Trying to Fit Yoga In for Wed March 14


This morning I did Keli Roberts New Definitions followed by Yoga on Demand 30" practice. This Keli DVD is a functional fitness type of weight workout with drills. Each drill has a FF weighted move - 1 lower body - 1 upper body and then a plyometric drill. The Plyo drill mimics the lower body work you just it's like a double blast. It is followed up with planks and ab/core work with a dumbbell and some pilates type abs thrown in and ends with a stretch. This was a good workout and I burned 300 calories. Although, my muscles never feel totally worked when I do functional fitness moves rather than isolating specific muscles like you do in a traditional weight workout. I know FF is important do it.

Had to cut the workout short this AM as my one cat is very sick and she has an early vet appt. I'm very worried about her. She's lost a bit of weight and yesterday, she started acting VERY sick. She hasn't been eating real well and then yesterday she started throwing up....and this went on all day and night. She has been lying by my feet and if I get up and move her (cuz I have to move) she plops down right where I set her down like it's an effort to even get comfortable. Needless to say I'm VERY worried that we are looking at something a bit on the serious side and I'm not really ready to say goodbye to her just yet. She's just pushing 10 years old.

Jen - you're question about Beachbody cracked me up. Now you sound like me! I've purchased EVERY single product they've put out since the original P90 when I discovered them! Of all of the things that are "must haves" for me - Beachbody is one of them. Others (in case you're interested) are CIA's, Cathe's and Amy's. Debbie Siebers Slim Series Express is due out any day now. It's supposed to be a small system of 30 minute express workouts along the same line as her Slim in 6/Slim Series workouts. I'm sure I'll purchase those also. Also, new Turbo Jam is usually always in the works at I assume we'll see more TurboJam's some time this year. Not sure about any other future things they have up their sleeves. I like the way you shake your booty in Cardio Cabaret. It always feels so good on my hips. You'll know what I mean when you do it.

Yve - I'll let you know about Fluidity. I only have 1 or 2 DVDs coming .....not sure. I won an intermediate workout, but I'm bidding on an advanced one also but it has 2 more days to go. I say go for the acupuncture. It doesn't hurt at all. You probably only feel a little pinch (although I'm not afraid of needles at all).

I'll be back a bit later.
Good day ladies,

I skipped pilates tonight - as I just wasn't up to it. I may go down and do some light yoga though tonight - perhaps shiva is in order for tonight. I am wired and very tired.

Lora - Sending good vibes that your cat will be ok.

Hi to Meg and Jen.

Hi ladies! Took my forced rest day today. Got home 1 hour before BEDTIME :( !!!!

Lora-I broke down and got some of the YBBs. That is good news about Turbo Jam-I hope they do put out something else this year. That is funny....I am getting just like you about the Beachbody stuff. It does seem like they do a good job. I am looking at what else they have....P90X is still on my list. I am thinking about Slim in 6 or Slim Series, too but maybe I will wait until the express workouts come out that you mentioned. I gave one of my coworkers Gurmukh's book to read and another her DVD to WO to. So interested to see what they think. The one that has the DVD has done the WO once already and seemed weirded out by it, but in a good way...she doesn't want to give it back and is thinking about buying her own copy. Can't wait till she tries Ravi & Ana's. I also lent her Ellen's Crunch Yoga/Pilates Slimdown DVD. (Obviously, we are good friends! :) ) Still thinking about you and your cat and what you must be going through. I really hope she takes a turn for the better!

Yve-Oh goodness, you don't sound like your usual cheerful self! I hope you are able to get some decent rest! Have you tried any of the natural stuff Lora mentioned before? I swear, they really can work small miracles sometimes. You have really been working out alot lately...take care and give yourself a rest day if you're just not up to it. :) Time to get out a good tea and curl up for awhile! Since you like tea, have you tried a good Chamomile or Sleepytime tea?

Meg-Nice WO today! The weather is so beautiful right now. How is Chase doing? Still being mouthy?


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