Trying To Fit Yoga In for Tuesday February 26


Morning Ladies -

This morning I did Tracey Staehle's High Intensity Step Mix 2. Workout was 57" and I burned 511 calories. Some day, I'll have to skip to the end I've only ever done the first part of this workout.

Have great workouts everyone. Must leave for work early, as we're having another snowstorm. So sick of this weather.

Jen - It's tough preparing for my job....on Sundays, I practically get suicidal. I pretty much hit my knees every morning and pray my little heart out and then I try to "suck it up" and get thru it the best I can. I'm such a freakin' sensitive person and being a recovering addict doesn't help with self esteem issues, self confidence, etc.....needless to say, it's a daily struggle.....but yes, thank God I have my exercise. No wonder I've had 2 stress fractures from working out too much!! I'm the only one that gets talked to like that. The office manager loves everyone else there....and just dislikes my personality, so she seems to single me out. She says I frustrate her. She says I don't listen......but when I asked her to describe "not listening"....she described herself telling me the proper way to do something and me not doing it that way. I told her that that's called making a mistake .....not "not listening"! I guess everyone else there is perfect? and doesn't make mistakes? As far as how it was there long ago.....I can only remember it vaguely. I was 19 and back then, I was doing nothing really phased me...but I do remember her being very strict and I do remember that she used to get "put out" with me, but it just didn't bother me back I was generally always pretty much in an "altered state", nor did I care so much about my job.......cuz I was only a kid!

Have a great day everyone.

ETA: Speaking of recovering.....has anyone been watching that VH1 show Celebrity Rehab? I've been watching it and the other day that one girl that used to be a porn star got real emotional over going back into the dance studio after not doing ballet for years and I could really relate to how emotional she was about it. I tend to become very emotional over things that I lost interest in due to my drug use, etc. As a matter of fact, if you want to get an idea of how much of a struggle it is for an addict to lead a "normal" life....this show is pretty accurate. It's been very emotional to watch. I wonder how many of them will make when you leave recovery, I think they tell you that maybe 1 or 2 of you will most likely stay clean out of the group. The relapse rate in recovering addicts is tremendously high. It's a shame. Tough disease!
Hi- I am back after a short hiatus! I always feel bad checking in on the 'yoga' thread, when I don't do yoga! Sorry about that--but at least today, I am doing yoga!!!!

My SIL & I are loosely following the Lean rotation so today is YogaX.

Lora-sorry about the work/stress issues that are still going on. It is really hard being a sensitive person. I can understand that. How many people work in your office? Have those people been there along time? I really don't know what to tell you for advice!! I am at a loss- I was in a situation similiar to yours, but the best thing I did was quit, so in your situation, that is really not helpful!

I have been watching that show! CelebRX, or whatever. It's very interesting, and I love DrDrew. I want to marry that guy. I wondered how close that was to a 'real' rehab. I don't think many of those people will be sober when they leave-they all have alot of issues.

Everyone have a great day!
Good morning everyone -

This morning, the dog woke us up at 6 & the alarm wasn't supposed to go off until 7 so I got up & did the 30 total body sculpting workout from Cathe's Low Impact Step DVD. I didn't want to do anything too strenuous because I want to be in top form for my surgery tomorrow. But since I was already up, I figured I might as well do something. Tomorrow, I think I might do the 30 minute Cardio Balance Ball workout &/or some yoga. Something to calm my nerves would be good because I've had butterflies in my tummy ever since I got up this morning... & my surgery isn't until tomorrow!

Lora - I didn't mean to minimize my surgery. Truth is, I'm a nervous wreck about it. I'm a worryer by nature anyway so something like this is really wearing me out. I know it's nothing small & I will need to be put to sleep. Plus, I'm worrying about how it will turn out, how I'll do off the pill (I've been on them for over 20 years), etc. So I guess trivializing the "procedure" is the only way I have to keep my nerves somewhat calm. I'm so sorry about how they're treating you at your job. I have some of the same questions as Carrie. How long have you been there now & how long has everyone else worked there? How many people work there & are they friends outside of the office too? I just keep thinking that they'll change once they get to know you. I know it also makes it difficult because you're sensitive. I'm sensitive too & tend to take a lot of things much more seriously than they are intended. I don't know what else to tell you but just keep trying & don't let them mistreat you. You sure don't deserve that.

Carrie - Good to see you back today. Enjoy Yoga X... I know it's one of your faves!

Jen - Haha... no, I guess your anti-flu vibes got stuck in cyber space! At least I got it over with early so I can go ahead with my surgery. That's what I was worried about mostly. Now I'm just worried about the surgery itself. I'm supposed to take it easy for 2 weeks & the doc said I probably wouldn't really even feel like doing anything for the first week anyway. Then, she said I can walk & lift no more that 25 pounds... which is quite a bit, actually. I had made so much progress that I'm already looking forward to getting back into it. Looks like I better place my STS order soon now. Getting excited about that too.

Yve - Hi! Hope you're feeling good today.

I guess I better go for now. Things have been crazy around here this morning. Thats's typical since I'm going to be off for a few days...

Hope everyone has a great day & I'll try to pop back in later. Take care!
Carrie - the only thing different about "real" rehab is that it's not as glamourous as on the show. Addicts generally have a LOT of mental problems/ yes, that's real. We are really sick people that have no idea how to live a normal life when we first get we've numbed ourselves for so long. I like Dr. Drew too.

Kel - sorry - hope I didn't make you start worrying about the procedure now. Just for comfort though, I went off the pill about 5 years ago due to my age and I'd been on it for 20 plus years and I didn't have a whole lot of trouble. My periods were a bit heavier (and remain a bit heavier the first 2 days), but not as bad as I thought. You'll do fine. The pills they make today are so low dose.

Re: work - everyone has been there 10-20 years. The office manager has done the job for 33 years. The medical assistant 10 (the one I really like and she likes me......she's cool). The nurse has been there 20 years and she's a very Opinionated B#$ch and has a very strong and pushy personality. The Coder (who is also the boss's pet) has been there 20 or so years and is neurotic and very rude. She's 300 plus pounds and I don't think she likes the fact that I workout......and I think she's a big part of the problem cuz she's always talking crap in the office manager's ear. That's it......small office and they are a tight knit group. I try not to say much. The nice one (medical assistant) told me that quit when she first started cuz of the Coder girl (boss's pet). She said she used to be a lot worse and she's gotten better. The Coder is the one that makes comments that I take too long in the bathroom and take too long to do every task she gives me. She also points EVERY SINGLE mistake (and then some) out to the office manager and tries to blame me for every mistake...even if we're not sure who made it.

Off to eat my dinner. I've been famished ALL day. Not sure what's up with that.
Hi ladies,

Hope everyone is well.
I haven't worked out at all in a few days...We have had many things going on, doc appts, in addition to trying to finish up my role at work (7 more days ) days have been pretty full.
I have been overeating the last few days - and just disappointed with myself. I have gained alot of weight this month... and don't know why I have taken this turn with eating...It needs to stop.
Anywho... hope you are all doing well...will try to get my duff off the chair at some point this week and get some exercise in. My next scheduled pilates is on Friday - and prenatal yoga on Saturday... but I hope I do something on my own before then.

Lora - We are getting the same storm...stay warm and drive carefully.

Have a nice evening ladies.
Hi again -

When I got home, there was a message from the hospital on the answering machine & they moved the time that I need to be at the hospital up from 10 a.m. to 7:45 a.m.! Goodness... not much notice. Oh well. At least I'll get it over with earlier & have the rest of the day to recover.

Lora - Gosh, it's really difficult to become a part of such a small group that has been together for so long but I'm glad you have one friend at least... & she's had some of the same struggles in the past that you're experiencing right now too. So maybe that helps a little anyway. Hopefully, everyone else will lighten up in time too.

Well, I guess I better go make dinner too. Then, I'm going to starve because I can't have anything after midnight... & you know they won't get me in right away. I'll probably be there for a couple of hours before they even take me back & then I'll still have to be in recovery for awhile too. I'll be ready for some food when we leave the hospital for sure!

Hope everyone has a great evening. I'll try to check in sometime tomorrow & let everyone know how things went.

Yve - We were posting at the same time. Good to hear from you & glad you're doing well!
Hi ladies! Tonight's WO was GS Biceps and MIS Biceps. Yikes! I had some decent triceps DOMS from yesterday's WO. Tomorrow is Leg day (say a prayer for me okay?) and then I will be on the final week. I still haven't decided what to sub for Pure Strength for the week, since I don't have that series. Suggestions anyone? I am considering the weight work from either 4DS or CTX. Leaning heavily toward 4DS.

Lora-Do you have the Pure Strength series? Can you tell me anything about the number of reps? That info may help with my decision. I agree about the job and "not listening" vs making a mistake. What a harsh environment-keep on prayin' girl. It is obviously working since you've come this far. I usually do watch Celebrity Rehab on the weekends. I agree, it's very emotional to watch, so I have to balance it out with something light afterward. I do enjoy the show though-and I like Dr. Drew too...something we all have in common! :) LOL!

Carrie-Glad to see you! I rarely do yoga except during a rest week, so don't feel bad about posting here. BTW, I checked out your before/after pics and you look absolutely AMAZING! I would settle for your before picture! Your transformation is really inspiring though-great job! ;) LOL on your marriage to Dr., what is your attraction to him? Brains, looks, confidence under pressure? I think he's cute, but mostly for me it's his knowledge and the way he carries himself-confident but not arrogant.

Kel-Well, it's good that the flu didn't get serious enough to put the surgery on hold. Get on that STS order, would ya'?! You know it's good if it gave Cathe DOMS. :eek: :eek: :eek: (Yep, there's a thread about it on the STS forum!) Wow, you will be at the hospital early tomorrow. Ugh, the no eating after midnight is so tough, especially for regular exercisers! GOOD LUCK with everything! I wish you well! Please give us an update as soon as you feel up to it!

Yve-Oh my goodness! I think you are being way too hard on yourself! I think the hunger is a really good sign that that baby is growing by leaps and bounds. Your body is really telling you what it needs at this point. You have been a super trooper regarding your exercise up to this point. There are many ladies who don't exercise at all during their pregnancy or don't get to the point where you are and still exercise. I think the weight gain during this time is really inevitable and natural. Hang in there-as I am sure it is a big adjustment. I know the weight gain is still an emotional thing even when you try to think of it rationally because it's due to the pregnancy, but you are really doing great and I bet you look healthy and radiant. Just get in what you can here and there and it will all be fine! :)

Have a great night ladies!

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