Trying to Fit Yoga In for Tues Nov 28


Morning Ladies -

Last night I did "Trying-to-Sleep Max". I did it for about 1.5 hours. Now I'm doing "Trying-to-Stay Awake Max" and "Deaf Ringing Ears Max".

The concert last night was awesome. As you can tell, I'm going to work on about 1.5 hours of sleep. I even took 4 sleeping pills and Valerian Root and still couldn't sleep. I can't hear a freakin' thing today either.

My boss let me leave early yesterday and my DH decided he wanted to leave the house at 5:00 pm. On the way to the concert, in the car, they announced that only the first 150 people in line would be allowed up front with a wrist band! We were about the 15th in line so I was front and center and had a great time. They rocked. Now I just pray I can make it thru today! Yesterday, I prayed all day that I'd be able to get up front. That sucks if they're gonna start doing this for all of the concerts though, as I can't always get out of work early!!

Have great workouts. I'll try to check back from work.

I doubt I'll fit any yoga in today, as I should really try to get to bed a bit early tonight so I don't run my immune system into the ground any more than I just did with the lack of sleep/work/stress thing!

Have a great day.
Lora- you should hit the hay about 6:30 tonight!LOL!! Glad you ahd a great time.

Jen- Slim in 6, lets see. I didn't get the whole series, cancelled. The WO's I have- Start it Up, Ramp it Up, Burn it up, Cool it off (which is a great 55 min stretch), and then the ab one is an extra on one. They are good effecctive WO's, but BORING since you do the same thing everyday. After a few weeks, with good results, I had to move on. It did help me lose quite a bit of weight and really tone my legs. Not to heavy on the UB work, just a band. They are good WO's and I like Debbie, but the monontony is sickening after about 3 weeks!

I will bbl! Have agreat day.

Yve- yes the dentist went very well, thank goodness!

Maeghan AKA megadoo
Megadoo - Thanks for the MTV Yoga review, and for the tea info. I have that MTV one on my wish list, and plan to get it as the 4-DVD set (with the Pilates ones). I always see that Sleepytime Celestial one. What flavor is it supposed to be, anyway? I love Peppermint Tea. As for ginger, pickled ginger is really easy to find over here. There's one restaurant that serves chunks of the stuff - I mean, like they look like peeled ginger root - but the taste is really mild. It's sooo good. But at home, I've been drinking lots of ginger tea. I love how it warms up the stomach!

Yve - Ooooh, I had a major thing with White Tea earlier this year when a friend of mine sent me some. I was having it every single morning. There's a Yogi one? Bummer, I don't think they sell that one in Japan. I like the Yogi Chai one and drink it plain or with soy milk, but I'm finding the ones called "Somethingorother Spice" taste kind of like perfume to me. Your chai recipe sounds really delicious!

Megadoo - Hope the dentist went all right!

Lora - How are you feeling? Good to hear that the ear damage was worth it! LOL. How great that you could be so close to the stage. In fact, how cool that you are so passionate about it. Do you go to every concert they do in your area?

I must say I'm really enjoying doing my yoga practice. Man, man, man, I cannot wait for Amazon to send my freakin Kundalini. Megadoo, have you started? Which ones did you get? I made a chart last night of all the Kundalini and their subtitles and time, so I'm so ready for them to get here. I can't believe it takes them a month to process payments that come from overseas (I mean, sheesh, the actual payment is NOT coming from overseas!)

Anyway, I know I keep saying it, but since I'm using my yoga as an addition to my regular workout, having the 30-minutes ones really are nice.
Hi all! Tonight's workout was Ballet Strength with Jennifer Galardi (taped from Fit TV) which is a blend of ballet (oh really!?!), yoga and pilates. You do the workout without shoes, which I love! There are some resistance band exercises for back, shoulders, and biceps and some hand weight exercises for those areas, as well. At the beginning you work the legs with some very, very mild cardio/toning and at the end you work abs and do some yoga stretches. I also did Strength and Grace with Minna Lessig. It's an older workout, but I really like it. It combines yoga, pilates, and strength training in one workout. It has moves like a curtsy lunge into tree pose and more "yoga" inspired strength moves like pulling from downward dog into plank and back again several times.

DH and I have been off since Thanksgiving Day (we take our days off together :) ) so it's back to the grind tomorrow. x( I am coming back to a work situation I am not sure how to handle. My coworker scheduled a phone system update last Wed evening at 5:00 p.m. I ended up having to stay at work until 6:30 that night-at the start of my vacation. I had gone in to work that morning at 7:30 a.m., thinking that I would be leaving at my normal time (around 4:00 p.m.) or earlier. I got an e-mail from her THAT morning (I had already been covering for her for two days of her vacation.) informing me about the scheduling. I was pissed, pissed, pissed and felt really screwed over. You just don't do that to someone on the day before the holiday and particularly at the last minute like that. If I had known I would have had to stay late, I could have come in later or something...instead of walking in at 7:30 a.m. to see that e-mail (she sent it at 6:30 PM the night before) It was not an emergency-in fact the phone company had already cancelled on her three times before this. I called my husband to let him know I would be working late and he had an absolute fit...demanding her phone number...telling me I need to tell her off (in a nice way-BTW how does one do that?!?) in an e-mail or call her on her cell phone. Of course, I did not let him have it. I told him I needed to let it go for now and I would figure out how to respond. Well..I will be seeing her first thing tomorrow morning and I still don't know how I am going to react. It's going to be tough-she's a friend outside of work too.

Lora-I am so glad you had fun at the concert and DH came through! Sorry to hear about the side effects! Wow, no sleep with the pills and the Valerian Root! Time to get the balls out again-maybe your form of relaxation comes from the physical rather than the medicinal. Sometimes when I can't sleep, I get up and do yoga-sometimes at 2 or 3 a.m. It's rare, but when I have stuff on my mind that's the only way for me to get tired. After that, I can usually go back to sleep. SleepMax is your biggest challenge!

August-Sleepytime Celestial is hard to describe. I just got the box out and here are the ingredients-chamomile, spearmint, lemongrass, tilia flowers, blackberry leaves, orange blossom, hawthorn berries, and rosebuds. So pickled ginger has a mild taste-who would have thought. Do you just eat it straight or are you using it as a topping on something? Is that the stuff that comes with sushi? Have you tried crystallized ginger-isn't it supposed to be a sweetener or something? So what put you on this kick-did you read some of the health benefits or something?

Megadoo-What have you been up to today? Thanks for the Slim in 6 review-wonder why it was cancelled?

Yve-That Chai recipe sounds delightful!!! I don't want to OD on spices, so if I just want to make a cup or two, how much cinnamon, cardamom, orange, etc. should I use?

Hey, Jen,

You mean that because you were covering for your friend at work that you had to stay late suddenly for the phone issue? She was the one who was actually supposed to be there...and then only gave you, well, sheesh, she didn't give you any notice. And in fact, if you were doing her a favor, it doesn't sound like she asked you appropriately.

But is that the first time that's ever happened? Do you think that.......I just reread your post. Nah, that was just plain inconsiderate of her. I guess if you're friends, I would go for a drink after work and tell her, "you know, I was kind of bummed about the phone thing." I'd make it light, but I'd let her know that it disappointed you. Yuck. Good luck with that. I imagine it must feel a bit uncomfortable having to deal with her tomorrow morning...

That Sleepytime sounds like it might be worth a try. Maybe I'll get it. But there have been a few Celestials that didn't do it for me - like Peppermint Candy and Gingerbread somethingorother. But Sleepytime seems to be a standard, so it must be good and well liked.

Pickled ginger isn't actually normally mild - actually, far from it - but this particular restaurant (which is actually a sushi bar) has a really mild one and I can eat TONS of it it's just so good. Yes, you often get a kind of pickled ginger with sushi (it's called "gari"). I've seen a lot of crystalized ginger, but I'm actually trying ("trying" LOL) to eat as little sugar humanly possible (which still ends up being that I eat a lot of it).

What put me on the kick? I think it may have been my Cardio Hater pal Michele who started talking about a ginger spiced hot cocoa which sounded really great. It totally made me crave ginger! But her cocoa calls for sugar (no duh x( ) so I haven't tried her recipe yet...
Hi ladies,

This evening I did Seane Corn's 90 minute vinyasa.

Lora - OH my! I would be a zombie on such little sleep. Glad you had a nice time at the concert - and hope that you feel better tomorrow. When I have nervous insomnia, I listen to a meditation tape (well - a beginner's meditation tape) by Kathleen Mackay - and it usually relaxes me into sleep.

Maeghan - thanks for the review of Slim in 6. I have heard similar comments from others - that they are effective, yet quite monotonous.

August - I can't believe it takes a month to process an overseas payment. That makes no sense.. after all, Visa is accepted worldwide. Do they say why it takes them that long? I would probably email their customer service dept - as I think that is unacceptable.

Jen - That is quite unfortunate that your friend took advantage in that way. I would make a point of nicely letting her know of your disappointment - and how it impacted your plans - and how you ended up working such a long day. She needs to understand the impact her actions had on you and your DH. I have posted the actual recipe below - but have already halved the ingredients. You can play with the amt of milk or water and even spices etc to suit your favourite flavours.

5 lightly crushed green cardamom pods
2 to 3 whole cloves
1" piece of peeled fresh ginger
1/2 split vanilla bean (bean & seeds included)
1 cinnamon sticks
1.5 cups cold water
2 Darjeeling (or other black tea) tea bags
1.5 to 2 thinly sliced orange peels.
3/4 cup milk
1/8 cup Honey
In a medium saucepan, combine all of the above ingredients,EXCEPT the tea bags. Bring to a boil, reduce the heat & simmer for 15 minutes covered. Meanwhile, in a separate saucepan, scald 3/4 cup of milk, removing the skin that forms & set aside.
Whisk in the 2 tea bags & if desired a l/8 cup honey. Turn off the heat. Steep for 3 minutes, then pour through a cheesecloth lined strainer into a teapot. Discard contents of strainer.
Add approx. 1/4 cup of heated milk into each heated mug, then add the tea. Cover the teapot with a teacosy to keep warm.
Hiya, Yve,

90 minutes of vinyasa! You must feel awesome.

Wow, that Chai totally sounds good. I wish someone would make me a cup! :D

Well, in Amazon's defense, I didn't pay by credit card - I paid by check. So certainly I can see why it would take a bit longer, but still, my checking account is in the States, so I have no idea why it would take THAT much longer to process. I mean, they can't even tell me if the check arrived safely or not...if I haven't heard from them a month after I sent the check, I'm supposed to contact them. x( I can only assume that because it wasn't returned, that it must have arrived at Amazon and that they are now "processing" it.

Hhhh. The one Ravi and Ana kindly sent me came like three days after I ordered from Amazon (I did tell you that story, right? I'd written to Ravi and Ana to tell them I wanted to order all 12 of their DVDs, but due to the paying by check thing, I ended up having to order through Amazon, but they kindly offered to send me one DVD as a gift).

Well one thing is for sure, I'll be SO ready and into doing Kundalini when they get here! :7

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