Trying to Fit Yoga in for Thurs March 22


Morning Ladies -

This morning I did Speedbody Full Body followed by Cardio Coach #1 on the Treadmill (1 hour 22 min - burned 510) and then I did Yoga Now - 30" followed by Yoga Bliss Hips - Quickie 30".

That was the first time I did a half hour of regular yoga combined with a half hour of Kundalini (although Yoga Now isn't exactly traditional yoga - it's supposed to be slightly cardiovascular....however I don't think it is - it's just different). Bliss Hips didn't make me feel as good as the other Kundalini one I did the other morning, however, it did feel good while doing it. We did breath of fire practically the entire time. I still have a hard time doing BOF without hyperventilating. It's hard for me to relax my upper diagpragm sometimes I have to go slower and softer than they do with BOF.

Jen - Yes, my addiction problems really spun out of control when I lost my father. I really didn't grieve his death until I got I was in a stupor for most of the prior years. What I put my poor Mother thru - I almost died when I was 18 on Mother's Day due to my problems and that was only the beginning of what I put the poor lady thru. Thank God - my Mom and I have such a good relationship today. There is probably not 1 thing she doesn't know about my past and what I've done. I joked to her friend the other day that I've led a sheltered live (while winking of course) and my Mom rolled her eyes and said......Yeah right.....and then she said ...."Lora has 20 years clean this April". I guess she's really proud of me. I'm glad we're so close, as I was a Tomboy growing up and during my childhood, was very close with my Dad cuz of that. He taught me how to box, play football, etc. My parents got scared when I played with GI Joe's instead of dolls. They thought I was gay....but when I turned 10, I asked for my first Barbie -- so they were relieved!! LOL. Sorry your Mom is not around. I am going to die when my Mom dies. I don't even like to think about it. I know what you mean about thinking of them often. My Dad has been gone since 1977 and I still cry when I talk about him or discuss it (eyes are welling right now). That's amazing how it really never changes. I had an interracial relationship when I first got clean and was staying in Philadelphia at the time. I remember the glares we got in public, but that was 20 years ago. I would hope it's better today.

Yve - Thanks for the comment about my Dad being proud of me. Means a lot to me, although I think he may have murdered me back in my younger ..problem days!! My Mom sometimes says that's why God took him at such a young age. My father had a real temper. He used to pin guys that came over to take me on a date to the wall and tell them to have me home by such and such time or else! He scared quite a few away. Heck, this is the man who layed in the garden on Halloween and shot his shotgun in the dirt to scare the window soapers away! (He was an avid hunter - another thing he and eye wouldn't see eye to eye on these days). Maybe that's part of the reason I can't swallow when I was a child (since I was a Tomboy and Daddy's little girl), I always wanted to be around him so I sat and watched him gut the animals he'd bring home! Yuk! He was a Sportsman though, not just an idiot with a gun running around shooting things and he did eat the stuff he brought home. That's the reason his doctor told him he got rectal cancer (from eating too much wild rich, red meat like that is one of the causes of colon/rectal cancer). I turned vegetarian at around 22 and then ate chicken for a while but after a couple really "poultriee" (if there even is such a word) tasting chickens, I just couldn't swallow it anymore. I haven't touched a piece of meat for at least 25 or more years.

Well, I better quit babbling ............must do my stretches and get ready for the grocery shopping and errands.

Have a lovely day ladies - I enjoy this thread so much, even if there are only the 3 of us!! LOL and Jen, no that wasn't fascinate me. Both you and Yve are such wonderful people. I'm honoured to know both of you!
Hi ladies! No WO for me tonight. Went to the dentist this morning. Then cleaned and painted the living room today. (first coat, needs another one) I am completely wiped out. Will try to catch up with personals tomorrow.

Lora-Thanks for all the nice things you said today. Hope Pandora is feeling better!

Yve-No recommendations on the computer...I am not very tech savvy...but still couldn't live without mine! DH & I have been together 11 years and married for 7 years this July.

Have a great night everyone! ;)

Hi Ladies,

No workout for me today - just a long walk at lunchtime.

I had tea with a friend after work today - and we got to gabbing and ended up being too late when I got home.

Lora - So were you known at school as the girl with the strictest dad? Pinning the boys to the wall! yikes - that must have scared away many a teenage boy. It is cute now - but I am sure you didn't think so then.
Off-topic question - I bought a small bottle of essential oil today in Lavender to help me sleep at night...I know you go to that special sight for essential oil - is there any special one that you buy for relaxation?

Jen - Why did I guess that if you were to take a vacation - you'd end up doing more work that if you were at the office??? :+
Seriously though - I bet it looks nice -what colour did you choose?
11 years! Wow! Wishing you many many more.

Have a nice night ladies...and - I too like our little group :)

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