Hi! I'm not Cathe but I did put together a treadmill workout that I like from information I got from a variety of sources on "interval treadmill". I needed this to break the boredom of just running at the same speed all the time as well as to try and improve the cardio challenge. I like this one, it's fun and it can be shortened or varied for days when I am tired (I work weird shifts....evenings and nights sometimes...sometimes my body is too tired for the full workout).
First of all, determine "set point". This is the speed at which you can comfortably jog for a mile or so. For most folks, it is your maximum walking speed plus 0.5 miles/hr.
1. Warm up for 5 minutes (walk at an increasingly brisk pace)
2. Jog at your set point for 5 minutes
3. Climb for 5 minutes, increasing your incline from 3% to 8% and adjusting your speed to a comfortable pace as you go.
4. Walk for 2 - 3 minutes
5. Interval cycles:
a. Set point for 1 minute
b. Sprint (increase from set point to a really fast pace for
that you can sustain for a minute or so) for 1 minute
c. Walk for 1 minute
Repeat Step 5, interval cycles, 3 times
6. Treamdill climb for 3 to 4 minutes...maximum incline and comfortable pace.
This is about a 30 minute workout. You can extend to a longer workout by repeating steps 5 and 6 or by brisk walking or jogging at your set point for another mile or another 10-15 minutes or by doing both if you want to stay on the treadmill for almost an hour.
You can increase the intensity by increasing the speed of your set point and your sprints or by doing steps 5 and 6 on a slight incline such as 2% or 3%. You can decrease the intensity by decreasing the speed of your set point or your sprints.