Trying to Fit Yoga In for Thurs March 15


Morning Ladies -

This morning I did Bosu Calorie Combustion (30") followed by Tae Bo Amped Super Charged Fat Burner (30").....then since I was really getting into the Buckcherry CD I had blasting....I did some of my own aerobics for 10 minutes. The first 7 songs on Buckcherry's original CD really kick it for working out! Highly recommend it .....from Lit Up to Crushed to Dead Again to Dirty F'n Mind & Lawless & Lulu.....sometimes I skip a couple slower ones in there. They really get me pumped up. I then did Fluidity Intermediate workout (40") and Power of Strength Yoga with Ana Forest (30" premix - which was basically sun salutations...disappointing). Cardio was 70" and I burned 450 calories.

Okay, I guess I'm a wimp cuz intermediatte Fluidity was pretty challenging. Since I don't have the bar, there were a couple moves where I struggled for proper positioning cuz I needed to be sitting under the bar and pulling on the bar for support as I was lifting my legs off the floor with my back against a wall.......I winged it a bit. I did the pullups by draping my body bar across 2 chairs and lying underneath it, but it wasn't too difficult. Next time I'll go do them on the treadmill in the basement the way I learned in Barry's Bootcamp.

Re: Pandora (my cat) - I failed to mention yesterday that the poor little thing went from 9 pounds in January to a mere 6.4 yesterday....however, she was severely that could have been some of the weight. She layed by my feet all night again and didn't move. She had this huge bubble of water on her side from where they injected her with the water.....and today it is now a little bubble in each leg (looks bizzare). The water was to hydrate her and flush her kidneys out and now we need to see if they start working on their own. We have to give her these huge capsules twice a day (and it's hard cuz she's very small) and she's eating special low-protein food so that it filters thru the kidneys easier. Today, she is up and around a bit....but she's wobbly and slow and weak. She's been eating and drinking ....which is she wasn't at all before. She wimpers and cries for attention and is really taking advantage of all the special attention she's getting. She's afraid of rain hitting the Skylight in our Dining I have to carry her thru that room. When she's well....she scoots thru that room quickly. So I'm praying that she continues in the upswing and continues to get better. I told her she's to young to leave us and we still have lots of good years together and she looks at me and purrs......such a sweetie. I love my cats very much.....they are just like my kids.

Jen - I'd still get one of the other Slim Series/Slim in 6 (Slim Series is the harder system) if I were Express is actually just supposed to be a compliment system to one of those and shorter for time pressed days. They are both good, but like I said, Slim in 6 is harder and has more of a variety with the workouts. However, be prepared to listen to your own music, or they can get boring. They are very VERY easy to follow, so you shouldn't have any problem. That's the only way I can do the Slim Series (actually I listen to my own music with the P90 series). I'd get P90 Masters before P90 X if you can afford it. It's a good system, but some of the workouts are a bit on the short side, but they are chaptered well so you can repeat segments to customize your workout. They have really good warm ups and stretches....which I love!

Yve - sorry you are not yourself. Hopefully you did Shiva last night and are good as new today! Yes, I'd try some Valerian Root or Calms Forte (available at Healthfood stores) (which works immediately for me).

Meg -I burned Saliva & All The Right Reasons...Nickelback for you. I was going to burn The Long Road - Nickelback....but I wanted to make sure you don't have it yet (they are my 2 favorite Nickelback's). Let me know.

Have great workouts everyone. I've got to do my neck stretches and then go to the bank and grocery store.

I'll be back later............thanks so much for all of your concern and support regarding my baby girl!
Jen - I forgot to mention. I've come up with an idea for a new "Reality" show. I thought you and I should brainstorm and see how we can get it aired and make some money! We would shoot people doing workouts from infomercials like TurboJam, Yoga Booty Ballet, and other strange workouts like Soul Sweat on a Hidden Camera!! Wouldn't that be a good show? Sort of like Candid Camera goes Fitness Crazy. However, on second thought.....I guess not many people are into exercise enough to find it as amusing as us hardcore fitness buffs.
Lora-LOL on the reality series! :) Sounds a lot like America's Funniest Home Videos crossed with So You Wanna Dance?! I'm in as long as we are not showing anybody tripping over a step and getting hurt....I don't like watching people hurt themselves! :( I would surely be a good test subject for the show! ;)

Waiting for DH to come home. He watches the doggie-kids while I work out. Trying to decide what to put myself through tonight. Had cake at work today (small piece) for someone's going away. I felt bad after :(. Not guilty-feeling-'cause you have to treat yourself-but physically sick. My diet these days is not super clean but it's pretty clean and I am finding that things like cake make me sick now. ;( I still like the taste!!!!! :9

BBL after WO!

Jen - funny you mentioned cake. I couldn't make it past the bakery section of the grocery store today without buying some Chocolate Chunk Macadamia cookies. I was a little piggie today. Ate way too much! I feel always when I do this. I also get sick on cake and greasy foods. My body doesn't digest them. Chocolate is not a problem unless I eat way too much.

I think I'm going to do some yoga. I have a newer tape I have not done yet that's supposed to be good for the low back, hips and shoulders....all of which hurt on me today.
Hi ladies! My DH says "boy, you are fading fast" tonight. I am tired. Think the cake made me crash. Tried to eat something good after to better fuel the WO, but I don't think I ate it in time. Tonight's WO was MIS Shoulders three times through and MIS Legs. My shoulders are fried. Barely made it through the legs. Matched Cathe's weight since it was my first time through with these segments of the WO.

Meg-What WO did you end up doing? How was your day? Did you see my question about Chase yesterday-just checking to see if the mouthy behavior is getting any better. If so, what did you do? Love to learn what actually works on kids...can pass along to other desperate parents...and maybe learn something to prepare myself one day :) !

Lora-Thanks for all the Beachbody guidance. P90 Masters may end up being my next purchase. So glad kitty is doing a little better. Your story was so sweet about her hanging out with you. I am sure she is getting spoiled with the attention, but pets are great about fully appreciating it! :)

Yve-Feeling better yet? Did you WO today or are you still taking it easy?

Jen - Good job on matching Cathe's weights!! You go Girl!! So....did I scare you away from the Hardcore thread with my wild rock n' roll pic's? did you know I like all of those wild hardcore rock bands????

Yve- I hope you are feeling better today.

I did my Anusara yoga practice for hips/low back and shoulders. It moved sort of slow....but it felt good on my tight low back. Off to watch GH and hang out with baby Pandora. She's handing out by the food bowl pouting cuz she doesn't like her prescription food. I feel so bad.....but we're supposed to be firm with her ........I mean her life depends on it!! It's still hard though. Those little sad eyes glaring at me constantly.....and the whimpering and crying. They are such babies , aren't they?
Hi ladies,

Sorry I was bummed out yesterday. The insomnia was getting the better of me and I got frustrated. Last night I did Shiva's lunar flow and then came upstairs and boiled some cammomile flowers. I drank two cups and went to bed. I did ok - I managed to sleep last night - thankfully!!! Thanks for all your supportive words and wishes. I have to look for the calme forte. I have tried Valerian but can't get past the smell of stinky hockey socks!

Lora - Fluidity does sound tough. I am curious as to which Anusara dvd you have. I have been interested in this style of yoga for a while. Is it by John Friend? I hope Pandora continues to improve. She sounds like a sensitive little soul.

Jen - MIS 3 times! Wow! That is super tough. I know what you mean about the fatty foods. I don't have a huge sweet tooth - but do have a huge weekness for french fries. I almost always loose control - and always feel yucky afterwards. I too find it difficult in those social situations where one would feel bad for not accepting cake or a sweet for someone's occasion.

Hi Meg - Hope you had a good day.

Have a nice evening ladies.

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