Transformation Challenge 8/18 -8/24


Hi All --

Since I didn't see a topic for this week, I'm taking the liberty of starting one. My topic is "Under Construction"

As a salesperson, I frequently read motivational/instructional material. I recently read "If You're Not Out Selling, You're Being Outsold" by Rick Page. There are several motivational ideas in the book that apply to all of life, as well as sales. One of the chapters in the book is called "Under Construction". The main idea of this chapter is that you will never progress in any area of life (including sales) unless you are constantly "under construction" "Under construction" refers to the extra effort you make to grow in any area -- physically, mentally, spiritually, on the job, etc. It's usually the "going beyond" time and it's most effective when it's systematic and planned.

I think all of us in this challenge are "under construction". We all want to stretch and grow. Since we are all exercisers, the physical realm is an obvious area. As I gotten to know you all, I've come to realize that we're all seeking to grow in other areas as well.

I've increased my physical "under construction" time this year to include golf with my husband and some practice time every week. In the fall, I plan to go "under construction" by signing up from German classes while maintaining my French skills. I'm "under construction" in my spiritual life, too -- I joined a ladies small group at our church.

Since our theme is "tranformation", I like to use "under construction" as an idea to encourage myself to take an action, however small, rather than vegging out in front of the TV. I figure an hour of TV rarely improves life or builds skills. I'd rather use my hour for exercise or language study or prayer.

Tonight is an exercise night for me. I plan to do Vol. 4 followed by some PM yoga for my flexibility.

I hope everyone has had a great start to the week. Waves (and hugs) to all of you!

INTERESTING TOPIC!!! I like that quote "under construction".That is so true.I'm under some serious construction.Had a bad week last week.Got up this morning and did Better Body and Buns.Use light weights.I know i have to work my way back up again.I'm forcing myself out of this rut.Especially,after seeing the pictures from] the body blast series.Have to get back into Cathe and my tough workouts.Made my workout schedule for the next six weeks.Have to get my eating under control.Going to get my mom's mountain bike this week and start riding.

Made small goals for myself.It's cooled down.I'm trying to do my housework during the week.So,i'll have the weekends to do fun things like riding my motorcyle and powerwalking.Have a great night.
Hi guys,
Hope all is well.

Juli, thanks for starting this week's post.

I really like the topic, but I also am a believer of being serene and happy with were we are, enjoying our present moment, being content, seeing and accepting things as they are. Seems like we are always striving, and I've seen too many times that if that looses its balance, depression and low self-esteem to say the least are the results.

FS, please forgive me if what I say is not helpful, but I really think you get out of the rut by relaxing and releasing your expectation. I have noticed the high expectations you have for yourself and not achieving some of them brings you so down, and of course that is well expected as a fruit of it. You are awesome as you are and I hope you know that.

I really hope I am not saying too much. I say these because I care. And if I am wrong please forgive me. ;)

Waves to all!

I am on the firm classics rotation this week. Did volume #1, BTR, and rebounding.

Have a great rest of the day and a fantastic week to come.:)
Hi girls,

Sorry to have been slack with my checkins, but life got in the way. Got both my ds's off to college so I'm officially an empty nester. My tennis season is starting up again and I'm captain this year so that takes some extra time. The church secretary is out for awhile following surgery and I've been filling in some. Got a new computer I'm still trying to work the bugs out of. I'm heading out of town for a few days, back for a week then DH and I are going to Boston and Maine to celebrate our anniversary. Lots to do! I've been a little sporadic with exercise too but I've worked it in where I could.

I like your under construction topic Juli. I've always considered myself a work in progress in all areas I guess. I'm happy to say that I'm very content with the progress I'm making in most areas. Went in for my yearly check up today and my Dr. said just keep doing whatever you're doing. That made me feel pretty good. Until he told me that eventually my breast muscle will turn to fat. YUK! Oh, the menepause years. Firmscorpio, I'd like to add to Bita's comments if I may. Sometimes when I read your posts it just wears me out to think about how much you try to do. I want to say slow down girl, none of us can do it all! You've obviously got great fortitude. After all you started us on this challenge in 2002 and you're still here. We all have to find a lifestyle we can live with and it's different for us all. Be healthy but be happy too. And Bita, you're wise beyond your years dear.

Have a great week all.

Hi Gloria, Juli, Bita, FS!

Bita what a WONDERFUL post and SO true.. I use to focus so much on being the best i could be in all aspects of my life... I still do but much more of a focus of being happy - enjoying life - being a great mom and GREAT relationship with my kids - having rich and rewarding friendships - rewarding successful career - balance in life with giving back... a lot more focus on enjoying what we have and keeping positive .. reading for pleasure - and yes eating healthy and working out... Much more focus on character - warm, caring, positive, energetic, honest (integrity), resiliant (this year with not working)... Not sure if it is a 40s thing. Each day I am thankful for my blessing - have quiet time each am - find for me personally my faith is so key to my life....

O dear i'm rambling! I must admit I do have a tendancy to push too much like 2 weeks ago put in extra 23 hrs.. so its not easy .. but know what is most important...

Have a great week all --- S&H for me this week and Imax - CK - and a cardio of my choice!!!
YOU GIRLS ARE MY ROCK!! and i appeciate your caring and your kind words!!! Bita,you are right and you'll never say the wrong thing.Yes,i do put way to much pressure on myself.Instead of being so negative&hard on myself.I have accepted myself for who i am.I had a very emotional week last week.I've come to a conclusion that i seriously need to back off on myself.I'm slowly getting that desire back with my workouts.My eating will fall in place.My dad&I are doing good in ww.I've been honest with myself about my eating.

I am doing better and will get back on track.Again,thank you so much for being there.You've help me through this 1 1/2.You girls have give me the push when i needed the most.It means alot to me.You ladies are very special.THANKS AGAIN!!!!:)
Did Yoga for Flexibility tonight. I like the Forward Bend workout best. Been really busy at work, but that's a very good thing.

Hope everyone is well.

Hi ladies,
Hope your day is wonderful!

Gloria, it is so great to see you. Congrats on having two kids in college. Such an accomplishment. I think your nest is not empty but it is so rich and full. Great work on being such a fantastic mother, and having such a beautiful family. Good luck in the tennis season. How fun.

FS, you ROCK! More power to you. You are a wonderful role model.

Robyn, thank you for such a wonderful post, and so true!

Juli, I am so glad the work is going fantastic. You are so admirable. And Yoga is amzaing isn't it?!!

Big hello to Janice and Otisan. Hope you are enjoying your summer tremendously. Otisan, you're so close to be wedded! That is So wonderful!

So I did the firm, Vol.2, and today did Vol.3. Still am doing BTR and rebounding everyday for fun.
Have a beautiful rest of the day.:)
Hi Juli, and everyone else on this forum. I've been away from this forum for a long time, and away from working out to Cathe's videos, and the Firm. Yoga seemed to be the best way I could deal with my most difficult times in life, but I'm back!!
I've noticed that so much has changed on Cathe's site, but one thing that has not, is the support from all of you. I'm so glad to have you women on this forum, because as I ran into this thread, I realized that this is such a great place for me to get back into the swing of things.
After surgery, it's 10 lbs I'm looking to shed, but will not be able to do high impact aerobics for at least another 4 months. Clean eating as well, which for me is the hardest thing to do, but I will start on the BFL program again. I will try my best :)
I decided to start out with Cathe's July 4 wk rotation (fat loss and definition), so it's as follows.
M- 30 min spinning/Leaner legs & Yoga
Tu-Firm Upper Body & Yoga
W- 45 min Treadmill walk & Yoga
Th- Muscle Endurance
F -Off
Sat-Imax 2 & Yoga
Sun- 1 hour walk

Funny, although I haven't worked out for so long, I continued to purchase all of Cathe's video's and DVD's}( and can't wait to start working out to her Intensity series as well as the body blast series.

Did any one succeed with the July rotation fat loss and definition??

Happy to be back, looking forward to conversing with all of you.
Hi LA -- It's such a pleasure to meet you!!! Welcome to our little group!

I looked at your workouts and they look like mine -- work on all the aspects of fitness -- a little cardio/a little strength/a little flexibility. it's a really balanced and good mix.

As soon as you mentioned surgery, my heart went out to you. It takes SUCH a long time to get back to normal. It seems particularly long if you've never been sick before. How can I encourage you? This is a great group. If we're competitive at all, it's with ourselves and not each other. We are so glad you've come to join us.

Hi LA !

Welcome! We are so glad to have you here... At one point the group was pretty big but there are about 6 of us who post regularly. We are a very great group if I may say so!!! Glad you are recovering from your surgery.... This is a great supportive group.. I was out of work (single mom) for 4 1/2 mos this year and they were so great :)

It's kind of cool we can tell they other when they are pushing too hard, offer encouragement when needed, a kick in the butt when needed... It's a wonderful group

Hey Gloria... how are you doing with the empty nest - my oldest goes next year and I am NOT ready... today we got our hair done together... I'm finding I'm savoring our time together even more. Sounds like you've done a great job with you kids :)

Hey Bita, Juli, FS, Janice. Haven't heard from Otisan in a while.. how's she doing?
Good morning Juli, and Robyn, thank you so much for welcoming me, it's a good feeling :) I updated my profile after realizing that it posted me as a male
Juli, thank you for offering encouragement, I very much need it, since I'm slowly coming out of my cocoon.
Robyn, I can only imagine how difficult that must have been (single mom, out of work). It's so comforting to know that we have so much power with in us to overcome these challenges life presents us. As well as knowing that we as strangers can be there for one another, such a wonderful gift!!

Okay, last night I changed my workout plan, since I was feeling down in the dumps, so I needed to sweat a little more!
45 min spinning, 15 min step, 15 min Abs, and 1 hour power yoga.

I'm trying to follow Cathe's rotation, but I'm normally the kind of person that can't follow one, because I pretty much workout as to how I feel. So with that being said, I need you ladies and I hope I can also be of some assistance to all of you.

Have a wonderful day!
Hi ladies,
Hope you are doing great.

LA welcome! This group of ladies are fantastic and supportive. I think you will benefit quite a bit from the loving support.
Your routine looks great. I am sure you reach your goal in no time.

Big hello to all my friends.
I am on my week of Firm Classics, so I did Vol.4, BTR, and rebounding.

Have a great rest of the day.
Hi there,
I still have all my firm videos and am thinking of incorporating them into my workouts as well. What is BTR? and how is rebounding working for you? I'm considering purchasing a rebounder since I can't do high impact, but it still may be a bit much for me right now.
Thanks a lot!
Hi Ladies --

Yesterday was a rest day for me. My DH was out of town (went to Boston) so we didn't get our date night. Tonight I was tired so I did "I want Those Abs" followed by PM Yoga. I've had early morning meetings this a.m. so I didn't get quite enough sleep. Hitting the sack early tonight.

Hope everyone is well.

Hi ladies,
Hope you are doing great.

LA, I really like the firm classics. I use them for a easier week in between some of my tougher rotations. And rebounding, I LOVE!!!
I have been doing that for about 4 years, it gives my body such a boost, like a great cup of coffee, without the bad side effects!!!;)
If and when you plan to get a rebounder and jump, you might enjoy it too. BTR is the bun & thigh rocker, which I also love, since the definition I've gotten from it is wonderful.

Big wave to all my friends.

Today is the firm Vol. 5, BTR, and rebounding.

Have a great rest of the day.
Hi ladies,
Hope you are doing great.

LA, I really like the firm classics. I use them for a easier week in between some of my tougher rotations. And rebounding, I LOVE!!!
I have been doing that for about 4 years, it gives my body such a boost, like a great cup of coffee, without the bad side effects!!!;)
If and when you plan to get a rebounder and jump, you might enjoy it too. BTR is the bun & thigh rocker, which I also love, since the definition I've gotten from it is wonderful.

Big wave to all my friends.

Today is the firm Vol. 5, BTR, and rebounding.

Have a great rest of the day.
Good morning ladies,
I'm glad we're all doing so good this week.
BFI, thanks for the info, I will see if I can find any more info on the BTR, and will check out a couple of stores this weekend for the rebounder.
Doing very well this week with my rotation, and did Power Hour last night. Tonight is my off day, and tomorrow I will try one of the workouts on the Terminator DVD, since I've had it for so long and haven't even previewed it.
TGIF, beautiful day, have a lovely weekend ladies!!!!
Good morning ladies,
I'm glad we're all doing so good this week.
BFI, thanks for the info, I will see if I can find any more info on the BTR, and will check out a couple of stores this weekend for the rebounder.
Doing very well this week with my rotation, and did Power Hour last night. Tonight is my off day, and tomorrow I will try one of the workouts on the Terminator DVD, since I've had it for so long and haven't even previewed it.
TGIF, beautiful day, have a lovely weekend ladies!!!!

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