Trochanter (outer hip) bursitis?


I have had this off and on for over a year and it really does not seem to be resolving completely. I see a sports medicine doc and have had two cortisone injections and am currently doing PT, but I was continuing my activity level (step, running, bike, weights) with permission unless it hurt. I think I may need to take a break from at least running (and likely more!!) to resolve this problem. I am really discouraged that this will not get better and it is more a nagging injury/problem than anything else, but it is inflamed/sore a lot. I want to be able to exercise until old age, but am afraid to take extended time off. I am *really* anxious and discouraged this evening as I don't want a chronic condition. Anybody else had this and how did it resolve? What did you do for activity to keep your fitness while you were "resting" this area?
Need encouragement.
I had the exact same problem a couple of years ago. I never went for cortison shots, but I did lots of stretching, etc. It was when I finally cut way back on my running that it finally went away. I'm back to running, but I have found that as soon as I get up to about 2 hours it starts to act again and I have to cut back. It was so bad at times that I couldn't lie on my right side in bed, which is the side I like to sleep on. It sure was painful and my hip would get really stiff. I went to see a Dr. friend of ours and he sent me for a bone scan to rule out arthritis - thank god I don't have that. I continued to weight train, incorporated biking and some swimming. It felt great to do more cross training. Now, I just watch how I'm feeling when I'm exercising and if I feel that pain coming on, I back off abit in what I'm doing.
I hope that helps. I wish you all the best.

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