Trying To Fit Yoga In for Sat March 31


Morning Ladies -

This morning I'm taking a rest day. I did Rodney Yee's Yoga Burn 60". It was a very easy practice. The name is deceiving.

I have an early eye appointment and then my normal Saturday plans.

Jen - I can't believe you never had the Tae Bo Lives. I have the entire set ...Volumes 1 thru 11 on VHS. I don't even know if they are in print any longer. Right after the original Tae Bo set came out, they started putting out a new Live Series Volume monthly. I have a Basic 30" one and Advanced 60" one for each Volume. They were much harder workouts back then......although I haven't done one for a while and I'm sure I'm in better shape today....but everyone else thinks so at least. Do you have Tae Bo Total or Tae Bo Get Ripped series? Those are also hard, but without the good music. (just went and looked at the date on the back and they are from 1999).

Let's see - how do I explain the music on Tae Bo Live's. Lots of vocals and recognizable music from hip hop tunes to top 40 music. Mostly hip hop and the beginning of the now called "rap" era. I remember the song Low Rider being on one workout cuz it was my DH's favorite Volume. He used to love that song in the workout. Gosh, it's been so long since I've done one, but now that I'm thinking about it, I'm sure there were a lot of other songs that were top 40's, but I can't think of the name, and yes, it was the original elevator version, etc.

As you can see- I had Yoga Burn...just never did it. I liked it. I had read the reviews before purchasing and was hoping it would be a nice easy practice for a rest day and it was. If I would have bought it thinking it was hard like the title suggested, I would have been disappointed.

Yve - how are you?

I'll be back later.
Lora-Wow, you like Yoga Burn! The only thing I really like about it was the arm circles movement. Felt really good on my rotator cuff and felt a big difference there. I am sure it is good, I just cannot get past going that slow. I am glad you enjoyed was probably just what you needed today, especially with all the Barry's you've been doing. I actually don't have any Tae Bo workouts. I had the original series when it first came out and used to love it-there was nothing else like it! I can't belive there was a series where they used original music-I bet that was really good! I noticed people also had good things to say about the Ripped series,too.

I went off the rotation today and lowered my intensity to High Step Circuit. It was a nice change from all the heavy lifting. I was sore in the Chest and Triceps today and it actually help ease the DOMS a little. I also did about 3 and 1/2 hours of yardwork and planting, so I wanted something less intense. It was a nice reminder of what this DVD has to offer and of how far I have come. I remember barely getting through that workout the first time I did it. I tried to focus on form and tried to exaggerate some of the negative motions on the reps to take the intensity up.

Have a great night everyone! :)


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