Morning Ladies -
This morning I did Tracey Staehle's High Intensity Step Mix 2. Workout was 57" and I burned 511 calories. Some day, I'll have to skip to the end I've only ever done the first part of this workout.
Have great workouts everyone. Must leave for work early, as we're having another snowstorm. So sick of this weather.
Jen - It's tough preparing for my job....on Sundays, I practically get suicidal. I pretty much hit my knees every morning and pray my little heart out and then I try to "suck it up" and get thru it the best I can. I'm such a freakin' sensitive person and being a recovering addict doesn't help with self esteem issues, self confidence, etc.....needless to say, it's a daily struggle.....but yes, thank God I have my exercise. No wonder I've had 2 stress fractures from working out too much!! I'm the only one that gets talked to like that. The office manager loves everyone else there....and just dislikes my personality, so she seems to single me out. She says I frustrate her. She says I don't listen......but when I asked her to describe "not listening"....she described herself telling me the proper way to do something and me not doing it that way. I told her that that's called making a mistake .....not "not listening"! I guess everyone else there is perfect? and doesn't make mistakes? As far as how it was there long ago.....I can only remember it vaguely. I was 19 and back then, I was doing nothing really phased me...but I do remember her being very strict and I do remember that she used to get "put out" with me, but it just didn't bother me back I was generally always pretty much in an "altered state", nor did I care so much about my job.......cuz I was only a kid!
Have a great day everyone.
ETA: Speaking of recovering.....has anyone been watching that VH1 show Celebrity Rehab? I've been watching it and the other day that one girl that used to be a porn star got real emotional over going back into the dance studio after not doing ballet for years and I could really relate to how emotional she was about it. I tend to become very emotional over things that I lost interest in due to my drug use, etc. As a matter of fact, if you want to get an idea of how much of a struggle it is for an addict to lead a "normal" life....this show is pretty accurate. It's been very emotional to watch. I wonder how many of them will make when you leave recovery, I think they tell you that maybe 1 or 2 of you will most likely stay clean out of the group. The relapse rate in recovering addicts is tremendously high. It's a shame. Tough disease!
This morning I did Tracey Staehle's High Intensity Step Mix 2. Workout was 57" and I burned 511 calories. Some day, I'll have to skip to the end I've only ever done the first part of this workout.
Have great workouts everyone. Must leave for work early, as we're having another snowstorm. So sick of this weather.
Jen - It's tough preparing for my job....on Sundays, I practically get suicidal. I pretty much hit my knees every morning and pray my little heart out and then I try to "suck it up" and get thru it the best I can. I'm such a freakin' sensitive person and being a recovering addict doesn't help with self esteem issues, self confidence, etc.....needless to say, it's a daily struggle.....but yes, thank God I have my exercise. No wonder I've had 2 stress fractures from working out too much!! I'm the only one that gets talked to like that. The office manager loves everyone else there....and just dislikes my personality, so she seems to single me out. She says I frustrate her. She says I don't listen......but when I asked her to describe "not listening"....she described herself telling me the proper way to do something and me not doing it that way. I told her that that's called making a mistake .....not "not listening"! I guess everyone else there is perfect? and doesn't make mistakes? As far as how it was there long ago.....I can only remember it vaguely. I was 19 and back then, I was doing nothing really phased me...but I do remember her being very strict and I do remember that she used to get "put out" with me, but it just didn't bother me back I was generally always pretty much in an "altered state", nor did I care so much about my job.......cuz I was only a kid!
Have a great day everyone.
ETA: Speaking of recovering.....has anyone been watching that VH1 show Celebrity Rehab? I've been watching it and the other day that one girl that used to be a porn star got real emotional over going back into the dance studio after not doing ballet for years and I could really relate to how emotional she was about it. I tend to become very emotional over things that I lost interest in due to my drug use, etc. As a matter of fact, if you want to get an idea of how much of a struggle it is for an addict to lead a "normal" life....this show is pretty accurate. It's been very emotional to watch. I wonder how many of them will make when you leave recovery, I think they tell you that maybe 1 or 2 of you will most likely stay clean out of the group. The relapse rate in recovering addicts is tremendously high. It's a shame. Tough disease!