tricep dips


Does anyone else have problems with their wrists when you do the dips on the step? My wrists can't be in that positon long. Do you have any ways to do them that wouldn't hurt? Or, will my wristes get stronger if i continue trying them?
Have you tried going up on your fists? Don't know if it can be done and I am sure you would require a lifting glove. Try it, dips are so worth fighting for!!!
Sometimes I feel the same pain, and even sometimes when I am doing pushups as well.But with me, it doesn't happen every day.Its only every now and then so if its that uncomfortable, I just don't do it.If your wrist is hurting every time, you may want to get it checked out.
If you have a sturdy surface, like your step, you can position dumbbells horizontally and grip them so there is not so much pressure on your wrists. Cathe mentioned this in the S&H series I believe (among other places I'm sure).

"you miss 100% of the shots you never take"

I developed carpal tunnel syndromes after a workout featuring push-ups and tricep dips off a step (I don't believe I was strong enough at the time for my anatomy to take the exercises, or maybe the problem was flexibility in the wrists?).

For a long time, I avoided tricep dips, and instead did lying tricep extentions (with barbells or dumbells). They are a good substitute, IMO.

I've also tried tricep dips with push-up handlebars, like Debbie's suggestion for using dumbbells.

After I did yoga for a while, and the stretches in P90X, I found I'm able to do tricep dips (and regular push-ups) with no wrist problems.
Thanks for the tips on the dips :D I will try with the dumbells and see if that works for me. The lying extensions you are talking about... do you hold a weight in your hand and flex it up at the wrist? Is that what you mean?
yes I have wrists are shot because of rheumatoid arthritis..

you will frequently find me swearing at my wrists when a section of a workout comes up that I cannot do - like pikes..I cannot bend my wrists like that...and it ticks me off...

I do the tricep dips and have to shift my hand position alot! and I am in pain when I do them but I will not succumb to my RA...

I do pushups using dumbbells (for handles)

I bought some killer wrists wraps and when I am doing any upper body work I tighten those wraps until I hardly have any bloodflow to my hand! the wraps do help

Hope this helps!
In the PS Series Cathe has one of the background exercisers doing seated overhead presses with a DB, while everyone else is doing the dips. Another option!

> The lying extensions
>you are talking about... do you hold a weight in your hand and
>flex it up at the wrist? Is that what you mean?

Lie on your back, with dumbells held towards the ceiling (wrists kept straight throughout). Bend the elbow so that the weights come down towards your head or (if palms are facing in) beside your head). If you angle the arms back a little, this will keep constant tension on the triceps (which work to straigten the arm from a bent position).

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