Transformation Challenge 8/18 -8/24

Thank you so much, I can see how it would work the butt & legs. I will definetely consider purchasing this.
Question about the rebounder, can I get away with purchasing just any mini trampoline? Or is there much more to this?
Thank you so much, I can see how it would work the butt & legs. I will definetely consider purchasing this.
Question about the rebounder, can I get away with purchasing just any mini trampoline? Or is there much more to this?
You welcome!
About the rebounder, I've had from from a sport store, and it worked quite good. After two years, I decided that I like rebounding very much, so I invested on a ReboundAir. I very much love the ReboundAir. It is higher from the ground, the bounce is more evenly distributed, and the mat feels better, therefore the bounce is nicer and easier on the feet. Hope this helps.:)
I did G-force this morning for the first time.OH MY GOD!!!! It was so much fun.I love the rebounder.What a difference.I hope FitPrime is going to make more rebounding tapes.I would be awesome if Cathe did.I see why you do it almost everyday bfj.Did four morning workouts so far.Tomorrow morning i meeting Timber99 for breakfast.We haven't seen each other in awhile.Looking forward to our breakfast and our chats.

I'm going to try to fit in The Tortoise(I have no reason NOT too!!).Then it house cleaning for the rest of the weekend.:( Am going to my health store the weekend too.I love that place.Have a great weekend.
Okay FirmScorpio,

I have to ask, did you purchase your rebounder through fitprime? The more and more I read about it, the more I want it :)

BFJ, you mentioned yours is a ReboundAir, I checked out their website, and it's about $300, but fitprime offers theirs with the G-Force video. Am I better off purchasing this through a sporitng good store or web?
Your help is greatly appreciated!
FS, rebounding is fun!!
LA, you might also check,, and ebay, they have them with much less price. Weigh it out, because sometimes a rebounder can come with weight gloves, or a rebounding tape. But the ReboundAir is not in the sports stores yet. You can also check
Many helpful informations are shared over that site too.
Hope this helps.
Hey everyone....

Geez went for a 2 mile run today with my (just last week turned 15) year old son... Talk about being left in the dust... and i thought i was in pretty good shape! A humbling moment for sure.. but at least we are all active... TOmorrow going to the beach with the kids looking forward to it.

Have a great weekend all :)
Hi all!!

I have been lazy about posting and we've been without ISP for over a week. Feels good to post again.

Workouts have been good, for the past three weeks I've been doing Rhythmic Step and Power Hour. Those two tapes rock! RS gives me the same feeling I had when I first started working out; like I'm on air. I plan to start the S&H series next week just to give my body a boost strength wise. I've never done it before, so I'm not sure how long that rotation will last.

Last week, DF & I had a great weekend getaway to Vermont. The weather was great and it really charged up the batteries. Every once in a while it feels great to do something that fills you with pure joy, and last week was it :)

Gloria, it must be bittersweet to have an empty nest. The boys will be having a great time persuing their dreams. That must really be a "transformation challenge". Be strong and be proud!

LA, welcome to the Transformation Challenge! When I first read your post, I thought you were someone we haven't seen in a while (Wildpony). You sound so positive and upbeat, I can't wait to read more about your rising above the surgery! Best of luck and welcome!

Juli, how have you been effected by the power outage? I hope you were able to get back to speed in no time. That was quite an experience!

FS, keep up the great work! I thought about the time you woke up at 2am to workout. I've been seriously considering that, too.

Bita! I love reading your posts, what a great idea to to the classic firms inbetween tough rotations. I might throw in a Firm Classic week next week along with the cardio half of CTX. That might be what it takes to get started on S&H.

Waves to everyone! HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND!
Hi All -- It'a been another AWESOME weekend (weatherwise) in Cincinnati. I can't remember a summer this beautiful in at least 10 years. Since it was so beautiful, I walked Sharon Woods with my DH and then we played nine holes of golf. I'm terrible but so what. We still had a great time.

Didnt get any exercise in yesterday. Something has happened in the economy and I've been working my tail off. It's only been in the last 4-6 weeks. I spent a good part of my day on getting all my job orders in the tracking system for the recruiters. Consulting firms are the first to see upturns and downturns and I'm seeing an incredibly strong upturn.

Otisan -- Cincinnati (luckily) wasn't hit by the blackout. We're serviced by a different company and we're on a completely different grid. My DH and I were coming home from Vegas that day and it wasn't until that next day we had any clue was a massive blackout there was. We saw it on the nightly news and were shocked that it had happened. We were clueless.

Hope everyone had a great weekend!

Hey Otisan! Great to see you again!

Hey Juli! Oh yes it is sooo busy I can relate... But sad so many friends still out of work - so I dont want to say I'm SOO busy but you are right it's true. I put in like 23 extra hours a few weeks ago so have to watch that. I usually get in 10 extra a week but that was too much

ANother reality check ran with both kids today and they BOTH left me in the dust - sigh.. but felt good my just turned 15 year old say Mom you really are in pretty good shape and my 17 year old daughter.. mom you are faster that some of the girls trying out for f. hockey... so that felt good.. actually was kinda funny - and at least we went for a family run after a day at my favorite beach...

gotta get some sleep busy week - kids have tryouts --- hope things turn out great !

Hi to FS, Janice, Bita, LA too

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