Travel workout


Active Member
I love love love all of my Cathe workouts and I dread leaving them behind when I go on vacation.

I would LOVE to have a travel workout I can take with me to do in hotel rooms. Ideally, it would have both cardio and resistance training, and the only equipment needed would be a resistance band. I'd really like to have a strength workout that just uses a band, no weights. (The Harddcores have made me love the band!)

Cathe, can you do this?

Thanks so much!

Words spoken by a true Cathe-addict! lol :) I hate going on vacation and having to leave my work out routine behind! I have been known to find other ways to exercise while on vacation but to be able to do Cathe would be AWESOME! Ofcourse...this only works if your hotel room is equipped with a dvd player...

but then again...they DO sell the portables... }( }( }(

Great idea!!!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm![/img]
EDD: 05/19/05
I was going to put in my request for this one also. All cardio including Hi/Lo (no step at all) and kickboxing. Then having a "resistance" segment with strictly the band. This would be perfect for traveling. You can't exactly pack a step easily! Oh...this would be terrific!!!!
Since it's almost impossible to take a step with you, wouldn't a travel rotation be good -- like with sprints or something outside?

And then muscle work, as well. Something like that?
I was miserable on my last vacation. I listened to my family who told me I was spoiled and selfish and I didn't rent a car. They all promised me that they would have someplace for me to work out all scoped out and ready to go. Needeless to say....

I have thought about taping the no equipment workouts on audio tapes. Even if I mess up a little it would be better than nothing.

Hey Cathe what about this for future work:
1. A no equipment needed workout that could be intensified with bands/tubing.
2. A jumprope workout ---yeeee hawwwwww what a pump
3. A "Use Your Own Body As Resistance" workout with:
plyojumps and squats variarions
pushups variarions
Pilates inspired power moves
extended length abwork (muscles are worked to exhaustion or one of those famous Cathe Interval type workouts for abs only)
4. Planks, Planks, and more Planks (with audio tapes for early buyers)
I would love a travel DVD!!! Remember many people travel for business and have laptops with DVD players (like me!!!). You can get the portable DVD players for next to nothing if you are traveling for pleasure (they're also great for those who have children on long car or plane rides).

As mentioned by the previous posters, the only equipment you can usually travel with is the band so it would need to be hi/lo aerobics and band work.

Please, please, please consider this Cathe!!! :)
Pretty Please Cathe?

I have to travel with my 8 year old son and can't leave him alone in the hotel while I go run.(I also don't like to run in strange places. Safety issue.) I find hotel gym's to be inconsistant and I hate pool's.

I would use such a workout on a portable DVD player which my son could also use for his entertainment.

Bands, body weight, jump rope, all sound great to me and I know I could use them on my own but I don't have the dicipline to do them from memory or from a book. The DVD's inspire me to keep going when I probably would quit.

I dread going on vacation or traveling for business because I need my workouts for mental as well as physical health.

I would like at least 50 to 65 min. workouts I also hate skimpy workouts.

Thanks for all of your hard work and faith in all of us "out here" beyond the TV/DVD player screen.

Colleen. Age 51 and a new fan of Cathe. Former Firm/FitPrimer. I'm finally seeing results with your workouts.
I agree. A travel workout with the bands from Cathe would be great. Normally, I go to my parents for Christmas and I have a step bench and some limited wieghts there. This year for Christmas the family is planning a trip (we don't know where yet) and I said "I ain't going if you don't pick a hotel with a workout room." x(
For those who want / need a stop-gap travel workout while CATHE FILMS HER NEW TRAVEL WORKOUT (ahem), I've bumped up a post called "Cathe Workouts On The Road" on the Rotations forum that might be of interest to you little vagabonds.


Travel w/o,
is so needed for me. My husband and I travel 2-3 months out of the year, and desprately need this to keep indurance, cardio, and gaining muscle, at it's peek. After our trip has ended, it seems forever, to get back where I was.

Please Cathe, if you are reading these posts, We Need a Traveling DVD for, (like I mentioned above) indurance, cardio, and resistance training and or gaining muscle. There are a lot of people in need of this.

I'd love to see a Travel workout that could be done IN the hotel room, with bands/tubing. Not sure that I'd want a lot of cardio on the tape, unless I plan to do it outside. I wouldn't be very happy if people on the floor above me were jumping rope IN their room. x(

So, how about a low impact, IN ROOM, Travel Workout (that is friendly to those in rooms BELOW). lol

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