Trying to Conceive Blues


Anybody out there Trying to Conceive and getting nowhere? I am a mother of six. My youngest is 2 and 1/2 years and usually by now I am pregnant with the next one. All my children are about 3 years apart. I am 41, but it great health. When I started doing Cathe tapes a couple months ago--I did a step tape 6 days a week--my cycles went from 28 days to 35 days. I thought maybe between still breastfeeding my 2 and 1/2 year old and the exercise, I might not be ovulating.
Well, after a month my feet couldn't take 6 days a week of step. I could barely walk. Messed up my achilles tendons in both feet. Was forced to stop stepping, but I started doing weights every other day while my feet recovered. Now, I am doing step tapes Monday,Wednesday,Friday and weight tapes Sunday,Tuesday,Thursday. I am hoping my cycle will be normal again. I am hoping even more that I am pregnant.
I should start my period Friday if my cycle is back to normal. Or I could be pregnant if it doesn't start on Friday. But if my cycle is still messed up I may have to wait another week to see if I am pregnant. This is driving me crazy!!!!!!!!!!
Just needed to vent. Anybody out there in Trying to Conceive Land? Or had their cycles change when intensifying their workouts. Could I be going through the "change"? I am just not used to having so much trouble getting pregnant.
Maybe we are just trying to hard! Any helpful advice or even any stories of others out there trying to conceive would be appreciated.
Have a Great Day!
Heather, I'm sorry you are frustrated. Could you body fat be too low? Have you tried getting an ovulation kit to see if you are ovulation??
I hope you are successful soon.

I am totally in awe that you have 6 kids and are going for a 7th! I have a question for you, I have 3 kids ages 6,3 and 6 months. I am thinking of another one next year. I've heard that after 3 kids, the 4th is not a big adjustment. Did you find that true??
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jan-13-03 AT 09:25PM (Est)[/font][p]Hi,
I recently posted here asking why it is so hard to get pregnant after trying for 8 months. well,Sat. I took a home pregnancy test and it was positive. i am waiting for doctor's blood tests results to confirm,but I'm pretty sure I'm pregnant with child #1. I give you credit for wanting #7. At people's recommendation,I bought the book taking charge of your fertility and within two months was pregnant. Why wasn't I getting pregnant,I didn't ovulate until day #26. Could your cycles have changed with age? I got this book cheap off Good luck.
Hi Amynicole,
From looking at my thighs I doubt if my body fat is too low. I am 5' 5" and weigh 128lb. I might break down and buy an ovulation kit. This is getting frustrating.
I honestly can not remember only having 3 children. I just know that I used to be able to fix a meal and have leftovers! My oldest is 18 and just started college last week. My youngest is 2 and still nursing. I can't imagine life without all of them. They are each so different.
God has blessed me and I know that if He wants us to have a seventh we will. If not, I am sure He has his reasons.
Hope all goes well with your next pregnancy. I am sure if you do Cathe tapes you can handle just about anything!!!
God Bless,
Congratulations on your first. I still remember getting my first positive pregnancy test!!! Brings back so many memories.
Thanks for the book recommendation. I know all about natural family planning and recognizing fertile signs and stuff. I think I will start charting my temperature if I end up not pregnant. I want to know if I am ovulating or not.
I may even invest in the book you recommended if charting my temperature doesn't help.
Enjoy your pregnancy!
Hi Heather,

Thanks so much for your response! DH and I are probably going to wait until our baby turns 2 so I've got a while to get back into shape and lose my babyfat before then (he is only 6 months now). This way also my other 2 kids will be a little older and more independent. Babies are addictive LOL!!! When we got married my husband and I thought we only wanted 2-3 kids and now that we have 3 kids we just love them so much and love being parents we have been thinking- if we are lucky enough to be able to get pregnant again then why not!

I hope you get what you want and get pregnant soon :)

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jan-18-03 AT 01:16AM (Est)[/font][p]Hello Marci,
Thanks for the post. Yes, I think I must agree with you "babies are addictive!" I guess that is why we keep having them. Each one is so unique and special. No two are alike.
Your plan sounds good. It is always good to get our bodies ready. I am so glad I found Cathe and her tapes. I feel I am in better shape now than when I was 18. In fact, I know I am.
A quick update--today is Friday-17th and my period has not arrived. At least not yet. I am going to bed so I don't have to think about it anymore today. We will see what the morning brings.
Will post if anything happens.
I no longer have the blues. I took a pregnancy test yesterday-Jan. 18--and it was positive!! Thanks for the advice everyone gave. I think what got my cycle back to normal was my feet getting hurt and having to cut back on the aerobics. I got pregnant on day 14 or 15 of my cycle.
I recommend the book "Taking Charge of Your Fertility" to anyone having troubles conceiving. I haven't bought it yet, but I am going to. I have read some of it on the sample pages at And it sounds alot like the book, "Natural Family Planning", only much newer and more up to date. I used the same ideas from Natural Family Planning to achieve pregnancy. The first 2 months didn't work because between nursing my 2 year old and doing step aerobics 6 days a week my cycle got messed up.
Thanks again for all your help.
God Bless,

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