I use Organic India Triphala. You can get it online from vitacost or in your local health food store. The way it works is that it helps your body repair your villi (little hairs in your gut that move food through and are often destroyed during a GI tract infection by your immune system or alien microbes.) It takes about three days before you notice a shift. I also take marshmallow root.
This is my IBS regimen:
Upon waking: 2 triphala
After AM cardio: 2 marshmallow root, 1 400 mg. magnesium, 1 fish oil
Lunch: 2 marshmallow root
Before bed: 2 triphala, 1 IBS probiotic cap (needs to be an empty stomach)
Yoga helps. Drinking a lot of water helps. Certain pain relievers can cause constipation. Too much fiber supplements can back fire and cause constipation, if you take a fiber supplement try having it for two days then take a day off. Diuretics/caffeine can make it worse or cause it. Get enough healthy fats. Try avoiding dairy for a week. Iron capsules can cause this problem, there are birth control pills that include iron. Decongestants can cause this. Some people have an adverse reaction to berries, the seeds can be irritating. Oddly enough, Gas X can cause constipation (but I wouldn't be without it sometimes
) Sometimes the use of digestive enzymes helps a lot.