Treadmill Workouts


I have been getting my runs in on the treadmill lately with the cold and short days.

I just wanted to tell any treadmill users about 3 treadmill workouts in Feb issue of Fitness. They have walk and run versions. They are 30 minutes long, a Speed, Hill, and Interval workout. They are great, two of them are anyway. I have done the Speed and Hill one. I did them back to back and had a great 60 minutes of cardio. It was a nice change.

Just thought I'd let you know.

I am patiently waiting on my Intensity Series..

I've been getting an extra hour in by walking on the treadmill while previewing the Intense series each day, then doing the actual workout in the afternoon. :D Oh are you going to love the new series!

Would it be possible for you to post the run down of one or more of the new Treadmill workouts?
I too, think that variety helps with overuse injury.

If you don't have time, I understand.

Thanks for sharing about the new Treadmill variation in Fitness.

I would also be interested in the treadmill workouts. It is a nice change to do a treadmill workout.

Thanks for sharing.
Here are the treadmill workouts from Fitness.
Let me know what you think, if you try them? I did the Speed Ladder and immediately followed it with Hills. It was a good workout.

I know they seem crammed together. No matter how far I did spaces it would not show up on the preview message post correctly. I don't understand.

Basic Intervals

(Min) Run - Walk
0-5 - 5.5mph - 3.4mph
5-8 - 7.0mph - 4.2mph
8-9 - 6.0mph - 3.5mph
9-12 - 7.0mph - 4.2mph
12-13 - 6.0mph - 3.5mph
13-16 - 7.0mph - 4.2mph
16-17 - 6.0mph - 3.5mph
17-20 - 7.0mph - 4.2mph
20-21 - 6.0mph - 3.5mph
21-24 - 7.0mph - 4.5mph
24-25 - 6.0mph - 3.5mph
25-30 - 5.7mph - 3.4mph


This is a 6.0 mph pace for runner and 3.5 for walkers

(Min) - Incline
0-5 - 0.5
5-10 - 2
10-13 - 4
13-15 - 6
15-16 - 8
16-18 - 6
18-21 - 4
21-26 - 2
26-30 - 0.5

Speed Ladder

(Min) Run - Walk
0-5 - 5.7mph - 3.3mph
5-7 - 6.0mph - 3.5mph
7-9 - 6.5mph - 4.0mph
9-11 - 7.0mph - 4.5mph
11-12 - 5.5mph - 3.0mph
12-14 - 6.5mph - 4.0mph
14-16 - 7.0mph - 4.5mph
16-18 - 7.5mph - 5.0mph
18-19 - 5.5mph - 3.0mph
19-21 - 7.0mph - 4.5mph
21-23 - 7.5mph - 5.0mph
23-25 - 8.0mph - 5.5mph
25-30 - 5.7mph - 3.3mph

Ok, Bev, I am drueling over your pics again and I have to ask: What is your upper body routine?? Any rotation that has been particularly successful for you?? Those pecs and arms are to die for!! Do tell..oh, and I read your profile where you say you would like to add muscle to your upper body. Out of curiosity, when did you write that? Do you feel you have reached that goal??

Oh, and on the topic, I am going to start adding runs next week with my new GPS. It is forcasted to be 80 degrees here in PHX on Monday, so no weather problems here (Ok, just had to get that in:):) I will think of you in the sunshine!! And when I am rollerblading tommorrow!!:):)
I have two tapes from a company called Treadmoves -- I don't have the website handy right now, but I think you can pull it up pretty easy. You can actually do a treadmill workout by tape. I really liked both of them. They do intervals, hills, weights, etc. Just a suggestion -- take it or leave it (as Cathe would say!)!!
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jan-05-03 AT 09:47PM (Est)[/font][p][font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jan-05-03 AT 09:46 PM (Est)[/font]

Also, Runervals has great treadmill tapes. Much harder than those workouts listed above. Those are kind of wimpy, in fact, compared to Treadmill Tempo and Cheetah Fast on Runervals. At the end of Treadmill Tempo, I'm running 10 mph on a 10 incline.

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