Tricep Kickbacks


I notice that in some of the Firm videos, the instructors advise doing tricep kickbacks with palms up at the top of the move. Cathe always does them palms inward. Does anyone know why? Which is better?
I think the position that Cathe uses stresses the long head of the tricep more, and the other position stresses the short head, though I wouldn't know where they are one in relation to the other ;-) An alternative I like is to start in Cathe's position, then put a twist in so I end up in the Firm's position. That way, you are working two of the movements the triceps are responsible for: straightening the arm, and rotating the arm (is this pronation or supination? I think it's pronation!). The third movement the triceps is responsible for is lifting the straight arm back behind you, so if you wanted a really all-inclusive triceps kickback, you could put a little pause in after you get to the top (of the twisted position), then lift the straight arm up and down for a pulse).
I will actually do both movements also. Sometimes alternating b/w hand in or turning up. I like the way the palm up feels the best though. Susan

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