Trouble areas of the body


New Member
Is it true that if you have a trouble spot on your body, such as belly or buttocks, you can never get rid of that spot completely no matter how much you target tone that area? I've heard that a person's trouble area will always be there. For example, my trouble area is my stomach. Is it true that no matter how many crunches I do, I will never have a flat stomach because of the genetic makeup of my body?
Julie, I don't think so. (JMO) I DO think that it will be the LAST spot to improve. Sooo, in other words if fat accumulates on your stomach, all other areas will lean down BEFORE that area. Keep plugging away!
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"Target toning" doesn't really work. While you can "target build" though weight training, or strengthen a particular area through weight training, you can't "target slim" by exercise.

For example, crunches alone won't give you a flat stomach. That's more due to losing fat accumulation through diet and exercise (cardio as well as weight training for large muscle groups to burn more calories) than specific ab work. Ab/core work will help strengthen the area, and working the transverse abdominals (that work like a corset to hold your internal organs in place) can help flatten a bit.

I think most people have a "trouble area" that is genetically programmed into their body. For many women, it's hips/thighs or abs or triceps (on the upper body).

I have a "pooch" that I have had all my adolescent and adult life. When I have less body fat, the pooch is smaller, but I never lose it completely. That's where MY body likes to store some extra fat. If my body fat were low enough to get rid of my pooch, I would have no breasts to speak of, and my upper body would, I think, look to skinny.
Kathryn's absolutely right about target toning. Losing fat is part of a whole package, and doing crunches in order to get a flat stomach is just one part of the package.

I've never had a flat stomach (unless I hold it in), and if I lost any weight to get one, I'd be way too skinny everywhere else. I know this sounds discouraging, but I wouldn't give up, because, although my mid-section is VERY slow to improve, it IS steadily improving and that's better than nothing.
I agree. When you can see the muscle def of my abs it's because I have dieted and people start telling me I look too thin. I have two boys and one takes after his Dad (can bounce a quarter off his stomach) and the other is thin like myself but has a little jiggle on his belly. Ab work does definately help but low bodyfat is what makes the most difference.


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