trying to have a baby..


My husband and I have been trying for about 11 months. I was on Birth Control for around 10 years ( I am 32) I am debating whether to see a fertility dr. or not. It doesn't seem that long, but it get's frustrating. Also, all my friends get pregnant if they even think about it.
Any dvice or opionions is appreciasted!
Hi Lizzy! Infertility is defined as one year of unprotected intercourse without conception. If I were you, I would make an appointment with a fertility specialist, especially if you have been mointoring your ferility signs. If you have any temp charts, etc., take it with you to your appointment. Most physicians find this helpful, of course, you can always ask when you make the appointment.

If you don't already own it, you may opt to purchase the book "Taking Charge of Your Fertility" by Toni Weschler. This book is very helpful regarding the signs of fertility, so you can properly time intercourse. This author recommends considering testing and treatment if you have not concieved after 4 to 6 cycles of properly timed intercourse.

I have been down the infertility road twice. The second time... I sought treatment after only 4 cycles of unprotected intercourse during my most fertile time. I had miscarried in October and in March had not conceived despite properly timed intercourse. I am thankful I did not delay this, because there were a few problem that were easily fixed. Please remember, that was my experience and you must do what is best for you.

Good luck and keep us posted!

I now have a beatiful baby girl 3 months old. I was sure I had infertility problems after 8 months of trying. My sister in law got pregnant the first month of trying, my friend got pregnant the second months,so I was convinced there was a problem. I too was 32 at the time and had my daughter at 33, I actually conceived just prior to my 33 birthday. I finally bought the book taking charge of your fertility and began charting my temperature. The second month of charting I conceived, much to my suprise on day 30 of my cycle. Timing can be tough especially if your cycle is irregular. I too was so stressed that i posted here asking why is it so hard to get pregnant. Check with your doctor as well , if I did't conceive when I did we were going to schedule fertility tests. Good luck.
Shopaholic and Autumn,
I haven't been very good with charting my cycles yet because just recently I realized it has been almost a year. I am definatly going to purchase the book and hopefully my timing is just off.
Thanks for such a quick response.
ps I will keep you posted on any updates
Good to hear... I posted a response on the other board... recommending the Wechsler book and a couple more months. Good luck!
Another quick piece of advice, I can't read thermometers which is one of the reasons, I waited to chart. I also thought it was going to be too complicated. I bought a digital basil thermometer for only a few bucks, and patterns were real clear and as the book said did show me I was pregnant. But realize, you need to use other signs because by the time temperature rises, you have already ovulated. Charting helped me to see that I hadn't yet ovulated. Good luck and hopefully soon your story will be like mine , posting soon after asking for advice on getting pregnant that I was pregnant. its so funny how we spend so many years trying not to get pregnant, then so long trying to get pregnant.

Please do keep us updated. I think you have received solid advice. I still think it may be beneficial to seek medical advice. In Taking Charge of Your Fertility, the author recommends a semen analysis "for those who have been trying at random for a year or have been timing intercourse for 4 cylces". It is not an effort to scare or push you, but many well meaning people advised me to relax and give it time. Thank goodness, I followed my instincts and the advice in the book or I may not be pregnant (Knock on wood :), so please listen to the inner voice :). I tell my clients/patients that they know their bodies best, so I listen.

I should have asked you are your cycles regular? Cycles should regulate 6 months after stopping the pill (assuming you had regular cycles before). You can use the "calendar method" of Fertilitly Awareness AKA Natural Family Planning to estimate ovualtion. If you want more information until you receive your book, just let me know.

Forgive me... I could go on and on about this subject. It is a subject close to my heart. :) Keeping my fingers crossed for ya!


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