Trying to Fit Yoga in for Thurs March 1


Morning Yoga Ladies -

This morning I did Barry's Bootcamp Treadmill cardio from Barry's DVD and Joey's DVD. Barry's was fun....however, I'm not very good at running backwards on the TM. I was mistaken yesterday when I said they run backwards with it off.....they actually run backwards with the TM on a low setting. This will take me some practice. It's relatively hard to stay up at the top of the TM. The Grocery Cart Push was cool....that's the one you do without the TM turned on. I even did the pullups at the beginning (and it's not even a weight day). Barry's cardio segment was only about 16 minutes and then I did Joey's which was 30 minutes but I quit just shy of the end. It was tough. They did sprints and then they did incline drills. My TM only has 2 inclines and you have to get off the TM to adjust it. I did put it up to the next incline and I don't know if I'm ready for that just yet.....really felt it in my I put it back down. I think I will wait until I'm a more "seasoned" runner to try those. Plus, they only increase in 10% increments at a time ....and I've not clue how much mine goes up. I did speed drills instead. Maybe once I get my foot and hip used to running....I can try again.

I also did Tae Bo Amped Core Express 30". Total cardio was 1 hour 20 mintues and I burned 560.

I also did Shiva Rea's Fluid Power yoga - Lunar Segment for Flexibility followed by Rainbeau's Dawn bonus 10 minute practice.

I can't beleive I'm actually sorer today from that SWAT workout than I've been lifting lately......even after doing a Cathe weighted workout. It must be because it's so different than what I'm used to.
The strength workout yesterday has no it's continuous lifting and with all of the mountain climbers, squat thrusts.....I feel pretty worked. I'm happy about that. I even got my abs sore doing those weighted jacknives yesterday.

Jen - Let's see.....what can I say today to make you check the Forum from work? I love it when you're naughty and check in from work (he...heee...). Well, I'll try to come up with something! I hope you're able to get your workout in today. Don't you still have new stuff to try?

Kel- Geez......your drama is not ending yet? What the heck's up with the star alignment. That poor family. I'm so happy the baby is okay now. That's quite a scare. Hopefully things will calm down and you'll be able to workout.

Meg - what's goin' on? Have you had a chance to do anything yoga wise?
I forgot to ask - does anyone know of any slow-deep yoga practices on DVD? It seems I need to hold poses longer and go deeper to get the same intensity of stretch these days and all of this running makes me very tight. Any suggestions?
Hi everyone?!? Where did everyone go? Well, it's good no one is around because I have NOTHING to report x(. It has been one of the worst weeks for me in recent history. I have missed my workout now for three days in a row. I haven't missed this many days since last summer sometime. We had awful weather here tonight and it took an hour and a half to get home. Only time for dinner and bed. x(

Sorry to be so crabby! x(

Lora-I don't have many slow yoga DVDs but I have always been interested in trying to find some. I am sure alot of the beginner ones would be more restorative, but I have always been afraid they would not have enough variety of poses. Let me know if you find something. Have you previewed Soul Sweat yet?

Have a great night everyone!

I just finished BM2 in its entirety! I am BEAT! But I loved every minute of it! Gotta shower!

Jen- (((hug))). I will tell you, I did not WO AT ALL last week. AT ALL! Then I did not WO yesterday, or Tuesday. But, I just did BM2 and survived, so I am sure this won't hurt you. Hang in there. Your next WO will be awesome!

Lora- My life has been a mess the last few weeks. I am just sick sitting here looking at all my new WO videos and not having done them yet. I did do some of Rainbeaus dawn and I LOVE IT!! I still have to do the belly cleansing part. I will give you the low down on each one as I do it. So far all your recommendations have been kick ass! Thank you so much! I hope to do the ab one soon too! And that segment from Jen Kries that you like so much. Thank you.

Maeghan AKA megadoo

Added pics 12/1/06
December and Christmas Albums
Hi Ladies,

Well - I didnt work out today either.... I did shovel the 20cm of snow we got today - and the ice storm is on its way.

Lora - I can't even imagine running backwards on a tm. That is one heck of a workout.

Jen - Sorry you are having a bad week. I know just how frustrating sitting in traffic can be. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.

Meg - I hope things get better soon. It sounds like you have alot on your plate right now... But good for you for taking time for yourself by doing bodymax2.

Kel - Best wishes for the wee one. I hope he/she continues to make progress.

Have a nice night.

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