Trying to Fit Yoga in for Monday 4-16


Morning Yogini's -

I ended up doing Barry's Shoulders & Back followed by the non-Treadmill cardio (modifying some on the Rebounder) and then I did 2 drills from CIA Absolute Kickboxing with Kimberly Spreen (really getting into a kickbox phase here)- 1 combat drill with the weighted bar and one without. I didn't want to stop but......ended up doing a total of 1 hour and 30 minutes with cool down and stretch. HRM states I burned 390, but my resting HR is not set correctly as the battery was just changed.

I also did Anusara Yoga with John Friend - Sitting for Meditation(Hatha yoga practice that felt wonderful - 45") and Keli Roberts Spine Roller Massage workout 30". I tell ya, I'm going to be real grumpy when I go back to work and lose all of my extra workout time! (Yve - i really liked this a lot more than the last time I did it).

I just love the music in the new CIA's. I actually did an older Tae Bo Live last week or so for about 10-15 minutes and took it out cuz the music is just not as good as it used to be. I think that the new CIA's are the best for music. It's like Tae Bo Live's music was only updated for the current time! One recognizable song was that song that goes "check it out now.....funk show brother.....check it out now". It's got that sort of hip/hop vibe. I'd much rather here that song than "Buttercup"!!! LOL!

I hope my BPAL order comes today.

Yve - I'm officially starting to worry about Jen now. She hasn't checked in for a few days. I hope she's okay.

Re: the house stuff - Let me just add that if I would have had to buy a home the Realtors set up for me to see, I'd never have bought a house. They showed us the crappiest houses and in neighborhood's I wasn't even slightly interested in!! I really think the good realtors are few and far between (sorry to offend any realtors). When I was purchasing my first home, we went to an reputable agency and wanted to purchase a house. The woman we met with laughed in our faces when we told her we didn't have money saved in the bank, etc. She told us to come back and see her when we had $5000 in the bank!! Well, I listend to her about one evening and the next day the wheels were turning and I found out about purchasing a house by FHA (which a government assisted way to buy a home with a small down payment). Due to the fact that it's government related, there's a lot of paperwork and closing takes long...etc. Anyway, we are now in our 2nd home and I'd love to go tell that woman that and the fact that we still don't have a bank account with $5000!! We put all of our extra money in Retirement Funds, 401 K's, etc. She was just lazy and didn't want to go the extra mile!

Anyway, to get back to the point, my home purchases were VERY important issues in my life, as I have a hard time feeling at home if I'm not comfortable. My fear has always been to buy a house and never get used to it and never feel at home there. That's why I think it's so important to take matters into your own hands Yve! I hope you don't mind my saying all of this.....but I just know what you're going thru (and it sure can be stressful!) and it sure would be nice to start your life off with your new husband in a home that you two can decorate, be comfortable and begin your life as a married couple together! Okay....enough of my babbling.
Did you decide to get the Mones Anusara DVD? or are you going to wait until I try it?
Goodmorning ladies,

This morning I did Cardio and Weights. Tonight I will go to restorative class.

Lora - I really do appreciate this advice on buying a home. I am not the type of person who takes offence with this type of stuff. I know that it is coming from a good place. And finding a place is a very big decision - SO and I work nutty hours - and taking extra time to look for a place has been very hard. SO is an accountant and being that this is tax season -our free time is very limited. I am hoping that in May things will get easier.

The story of your realtor not wanting to take the extra step re the assisted purchasing program is really something. It made me step back and note the difference in some American norms vs Canadian norms.
In Canada - my guess would be that about 70-80%% of homes are CMHC insured (I don't know for sure - I'd have to look it up). What this means is that if someone has less than 25% deposit towards their home - they are required to take out this type of insurance - and if they qualify for the mtg - they may buy the home. I used to be a banker - and arranging financing for homes in this way was the norm.
Today - one may even buy a home without a deposit - as long as the mtg is cmhc insured - and they qualify for the mtg. As far as I know - there isn't a program in place in Canada to assist people in buying a home - but I do know that this particular insurance is there - more for the bank's purposes - that if someone has a high ratio mortgage - the insurance is a requirement. - But then - if the mortgage is affordable - the person is able to buy the home with a very small downpayment.

I am going to buy the Anusara. Other than John Friend's dvd - I hadn't heard of another Anusara workout on dvd. I am glad that you enjoyed the foam roller workout the second time around. I think it takes a bit of time to get comfortable on the roller - but it gets quite addictive afterwards. Which oils did you order?

Has Jen checked into any of the other threads? I really hope all is well.

I am off to work now - Have a nice day everyone.

Goodmorning Lora and Yve.

Good luck Yve with buying a new home. i am clueless, so all I can offer is a wish of good luck!

I wish I could just do yoga everyday and not NEED to do anything else LOL. Although I love all the other stuff. I just LOVE yoga now! I love being able to do new moves, or go deeper. Your body just feels so good after. I guess Ireally wish I had 3 hours to devote to my WOs everyday! Like that will ever happen!LOL!!!

Maeghan AKA megadoo

Added pics to NYC GTG and Christmas Albums 3/6/07
Meg - I know 3 hours a day would be nice to workout all the time! My days are numbered and it makes me sick thinking about it. My Mom just told me today that it's a good thing I never had kids (cuz I was telling her something about Brooklyn - and I'm probalby obnoxious with all of my babbling about her!! LOL). I told my Mom, no sh#$, why do you think I didn't have them?

Yve- Well, I certainly hope things calm down so you can both take the time to look actively. I thought (when I posted) things were probably a lot different with Realtors/Buying, etc being you are in a different Country, but I still stick with the part about looking diligently on your own, as only you truly know what will make you happy. I will pray about the situation for you. I just rec'd the Mones Anusara and I have it playing in the other room. It is EXTREMELY detailed. I've never been to a live yoga class, so this is good for me. It's 1 and a half hours - so I'll probably never do it all at once. I like the instructor. More after I actually try some of it. No - Jen has not checked in on the other thread either......thus my concern.
Yve - I checked each segment's length on that DVD and the actual practice all stringed together is only 60 minutes (doable). The other stuff is teaching stuff, interviews, etc. It should be interesting to see what alignment tips I get from her. I will either try to do it later today or Wed/Thurs.

Jen - where are you ???

I just got back from the drugstore. Had to go buy some Calms Forte - herbal sleep remedy - haven't been able to sleep the last 5 nights. I've been sleeping too late. Need to start getting my butt out of bed earlier. I've only been averaging 4-5 hours a night...........I guess the job stuff is weighing on my mind. That, and Brookie attacking my feet when I first get in bed! She's a trip.
Hi ladies! So sorry I have been gone for what feels like forever! Missed you all very much! Life was getting in the way, big time! Everything is fine, though and I am so glad to see that you ladies are still going strong! :) We have a new internet monitoring system at work that is super-sophisticated and although I am usually pretty good, I am now going to have to be extra, extra-good and that means no checking from work anymore. :( My only time to check in is at night now and that doesn't leave time for I'll just have to learn to type faster! :)

Lora-All this raving about the new CIAs is making my pocketbook hurt! I was so excited over the weekend, I received Kimberly Spreen's Cardio-Camp and Kickbox Bootcamp from Netflix. I previewed them and I think I will love those workouts. She really seems to be a solid instructor! She's not as polished as Cathe (who is?) but I really like her personality and I think she has incredible potential. I also received Amy Bento's All Pump. I only previewed it and I think I will like it also, but I am not as jazzed about her personality. I know everyone must say this about this DVD, but she says "WOO" waaaaayyyy too many times. My friend at work just got Hip Hop Abs and really likes it! She also tried some YBBs and liked those, too....and she likes Kundalini, too. I told her about all those because you turned me on to them. See how your influence filters out into the world! :) (Not to mention the economy!)

Oops....DH says it is time for bed-DOH!...gotta type faster.....

Yve-Good luck with your house hunting! I have no doubt you and SO will find the perfect place. Can't wait to hear about it! Just make sure it has enough space so you can set up your workout room! :)

Meg-Good going on the yoga! I miss making progress with flexibility! It really is the best feeling in the world! If I wasn't so focused on weight loss right now, I would do a lot more yoga. Have you thought about taking classes somewhere? I think you are at the point that if you got the right instructor, you would really love it.

OK, real quick, I have been keeping up with my workouts since I have been gone....Thu-Step Blast, Fri-Rest day, Sat-Legs and Glutes, Sun-Muscle Max UB premix, and today-Turbo Jam Cardio Party # 2 and Ab Jam.

I have not caught up on any posts prior to today, so I will try to do that tomorrow night!

Have a great night and thanks for all your concern!

Hi again Ladies,

Jen - Glad everything is ok. I often worry about the work-internet-monitoring thing too. It is unfortunate that workplaces feel the need to implement such measures - as productivity is better measured by output - than by how people choose to take their breaks. Tks for your good wishes on the house hunting... you know - I have dreams about this workout room!! Right now I am working out in an unfinished basement - with cement floors etc. I have a carpet with underpad laid down - and turn up an portable heater when I am doing yoga. So - a finished basement is a huge plus when I am researching homes. To be honest though - I am just happy to be living with SO - and sharing a life together. Hopefully we will be able to get out again this weekend.

Lora - thanks for all of the input re the dvds. I have to admit though - and embarrased about it too.... I couldn't figure out how to order via fitness organica by way of amazon. I couldn't find the Mones dvd via amazon. Would you be able to send me a link? Also - I hope you get your sleep issues balanced. It is so hard isn't it? Do you buy your Calme forte at any drug store? Next time I go to Buffalo - I am going to look for it too.

Meg - thanks for your good wishes re the house hunting. I share your sentiments re finding extra time for extended yoga!

Have a nice evening everyone.


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