Trying to Fit Yoga in For Wed March 21


Morning Ladies-

I did Speedbody Full Body followed by Abs/Core and a 30 minute power walk on the treadmill. Workout was 1 hour 35 minutes and I burned 495 calories. I also did MTV Yoga 50".

MTV Yoga was a bit more enjoyable then the last time I did it (if I ever did this one - can't remember if I only did the other MTV yoga one before). She didn't hold the poses long enough to get the tightness out (for me.........but I'm pretty stiff today from Fluidity, etc).

Speaking of stiffness/soreness. I'm going to try to force myself to take a rest day this week maybe I need the recovery, but we'll see how that goes come Saturday morning LOL! I never know if I'm working out too hard or not hard enough. I have difficulty finding balance and I think I may be going overboard.

Yve - Pandora is declining again. She started not eating and becoming lethargic yesterday and now today, she won't even purr when you hold her and talk to her and she has only eaten a few bites of food and we've had to take her out and set her in front of her food bowls. I'm calling the Vet today to discuss her with him. Sounds like you had a nice time with Mom & Dad. You're lucky you have your Dad to walk you down the isle. My father died when I was 17 and I REALLY missed him on my wedding day when he couldn't walk me down the isle.

Jen - Ooh.....good YBB's. You'll have fun with those soon! I'm going to try doing a Kundalini practice in the AM once in a while. I found I actually enjoyed it in the morning, as I was able to enjoy the effects ....for a while at least.....I started to feel worse later in the day, but it's better that than going to bed afterwards, right? For protein, I eat low fat cheese, fat free-sugar free yogurt, whole wheat, green beans and almonds mostly. I don't get enough protein either. I'm reading the nutrition guide that came Speedbody and it talks about food combining and soy for protein for vegetarians, etc. It has recipes in it, but my stove doesn't work.......hasn't for years. I don't think I could stomach eggs in the microwave....yuk....but I have been eating eggs at my Mom's at lunch since I've been off of work. I don't know what is up with me lately, as I have been famished ALL of the time!!! I can't even go 3 hours before I'm starving! I think I'm eating too much....and I'm trying to watch portion sizes and trying to practice "going hungry", but I can't stand being hungry. I once heard that if you get thru the stomach growling phase, it will eventually get better ........but not in me!! My jeans are too tight! I need to lose weight. I haven't really gained any I don't know why my jeans are too tight. I think I built too much muscle from that leg rotation I did....I don't know!! The University job is for a Data Entry Clerk for the Admissions Office. It's basic secretarial/data entry with the students, etc.

I have a hair cut scheduled this morning. I'll be back later.
Hi Ladies! No WO for me tonight....and thank GOD I am finally on vacation. :) :) :) :) DH already said no sleeping in for me though, he is letting the dogs wake me up at the usual time! x(

Yve-Oh no! You deserve a new computer...surely it will help you will all the wedding planning you have to do! It will help keep you organized and mentally sane! Am I helping you make up your mind? :) Have I closed the deal?! :) My goodness-I hope your mom is doing better. It's amazing how things can change-a fall is just a whoopsey-daisy when you're a kid to something that can be so serious as an adult. x( Glad you had a nice dinner with mom & dad. Are they excited about the wedding? Are they helping you plan? How do they get along with SO? Do you like SOs parents? The yard work on Sunday was basically picking up yard waste and weeding. We have a huge tree that's beautiful but drops those spikey, gumball shaped things all over the ground. I have to pick them up because it makes the yard look so much cleaner and so that the puppies don't get them stuck in their paws. x(

Lora-Wow, you lost your dad when you were only 17. That's so young to lose him...and so much for you to deal with. I can understand how much you missed him at your wedding. I feel the same way about having a baby without my mom being around. Right after she passed away, I became very disinterested in having kids-figured what's the point if she is not here to see it. It was really hard to go to baby showers for friends right around that time...would always come home and cry my eyes out. I still miss her everyday and my grandmother, too. My mom was actually in the hospital around the time me and my husband got married, so that's why we just decided one day to go to the courthouse and get it done. At the time, we just figured it would be best not to stress everyone out with all kinds of plans and it was best to have the focus on her, not some big event for us. Also, we are an interracial couple (I am white and he is black) and didn't want to deal with what people were thinking about the whole thing, so we just kept it between us. OK, well...that's TMI on Jen this evening...let's move on shall we before this becomes an Oprah show....

I am really, really sorry Pandora is not better. I was hoping she would turn around. I hope the vet can do something else for her. You have taken such good care of her....still I know this must be so hard on you.

Have a good night, ladies! I hope to be around a little more over the next couple of days.

Hi ladies,

Today's workout was Seane Corne 90 minutes vinyasa.

It is so cold and damp today. I think I have a cold - either that or allergies.

Lora and Jen - I am so sorry for your loss - and at such a young age. I can't think of anything more traumatic or heartbreaking than losing someone you love and admire so much - especially at such an important time in your life. What I can say to you both - just from chatting with you in the last months - that if they are looking down at you from above - they'd both be very proud of the people that you are.

Lora - I hope that Pandora is comfortable - and praying still that this illness is temporary for her. I am sure she knows that you love her very much.

Jen - Ok - would you tell me what to buy then?? Make and model please!! :D I have had this computer since 1999. That is the last time I priced them out and looked into technology - it is embarassing - but true! My parents do like SO - and yes I do like his parents also. My parents have been helping me with some of the planning. I have made it a point to ask their opinion so that they feel included. The challenge is that the wedding is in a few short months - so - there isn't alot of time to go back and forth on decisions. I think your emotions around the reasoning for not having a family is quite common after dealing with a loss. Same is true for having to attend functions for your friends. I think that if the time comes that you are ready to have a family - you will know in your heart. How long have you been married? Any plans for your vacation? A nice big yard sounds amazing. I find weeding very relaxing - especially after the rain when I can get at them so much easier. I know what you mean about the gumball things.. we have a spruce tree that drops pinecones and needles everywhere. I am forever picking them up.

Have a nice eveing ladies... I am going beddy-bye now!


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