Transformation Challenge! 9/22-9/28


Hi ladies,
Hope you are doing fantastic.

Today I am doing MIC, BTR, and rebounding.

Wish you a wonderful coming week and a beautiful, productive day as well.
Talk to you soon.:)
I did Shape it up this morning. I think that one and Tear it up are her hardest and well rounded workouts.

Blessings from our home to yours...Runathon[/img]
Good morning ladies,
Hope everyone feels refreshed from the weekend, and ready to go once again.
This morning was SS Tone it Up, later tonight is Cardio kickboxing substitution for MIC, and Yoga.
Have a great day!!!!
Hi ladies. I did Susan's new Floor burn both Sat and this AM. It rivals Vol#1 for sheer toughness. I got so SORE(Which is GOOD) in my thighs and lower abs. You will LOVE this tape. highly recommend it. It's 45 minutes long and REALLY tough but lots of fun! It works the inner/outer thighs, upper and lower abs. The whole core area really. This is a tape I'll be using at least once a week. Can't wait to hear what you girls think of it!!!! Have a great week all...Janice
Good morning ladies,
Bita, great job!!!
Runathon, sounds like you're enjoying the SS, are you experiencing any changes or difference in your body yet? I am.
Janice, you are sure enjoying all of the firm workouts, and it's great to hear that. Personally, I would love to purchase Susan's workouts since I really love her, and Tracy's, but I'm hooked on DVD's. I love them so much that I'm purchasing Cathe's workouts I already have on DVD. I only wish Fitprime will come out with DVD's soon.
This morning was CTX Step & Intervals substituting the running sprints. Tonight will be SS Tear it UP, and that it is it for me today.
Have a lovely day ladies!!
Hi LA, I am currently alternating the Slim Series with Cathe because I need to add some cardio to them. Today I did 40 min on treadmill: 5 w/u, 30 run, 5 c/d, then went straight to PS Chest, Shoulders and Triceps. I am cooked! My legs are sensitive since yesterday's Shape it up workout I think the Slim Series is well worth having. They work you out very differently from Cathe and that is great to have for functional and variety fitness.

Blessings from our home to yours...Runathon[/img]
Hi ladies,
Hope all is well.

I did Imax2 and the Floor Burn. Rebounding is for later.
LA, Runathon, Janice Great Job!
Janice, I got my Floor Burn yesterday so I had to try it today! I loved it!
Big Hi to Gloria, Juli, Robyn, FS, Otisan.

Have a very beautiful day.
Bita,i don't know how you do it.Imax2 then floor burn and rebounding later.You are amazing.I did Total Sculpt yesterday and Step Fit with abs today.I got my floor burn yesterday.I watched yesterday.Looks like a killer.Susan is so perfect.I like the cute faces she makes.She still looks the same.Getting ready for my cleanse class Thursday night.Looking forward toward this cleanse.It's excatly what i need.It will be fun assisting.

As always,you ladies are doing great.
Hi girls. Bita-Glad you enjoyed Floor Burn as much as I did. I did Allie's MCB today. Hope to visit longer tomorrow but had a busy day!! See you all tomorrow. Have a great night.. Janice
Today I had to take a rest day. I was fried and my knees warned me a tiny bit to I did. Tomorrow I will be a new woman and will tackle my workout with passion! }(

Blessings from our home to yours...Runathon[/img]
Hello ladies,
Hope everyone is doing great!
Runathon, it's so good you're listening to your body, way to go!
I did SS Firm it Up (Lower body) this morning. Tonight is Upper Body wt training at the gym, 30 min crosstrainer cardio, and 1 hr Power Yoga, so I can stretch out all the kinks.
Good luck to all, and have a lovely day!!!
Hi girls. No workout this AM. I'm packing to go the Key West for 4 days!!!!!!!!! I'm so EXCITED! I'll ck back in with ya'll Monday with all the juicy details. Hugss.. All......Janice
Hey everyone! GOod to see everyone and another new person! Have I been gone that long!

Hey Janice, FS, Gloria, Juli, Bita, Otisan, LA and runathon.

Not quite back to the normal balance for work/life.. but I am hiring someone YIPPEEE. I'm very lucky to get the req. DOing maintenance mode working out NOT where I want to be... weird My clothes are fitting looser. I'm weird one of those people who with stress don't eat much and don't eat well.

Glad to see you are all doing well wanted to say hi.. and ill be back in earnest SOON ! Kids are doing well but daughter --- STRESSED with college stuff - (they aren't winning) sadly by sr. year its all about wining- coach SOOO NEGATIVE ... son had bad soccer loss - and coach didn't play him much... one of those days where I'm SOOOOO tempted to tell the coach where to go... JERK! ok I feel better now!

Well just wanted to pop in and say hello! I'll be back !
Good morning ladies,
Robyn, so glad to hear from you, and that you're doing well.
Today will be SS Shape it up, and maybe 30 min Step...well...Friends & Will & Grace start tonight, so I may take a break..or maybe step while I'm how fun is that? I think I'll pass on the workout alltogether....I'm so confused today!
Have a nice day!
Hi Everyone :)

Just popping in to say hi! I hope this post finds you all well.

Andrea, we re-vamped the old 4Month Holiday Challenge we did on the old FIRMForum, on a different board. Thought that would bring a smile to your face if you knew :D

Seems like everyone is doing very well!!!! Ya'll are making me want to get FloorBurn now, LOL.

OK, have a good one!
Hi ladies,
Robyn, great to see you.
Hope everyone is doing great.
StepFit, BTR, and rebounding for me today.
Today is a rest day in Cathe's rotation, but I might need the time during this weekend, so I kept going without the rest day for now!

Have a wonderful day.
Hi everyone!

Today I did the Imax2 1-5 premix and then PS Back, Biceps and Abs. I substituted the ab work for the PUB ab work with the stability ball.

Have a blessed day!

Blessings from our home to yours...Runathon[/img]
OMG!!!It's WINDMILL GIRL!!! How are you?I've been thinking about you.Funny you should chime in.I was starting to brain storm a new challenge.What board did you post the holiday challenge.I'd love to see it.E-mail me so we can chat>[email protected] to hear from you soon.

Waves to everyone!! This has been a chacotic week at work.Have tomorrow off.My friend from CT can't make this weekend which i'm really bummed about.So,my plans for this weekend have change.Yea,i get to do housework.Except for tomorrow.I am going to VT for the day.I do need to get some housework done.It's a never ending job keeping the house clean.Tonight i start my cleanse class which i'm really excited about.I did some shopping already.So,tomorrow i can start with some foods.

Haven't worked out in two days.I am doing MBS tomorrow morning though.It's beautiful out side!!!!!!

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