TS workout #1 - those push-ups!!


Wow!! I just can't believe those push-ups in TS #1...has anyone tried the workout blender to sequence them right after the step section, before all the weight work, and if so does it make a difference? I thought I was getting pretty good with push-ups, but these just slay me!!!
I feel the same way - I just cannot believe that any human can do that sequence. It is my personal goal to master that some day - but I fear it is a long, long way off.

I never thought of doing them right away - good idea... I know that I had so much trouble with the stability ball pikes in PUB until I stopped doing them after lifting, and started doing them separately. Maybe I will master those push-ups yet!!
I'm so glad you guys posted this! I've been feeling the same way. I don't mind pushups and can do them pretty well but THESE- YOW! they're in all class all their own. As I did it today I remember wishing it was before the weight work and DUH!... Workout Blender! (smacking my forehead here!) I DO have the technology, right? Thanks for the idea, TerryMia. And I don't know about you, but these pushups really get my heartrate up, more so than the regular ones. I'm with you Tracy- we'll master these darn slow pushups, yet!

Elizabeth:) :) :)
Wow ! I thought that was me... Thank you for posting this ;-)
I have tried to do them before any weight training, and it is awfully undoable, muscles are not warm enough. So when I am brave enough, I do them after my weight training, after push and pull for example, and it is easier (but I still have to make a break)... These are my new challenge !:)
Those bloody pushups! Ouch. How can a woman (no offence - you know what i mean!) do so many pushups! It hurts me, physcially and internally! Cathe, respect to you. Queen of pain!!! x
Hi Tamikka !

I just wanted to say that I had a look at your website : congratulations, you look great !;-)
Thanks for your responses, everyone...glad I'm not alone on thinking these are killer! These are the only Cathe pushups, of all her workouts I have, where I have to modify to my knees!! :(
Ok - am I the only one left who can't do "boy" push-ups, and has to still do "girl" push-ups, on her knees?
Yikes - guess I'd better get workin' on those push-ups!!!!!!
Any soreness from these?

I did these yesterday--I did the cardio and skipped to the pushups. They are tough indeed. What I find interesting, though, is where I am sore today, which is somewhere I don't recall ever being sore. My muscles on the sides of my back, under my arms along the sides of my rib cage, are what's sore. Maybe from the rows? Struck me as odd, frankly! I didn't do any other work yesterday that would account for the soreness, so I am pretty sure it was the pushups.
Have you counted the time for the rest after the first set? Four seconds! The only way I can do these all the way through is to rest for a minute before starting them, and then a minute in between sets, like in S&H. If I do that, I can do them all on my toes. If I try to do them with the rest (cough, cough) that Cathe and crew uses, I have to do most of them on my knees.
I did them yesterday for the first time and woke up this morning soooo sore in my pec area .... and I NEVER get sore from Cathe's weight work anymore !

Now I know I'm not alone !

No, I can't do big boy pushups either... err, maybe ONE or two and I fall to kiss the floor!! I have always had a hard time with that. Oh, and holding the pushup when close to the floor-- Yikes!
I did this workout for the first time today and I agree - these pushups are tough! I had to do most of this on my knees. Guess I'll have to work on them!

I tried to do them yesterday and I agree. This is a really tough section of the workout. Funny thing is that I'm not sore in my pecs today at all, but I am sore in the triceps. I'm wondering if I did something wrong.

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