

My hubby and I went treadmill hunting yesterday. We have it down to two different models - LifeFitness 5i and the PaceMaster Pro Elite. Yes these are the more expensive models but we want a good one and since hubby needs a longer belt due to his stride, we liked these two the best. Does anyone have either one or one that is similar? any suggestions on other brands? We don't like the ones sold at departments stores. We found the ones at fitness stores to be ones that we prefer.


My Dh bought the PaceMaster ProElite for me for X-mas. He checked out all sorts of TM but we really fell for this one. Yeah it’s more expensive but if you check the on-line TM annual rating article on “Runners World” magazine it is one that after their in house staff tried really liked. You should read the article. From a personal point of view I love “Burner” I named it. I love all the preprogrammed settings and being able to use my HR monitor with it. It is fairly light in weight so I can vacuum underneath easily. It’s pretty quite too. With my dh and our two dd’s it is getting used daily which is another reason we wanted a pretty hardy TM. I don’t have any complaints at all about it and have used it daily since early Dec. HTH.

I bought a Pacemaster Pro over 6 yrs ago after reading up on them and seeing how it has been named best buy several years in a row. Even this past year it still is best buy. I have logged about 25 miles every week for the past six years and it has never let me down. Easy to read screens,etc. I would buy another one! (it is so hard to leave my treadmill to do Cathe videos but her workouts I really love also. Hope my two cents helps.

Thanks Peggy and Debbie
I am going to tell my hubby what you both have said. The PaceMaster is the cheaper of the two and from what I can tell, has what the other has.

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