Ttap Brush


...has anyone used this anti-cellulite brush?? I just looked at the web site and the bristles look painful!! Can anyone summarize the brush pattern you're supposed to use, what results they've gotten and how hard those bristles actually are!!??

:) Stacy
We can't tell you the brush pattern because it's copyrighted (or patented, I'm not sure which.) But Teresa Tapp says at the beginning of the skin brush tape that you can brush in the shower at first if it's too painful. I did, and it helped a lot (although it kinda ruined the brush and got moldy- that's mostly my fault for not drying it properly.)

The brush is basically just a very stiff sisal-fiber body brush.
Stacy, do you read the FitPrime forum? I just posted on this topic today.

If not, let me know, and I'll C&P it here.


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