Trying To Fit Yoga in For Friday March 2


Morning Yogini's -

This morning I did SWAT Weightloss, SWAT Toning & SWAT Abs & Core. I added ankle weights and med ball to part of the ab segment. Workout was 1 hour 25 minutes and I burned 460 calories. Your HR stays pretty elevated thru the Toning. I'm finding out I actually like Mountain Climbers ....a lot! Is there something wrong with me?

I also did Adrienne Reed's Fat Burn Yoga - 45 min. segment. This DID NOT click with me. I just cannot warm up to Adrienne. She is my least favorite instructor....but I do like to still do her DVDs for variety and she is tough. This DVD was more of a workout than I wanted today. I wanted power yoga....but with a good stretch and variety of poses. This concentrated on variations of sun salutations and kept you moving in and out of poses so your HR stayed mildy elevated. Not a lot of finishing postures. If I can get everything I need done around here.....I might do another practice later....we'll see. Usually if I don't do it in the AM, it doesn't get done.

Meg - I hope your life becomes more normal soon.

Jen - Hang in there. Recovery days are good (or at least I'm trying to convince myself of that here). I'm actually planning on only doing yoga tomorrow and taking an actual rest day. I plan on doing Bryan Kest Slow & Deep audio practice......but it's 90 min long. I've not yet done it and I think I really need it. I'm stiff.

Yve - running on the treadmill backwards is sort of difficult...but I had the speed turned down pretty low. I have to practice at it! Takes a lot of coordination, etc. Hope you can fit some workouts in also. Sorry about all of the snow......shoveling is a good workout though :).

Gotta run.....I spent too long this morning on the computer ordering my Pink Moon from the Lunar's one of my favorite lunar blends and had to get the tee shirt also.

I've got lots to do around here today....another house project.
Where are all my yogini's today? Help....I need someone to tell me that it's okay to take a day to just do yoga and no cardio. That's what I was planning for tomorrow....but now I'm feeling fat. I don't want to have to "adjust" my calorie intake tomorrow just cuz I didn't work out. I'm such a little piggie when it comes to food. I have been so hungry lately....can't get enough food in me and I'm not even PMSn.

Jen - are you working out? I got my Soul Sweat DVD today. What is up with those funky "harem" like pants. I don't like them! I can just see my DH eyeballing me the day I pop this DVD in! This might have to fall in the category of Trance Dance with Shiva.............MUST NOT DO IN FRONT OF DH for fear he'll lock me in the looney bin. Have you ever tried Trance Dance?

Yve - are you okay today?

Kel - everything okay with you?

Meg - Did you get your project done?

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