauce, cheese, etc? That's always a crowd pleaser.

Morris- you're still putting me to cardio shame. Would you slow down for my self esteem? j/k

Lisa- glad you're swimming. It's a nice way to mix things up. Can you swim outside?

Maggie- the photo shoot was painless. I am pleased with how well I cleaned 4 of our rooms (tv, kitchen, spare bedroom, dining...)

My week was good. I know this week will be slower because my husband is out of town again and I have a lot going on. Did I mention we had an earthquake on Thursday? We live in MISSOURI- I woke up at 4:30 with the shaking and I thought it was our AC on the roof, then I thought it was the dog scratching herself on the bed. By the time I figured out that it was an earthquake, it was over. It was freaky and certainly a wake up call for emergency preparedness. So far this year we've had snow storms, floods, an earthquake and certainly a tornado will come soon. Just waiting for the swarm of locusts.

mond- IMAX 2
tues- gym cardio, ME upper
weds- nothing
thurs- KPC core, run/walk and stairs at Gateway Arch (these:

fri- gym style legs (standing only)
sat- gym run and bike

I keep meaning to walk, then I get really sore, and running feels better. Weird.

I did a ton of gardening and yard clean up today. I am tired. I'll be 30 weeks soon.
Kristan, Scary on the quake! Yikes! Great workouts and good job on the gardening. I need to clean out my flower beds but.... a nap always sounds better!:)
I just lost a long postx(

Recap: I had my ultrasound today and after reviewing all the evidence, my ob and I decided to give me back my old date, August 18. Hurray!

The tech was really cool and gave me a few 4D pics of the baby (I'm not supposed to tell and I won't tell anyone in my neck of the woods, but I don't think ya'll are all going to relocate to Oregon for free baby pics) Her little face is so sweet, but a little bony as I am just 23 weeks along.

Kristan--"swarm of locusts":7 :7 although that can happen in certain parts of the country, I guess--have you read the Little House Books? It happens in "On the Banks of Plum Creek"--devestating.

Kate--no one went with me today. They stayed home to help Grandma manage the little ones and to visit with their great uncle, who built me 2 raised beds for gardening, if it would ever warm up.

Hi Jen! Hi Lisa! Hi Morris! Hi Anne!

take care
23 weeks today for real
maggie, that is almost as great as finding out you are ahead of schedule! yeah on the pics too. i'd love to see my little ones face, but alas, oregon is too far:)

kristan, that is nuts about the earth quake. gardening sounds fun! i'd be sore from that for sure. i sometimes find running more comfy than walking too - kind of odd.

kate, hope you are feeling good!

i enjoyed a long run and pub today. now i am ready for bed. tomorrow is a work day. thanks for the advice/shared experiences regarding the next baby. kate, i too am very self sufficient and just did not need/accept help with ds. i can lower my house cleaning standards for sure, but i hope i manage some time to exercise. i think that is what kept me from getting ppd - something i worry about! did you have ppd with both or just one, if you do not mind me asking? maggie, i thought it was so interesting that you found the transition from 1-2 the toughest, and now you are on 7. makes sense in a way, though.

have a great day everyone.
Maggie, I HATE to lose a post! WHY does that happen?!
Glad you got your due date back - congrats! Cool on the pix too!

Morris, No worries on the Qs. I had PPD with both of them. It was worse with #2. Way worse. I cried DAILY for a couple hours every morning for 6 weeks. I didn't tell anybody about it for the whole time except Mike of course. The day I told somebody (SIL) I bawled all morning. She helped me with the girls, ordered Pizza Hut delivery, and the next day the PPd was gone. It was like I just needed to admit to someone that I was having a hard time. I reallyreally hope I don't get it this time. I hear a lot of women say going from 1-2 is the hardest. I'll find out soon!

I had this crazy burst of energy so at 9PM I did B&G standing work! I was so proud of myself. I made myself totally ignore the time - now I have a lot of paperwork to do for the accountant. Yuck.

Tuesday afternoon I go to my midwife for a heartbeat check. DDs are coming - I'm so excited! I hope that little stinker cooperates this time!
Maggie- I am a huge LHOTP fan. Laura Ingalls Wilder settled in Missouri for much of her life and wrote the LHOTP books when she lived here. I keep wanting to drag my husband to her farmstead in Mansfied, MO but so far he's been unwilling to fulfill my Little House travel fantasies.
i don't know what i liked better, the show lhotp or the books. both so good. another fav along the same line is anne of green gables....

kate, impressive you worked out at 9pm!! could you still sleep? i started my workout at 4:30am b/c i could not sleepx( that will not feel good later. thanks for the info on the ppd. i cried uncontrolably when my milk came in with ds, but otherwise did not have an issue. i just feel so different this time around. also, with stuff with my folks, i just am having a hard time overall, and all emotions feel more volatile and close to the surface. infact, i am a bit weepy as i am writing this at work no less. better sign off - just a hormonal day.

this am i di body max 2 scrambled and blasts from lic. maybe i should have worked harder to keep hormones at bay;(
Hi Kristan!

Oh Morris, Big hug!!! Sorry its an emotional day. With #1 the ppd started when the milk came in too - funny but not. I hope all of the family drama dies down and you can enjoy that new baby.
Yes, I could still sleep after a late WO. Thankfully late WOs have never effected me that way. I'm tired no matter what!

Got to hear baby's heartbeat today! Nice and strong and some kicking too! Wish I could feel it. A few more weeks though I'm sure. DDs were very excited.

How's everybody doing?
Hi all,
Kate - Heartbeats and kicking, how exciting for you!

Morris - Sorry about your parents. It's got to be hard to be pregnant and emotional without throwing that into the mix. It's tough, I can relate. My twin sister that started divorce proceedings has possibly decided to talk to her husband again. I'm hoping they can still work things out before it's too late, if it isn't already. I hope your parents can work things out too. Hope you start feeling better soon.

Kristan - my sister is a HUGE LHOTP fan and took me to Pepin, WI to see one of the museum's there. I have to say I wasn't as excited about it as her, but it was kind of neat seeing everything. I think she's been to a bunch of them already and it trying to see all the places as well. Hope you can get your DH there too!

Lisa - SNAP fitness is a small chain of gyms around the US. They just have cardio equipment and then your basic circuit weight training stuff. I wanted to see if it made a big difference on my knees. Oh, and I CAN'T do a pull up. I only do the assisted one's as well with the weights. I'll probably never be able to do a real one, but I like the assisted machine a lot.

Maggie - that's cool that you get a 3D (4d?) picture of everything. I have a friend that could totally see the baby's facial features, more towards the end and it looked a lot like her husband.

Jen - hope you're feeling better these days. I can't believe that cold (bronchitis) thing is still holding on for this long. Maybe the nice weather will help you get over it.

Well, I ended up in the ER yesterday, b/c the pain was so bad. Turns out I wasn't taking enough Ibuprofen to keep me pain free. I was afraid of taking too much. They at least checked everything out and I don't have infection or anything. Just a lot of clotting and pain. I just don't understand why it's so bad for me each time. I actually have a very high pain threshold and everyone that I've talked to that's gone through this, said they've never had the cramping and contractions that I keep experiencing. Anyway, I just have to keep myself pumped with about 12-15 Ibu a day to keep the pain at bay. That can't be good for a stomach, but I can't do anything else.

Just a lot of crying jags at work today too. We have 3 other ladies that are preggers at work, so hard to see that everyday now that I'm not. But, I still think I have a chance, so not giving up just yet.

Hi to anyone that I missed.
I am supposed to be doing work for grad class, but this is way more interesting:) . I do feel a lot better, and I haven't had any coughing fits since Sunday morning. I also was able to take a 45 min walk lastnight and do one of the upper body premixes (chest, shoulder, back) on one of the 4-Day Split DVDs.

Morris-Sorry to hear that your hormones are out of whack. We must be on the same wavelength. I felt "off" all day long. I still feel like having a good cry, but I didn't yet. These older ladies were talking at work in the lunch room about how lucky they were to either stay home/the other one kept bragging about how lucky she was that her mother watched her kids. They kept going on and on about how awful it must be for me not to have any family here (they are 1 hour away for goodness sakes), and how expensive it must be to pay for daycare, how it must be so terrible to have to leave a child at daycare, blah, blah, blah. Usually, I have snappy comebacks, but I just was shocked and said, "well, things were different when you raised your kids". The one said, "No, we just didn't have to have everything that kids today must have." I wanted to say F-U, but I didn't;) . Then, when I got home, nothing went right either. I had a really bad headache (sign of hormones going nuts). I took a Tylenol and I feel better with the headache, but still "off". Hopefully, we will both have a better day tomorrow! Great workouts, by the way!

Kate-I am so happy you got to hear the heartbeat. I am anxiously waiting to feel the baby too.

Maggie-I bet those 4D pics look great. Insurance doesn't cover them (the 4D ones) for me.

Kristan-One of my students told me that her mom felt the earthquake too. She was in Indiana. That is scary!

Anne-I am sure that each day will get a little easier for you. You continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.

Hi Lisa:)

Morris--I'm really hormonal too--I tend to be an introvert anyway (imagine that with going on 7 kids--God has a sense of humor), but this pregnancy it's become more extreme--people outside my very close friends and my immediate family just bug me. I'm overly sensitive and take everything as judgement and critism. I'm sure you will find a way to work out with 2 little ones. I'm amazed you get it such long ones with a toddler and no older siblings to entertain him. I think you'll do fine.

Kate--hurray on hearing the heartbeat! How fun. I think that with your daughters being the ages they are, they will be great helpers and this 3rd child will definitely be easier. They can also probably do lots for themselves, which makes a big difference.

Kristan--I wish I lived close enough to any of the Laura places to go and see her museums/homesteads. It would be a major trip for us. Maybe when your kids are older, you could talk dh into an educational field trip or maybe find another mom to go with. I grew up with the books and now read them to our children every few years. I never really saw the show because I grew up without tv.

Anne-I'm sorry you are in such pain. I'm surprised you didn't get vicoden or percoset. I don't think that taking so much ibuprofen will hurt you if it's only for a short while. And it's got to be hard working around all the pregnant women. I think that would be heart-breakingly difficult. I will just continue to lift you up in prayer. (((hugs)))

Jen--(((hugs))) to you too. I just wish people would keep their opinions to themselves. It is so unhelpful when people just spout off on what they thing you ought to be doing with your life. Believe me, I get it all the time--about different issues, but still, it can make me crazy sometimes. My husband is a great sounding board--very easy going and doesn't take it as personally as I do. What grad course are you taking?

Hi Lisa!

23 weeks, 1 day
Maggie - Yay for getting your old due date back! Lucky you for getting a 4D u/s pic! That's really cool. I agree with you about going from 1 to 2 was quite difficult. I wonder how 2 to 3 will be.

Morris - I'm sorry you're still dealing with all the emotions of your parents' situation. It might be a difficult transition with 2 kids, but you will somehow find a way to make everything work.

Kate - Yay for hearing baby's hb and kicking! Funny how we can't feel the kicking, but apparantly they are moving like crazy in there.

Anne - I hope your pain goes away quickly. I don't remember having that much pain after my miscarriage, but I know the bleeding felt like forever. We're thinking of getting an elliptical for the house since going to the gym has been harder for us these days. Having equipment to work out on at the gym is nice though.

Jen - Don't you love how people don't know how to shut their mouths? Hope the rest of the week is better for you.

Kristan - Swimming is a nice change, but I wish I had a pool that was more easily accesible and closer to home.

Sorry I have been a bit MIA, but work has been super stressful and I'm just so exhausted when I get home. I really have been hating work and I'm just more emotionally irritable these days. I'm fustrated that I have no energy to workout and my time is spent working or taking care of the day to day things. I guess non-pg, working out at night was not a problem, but being pg and trying to muster up energy to workout at night has been difficult. I have to find my "me time". Tomorrow is my genetic counseling and u/s so I will update you guys after my appt.

I got back from my genetic counseling and u/s. The NT scan was good. Baby's neck measured normal and hb was 170. We got 4D pics as well as regular ones and we also got a CD of the pics. I'm amazed at how much technology has changed since my last pg. It was really neat to see the baby move and see features like the nose, mouth, and feet. Anyway, I'm feeling so much better today. I think it's because I had the day off so I'm going to try some 4DS LIS in the afternoon after my food digests.


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