Trying to Fit Yoga in for Saturday March 17


Morning Ladies -

This morning I did a semi-rest day. I ended up doing Hip Hop Abs - Level 1 & Ab Sculpt 50" ...kept it moderately light and burned 300 calories. I also did Yoga in the Garden of Serenity 60". I also rolled on my Foam Roller a little bit afterwards to work on the spasm I have running from the base of my neck, down into my traps, all the way down the mid back and into my right hip. My pain is flaring a bit with the temperature fluctuating so severely here, as a 15 degree change will always exacerbate pain in chronic pain sufferers.

Yoga in the Garden of Serenity (pay attention Yve - as I thought of you) was a different sort of restorative yoga practice with Kathleen Anderson. I've only done segments of it before and not the whole thing together and I never heard her talk about what's it's based on until today. It is a practice that has aspects of Kripalu and Iyengar yoga with elements of dance, pilates, The Alexander Technique and Feldengrais Techniques (spelling?), and is focused on opening the areas of the body for people sitting behind desks all day. If I didn't have such severe neck, shoulder and back problems, this probably would have made me feel great. I'm sure a normal person would feel great after doing it.

Off to do my normal Saturday routine. I think we're going to Premonition today with Julian McMahon (the dude from Nip/Tuck & Charmed - love him)and Sandra Bullock.

I'm worried about Pandora today. She snubbed her nose at treats this morning and won't eat when I set her by the food bowl. Yesterday, everytime I set her down over there, she nibbled a little bit. I hope she's not starting to decline cuz her kidneys aren't kicking in. She's been very vocal to both me and my DH and we both wish we knew what she's trying to tell us!

Yve - I only think more of you because of what you said about animals, plants, etc. I feel the EXACT same way as you do! God created all living things, right? (not to bring religion into I don't know what faith you are....but most of us believe in some sort of Higher Power). Re: the Fries - I probably haven't touched one in over 3 years! The only time I'm really tempted is if my DH eats them in front of me, but he quit eating them also. I stay away from them more cuz they sit in my stomach like a rock and I feel sick. I HAVE NO WILLPOWER.......just ask my evil mother and DH who coerced me into eating a naughty dessert at my Mom's last night for which I have extreme remorse (okay I'm a drama queen). I crave Salt & Vinegar potato chips at TTOTM or chocolate ...or any food!! I'm a pig! I can do without the chips if I don't see them, but if I seem them, that's it....but then I get sick after I eat them. My body can't digest grease or oil (except for olive oil). Thanks for the info on Anusara.....the Video I have is called Yoga for Meditators. I can't remember where I purchased it, but if you really want to know, I can look into that and get back with you. I'm sure I have the receipt around here somewhere.

Jen - great workout last night. Your starting to turn into a real workout maniac!! and you were tired??? Did you see my enticing about Barry's Bootcamp (probably not proper English -- smack me). I really think you should ask your DH to buy it for you!! He can do it's weights and a guy's workout too. I'd love for you to join me on my rotation. I lost a couple pounds last time I did it!! Did I convince you yet??? Is it working??? By the way, got an email from the peeps at Xflowsion and it will be out in 1-2 weeks. If you sign up at the website, you will get an email to receive a 35 percent discount when it premiers. I can't wait. I don't care if you think it's cheesy!! I hope it can live up to my expectations!
Goodmorning ladies - and happy Saturday to all!

Today's workout was Rhythmic Step.

Lora - I really hope Pandora gets better - and this is only a minor set-back. It is so hard when they can't communicate - yet you know they need some help.
I can imagine just how much the weather is affecting you - I am really sorry you are in such pain. We had the same kind of temperature drop here in T.O - and it really is very difficult. My mom has chronic arthritis - and is really having a hard time right now. Do you ever use a portable heater when doing your yoga? I often warm up the room before I do my practice - it really helps with the stretches -and it feels very detoxifying.
Yoga in the Garden of Serenity sounds interesting - I bet it is a good one - and you know what -I am going to order it!! Where did you order it from? There is a Kripalu class at my studio but I haven't ever tried it as it isn't at a convenient time - and I am actually reading Iyengar's book - Light on Life!!!
I sit at a desk all day - and I am very bad about my alignment at work - Also - very bad at where I place my mouse etc. Whenever it is my busy season - I get pretty bad neck and shoulder strain. My lower back has been better - but every now and then acts up.

WRT all living things - we do have the same philosophy. For me - it goes beyond organized religion per se. It is a life philosophy - meaning living ones life trying to do their best - being their best person - not hurting others - trying to help others etc. Trying to live with good karma... and avoiding negative situations.
It is hard to explain exactly what I am trying to say - but I think we are on the same page.
I have a hard time with temptation also ;) and I almost alway pay the piper when I give in to the fatty or very sweet foods. Actually - to be honest - if I eat something super sweet - I will more likely be sick from that, than something fatty... though foods like donuts and other fried foods will cause a stomach upset also.
It helps not to keep in the house - but social situations are very difficult when everyone thinks that it is rude if I don't have a dessert - or a glass of wine - or whatever.

Jen - Hope you were able to sleep in a bit today - you have really been burning the candle at both ends lately. Has the work situation lightened up a bit? But even with your work schedule - you have been keeping up with amazon workouts!!! Hats off to you - girlfriend!! Happy workout today.

Hi to Meg if you check in later.

Will be back later today. Today I am going to take my mom out to run her errands - and she wants to shop for a dress for my wedding.

Yve - tell your hubby to be that he's a very lucky man to have such a kind, compassionate person like yourself. No wonder I like you so I do feel the same way you do about being the best person you can be and living your life right, being kind, compassionate and considerate to EVERYONE. I wouldn't go as far to say that I'm as healthy as you with negativity, as I am a recovering person and do have some mental issues with negativity, self-esteem, etc (have been clean for 20 years though - thus the reason exercise is so important to me). It's funny - we did a move in Garden of Serenity this morning and Kathleen says that it releases the synovial fluid in your spine and gives you a feeling similar to the "endorphin" high of a runner .....and believe you me, I felt that high and wanted to stay in that position all day!!! :). One way we are quite different is that I'm not an outdoorsy, gardening type.....too much work for my lazy butt. I have never dug in any dirt in my life! I don't really like to be outside too much cuz I hate bugs. I'm weird. My DH calls me a Hermit!

The DVD Garden of Serenity is from I really like that site and the person who runs it is very knowledgeable about workouts and will answer your emails promptly. She ships quickly also. You'll have it in a couple days (if you were in the States).

When is your wedding again? I can't remember. Are you nervous? I think I developed an ulcer on my wedding day!! LOL! My DH is a good guy in his heart...but he's a real hot head!! He tends to explode at me constantly, but I've gotten used to it over time and I try to blow him off.

Pandora did eat a little just now when I set her out there. Maybe we're being over-protective parents. My 2 male cats are pigs and eat a lot. They are much bigger than her. I have a 22+ pound cat and another one that's about 18. Pandora (when healthy) was only 9 she's tiny and since she's sort of a loner and doesn't hang out with the boys too much....we don't really know what her normal eating schedule is. The boys are just pigs.....and maybe Pandora's always been a bit finnicky with treats, etc. She was drinking water out of the faucet today like she loves to do and lying in her normal crossed. Her coat looks much better and you can feel she has a tiny bit more weight to her when you pick her up.

I'll be back later. I've got to go do my neck stretches ......even after all of those this morning. I have a prescribed set I have to do every day and they are a royal pain...but I need to do them.
Yve - like I didn't already just say enough. I forgot to mention that I ordered Yummy Yoga from Amazon. I just rec'd it. I wanted to know if you've ever heard of this technique as this lady is Kripalu yoga and Pilates certified. It says it's an "innovative approach to easing tighntess and pain combined with yoga and somatics (a system of neuromuscular re-education) to help relieve lower back pain, tight shoulders, stiff neck and sciatic pain and many other discomforts".

The reviews on Amazon from one chronic pain sufferer said she never experienced such relief for as long as she can remember. I hope I have time to try this tomorrow night. Tonight is out, as I have all of my Ebay business to attend to.
Hi ladies! Posting late tonight. Just got done w/ WO. It took me until 8 p.m. to get motivated to do any WO today. Thought about taking a rest day, but I have one coming soon. There is not a part on me that is not sore. It actually helps to work out and get some blood to the muscles to ease them up a bit. Tonight's WO was MIS chest and MIS triceps three times through. I am so pumped I can feel my chest and tri's as I am typing....and I am making lots of errors! :) I probably will be sore tomorrow, too.

Lora-Thanks for the workout compliment! That is very high praise coming from you! :) I can't believe you workout like that all the time. An hour of cardio was a big leap for me...I was really struggling toward the end. I can't wait till you get Xflowsion and review it. Yes, I did say the guy (not the WO) was cheesy.....but I also said he was HOT!!!!!! ;)

Yve-That is so exciting about your dress shopping with your mom today. What a special time for you! :) I would love to hear the details of anything you decide on.

Have a great night ladies!

Lora-Just checked out the Barry's Bootcamp website. Looks really good. 3 Questions: Is there any equipment I would need that I don't already have? What is the non-treadmill cardio like? Is it high rep/light weight or low rep/heavy weight?


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