Treadmill purchase


New Member
I'm hoping to get some advice from the educated crowd! I am thinking of purchasing a treadmill, and I was wondering if anyone has any advice as to treadmills they have and like or treadmills they have and don't like. Thanks!
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jan-02-03 AT 04:56PM (Est)[/font][p]Edited to add: my treadmill was fixed once because of a power shortage that damaged the "motherboard." Not because it was faulty. Always unhook it from the outled when not in use....very important-learned it the hard way!

I have a Nordic Track 1750 PowerTread. It is a continuos duty treadmill...which means that the motor will not burn out if it is on for hours on end. Make sure you get one like this. It is worth every penny. Sears usually carries a fitness equipment sale every February. They also have the extended warranty. I already had mine fixed once. I highly recommend getting the extended guaranty. I love my treadmill. We are moving it from the bedroom into the family room tonight so that I can use it more often since I get up very early to exercise.


Blessings from our home to yours, Runathon
I bought mine at Wal-Mart 4 years ago. I think it is Weslo. As of yet I have never had a problem. I use it on a weekly basis, except when I get my new Cathe videos which should be tomorrow. I spent around $400 for it. Everyone says that you get what you pay for and I have definitely gotten my moneys worth out of it, and it still has a long life ahead of it. Good luck in your search.
I too have a Weslo treadmill and while it serves its purpose fine; I definitely want to upgrade (I guess you could say) to a better treadmill. Mine doesn't have all the extra little bells and whistles that today's treadmills have. (Bought it 5yrs ago for $500) There is no power incline so you only get a choice of 1 incline position or else flat. There's no digital speed controls either (it has a dial that you turn instead) so the actual speed isn't exact for slight increases in speed. So these a definitely things I would suggest you look for when you go to purchase you treadmill. Hopefully sometime later this year I'll get a new treadmill with all the mentioned above gadgets, of course I have no clue what to do with my old treadmill, as my friends have their own or an eliptical trainer and don't want a treadmill.

Hi, I love my treadmill! Got it about two years ago, it is a Schwinn 6700 and it was $1400 at that time. It has 15 preset programs or you can just do it manually. Also has 10 inclines.
Good luck with you purchase!
Karen :)
I have a PRECOR 9.25i and I love it. It has lots of bells and whistles, which I really enjoy. It inclines, tracks calories, and heartrate monitor. It was expensive, but my sister wasn't using it, so I luckily 'inherited' it. I don't know what I'll do if she ever wants it back! I think my sister was able to get some of the cost covered by insurance, by getting her doctor to write a prescription, or something strange like that!
Do you have a budget in mind? How often do you think you will use it? Running or walking? We bought a True 450 last year and I still use it three times a week for running. It was expensive - $2500 - but worth it. If you want to do some research I found the Runners World web site and to be very helpful.

good luck
Here's my 2 cents: What are you are going to do on it? Like JCM, I purchased an expensive treadmill 4 years ago ($2500). It is a Landiscor but fits the needs of both my husband and me. I needed something sturdy enough to handle running for both of us. Mine has a steel frame, 15% grade capability, 5 programs, and I believe a 9 HP motor. Had this only been for me I would have not needed so much power as I only weigh 110 lbs and could have bought a lesser treadmill, but it also had to be able to handle a 225 lb man who runs. As it is, the Landiscor is perfect for us and we both still use it regularly - and we use all the programs.

So you also need to consider if you're walking, running, or both and are you the only person using it, do you want computerized preset programs, what's important to you?

Also, I do recommend the Landiscor...have had zero problems.

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