Trying to Fit Yoga In for Monday April 9


Morning Yoga Ladies -

This morning I did Kimberly Spreen's Progressive Strength with combat section 60" and then I did Mindy's All About Arms Tubing segment and Barb Benagh's Yoa for Beginners (45"). During the 60" weights and combat
part, I burned around 300 calores.

I'm getting ready to take Brooklyn to the Vet and I'm a nervous wreck cuz I'm not sure if I'm going to get her in the cat carrier without her flipping out. She may be little but she's down right wicked and maniacal when she's caged!

I'll be back in a bit and I'll do personals if I missed anyone then.
Hi ladies! Tonight's WOs were S&H Biceps & Triceps, Body Max Biceps & Triceps and one segment of Gilad abs. I am really really wiped out. My legs are still sore from yesterday. I think this officially ends my current rotation. I was going to start a new one, but I might do some yoga or YBBs for a couple of days instead.....we'll see.

Lora-How was Brooklyn's vet visit? I hope you didn't get too many scratches!

Meg-So glad to see you here! I still have not done Butts and Guts yet-too scared since everyone seems to be sore for at least 3 days after their first time.

Yve-I would love the tiramisu recipe!

Sorry to be short, but I've gotta' get in bed early tonight. The first day back to work after vacation is rough!!!! At least I got out of work on time and got my workout in. Thank goodness for small miracles!


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