
Hi ladies,
Hope everyone is starting a beautiful, meaningful, purposeful, and enjoyable week.

"Life is a song - sing it.
Life is a game - play it.
Life is a challenge - meet it.
Life is a dream - realize it.
Life is a sacrifice - offer it.
Life is love - enjoy it."

- Sai Baba

I did Cool it off, classical stretch arms and abs, and will do rebounding tonight.

Take best care and have a wonderful week.:) :) :) :)
Just want to add that my strong prayers and thoughts are with our wonderful people in Midwest US affected by the tornadoes and thunderstorms.
That's all...
Thanks for the uplifting topic Bita!:D

I woke this morning with a song in my heart because I could hear my two youngest sons laughing in the bedroom. They were hiding under the covers - giggling like madmen. I heard them laugh before the alarm, which is a great way to start the day.

Today's workout is Imax2. I just can't bring myself to do the Slim Series after Pyramid Lower Body yesterday. My legs need a break!

We're off to a great week . . . :7
Hi girls,

Beautiful poem Bita, thanks.

Started the week with PH. Tomorrow is my last scheduled tennis day for awhile. A fun, round robin, tournament with lunch and prizes afterwards.

Put the Cathe catalog on the fridge with the dvd I'd like circled and Mother's Day Hint! written beside it. I haven't heard one comment. Men can't see beyond the nose on their faces. I have a birthday in July, maybe they will notice by then.

Let's make it a great week all!

Gloria - TOO funny! I'm single but can still relate!

did my own lifting thing yesterday - IMAX tonight.

Well off to volunteer now!

My sons confirmation was wonderful on Sunday. Such an emotional day - feelings of being incredibly proud. Friday is my daughter's prom so it's kinda crazy this week! Wow all these milestones... now if I can only get a job :( sigh.... other than no job things are good. Had a phone screen yesterday but it wasn't a fit... but at least a nibble. but other than the job and $ everything is going great!

Fitdoc - you brought up such fine memories of when the kids are young! Although I'm loving seeing them grow into fine young adults... I must say I really do like the teen years

Have a great day all and hope you have a great workout everyone!
Hi ladies,
Hope all is well.

fitdoc, now I call that the most wonderful way to wake up. How sweet!!

Gloria, I hope the hint goes through real easy and fast enough for mother's day, I am sure. And sounds like you'll have a blast at your tennis tournament.

Robyn, how beautiful to hear about your children. Sounds like you are a great mom. And best of luck for the job hunting. You are defenitely in my prayers.

Big warm hello to all our friends.

I did Tear it up today, lotte berk, and rebounding. I still LOVE the Slim Series SO.. much and the results are amazing. I almost I could do it year after year!!! (Now, that was a joke!! ;))

Have a beautiful day.:)
Hi Ladies --

Gorgeous day here in Cincinnati; last night went to the driving range for my "extra" activity with the SELF Challenge. I'm in the final weeks. I can tell that TTOM will arrive soon, so I'm planning to do a yoga tape tonight. I sleep SOOO soundly on the nights I do yoga.

Fitdoc and Robyn -- Both of you are so blessed with your families! Sounds like you're great mothers, too!

Otisan -- So glad you're back, and N'awlins was great.

My best to all--

Hi ladies,

We're having computer problems at home so I'm at DH's office checking in. I may be a little sporadic with check ins for while. Gotta get a teenage computer genius over to figure out the problem.

Today's wo was All Step. Love the shoulder work in that one.

Sounds like kids are keeping us busy. We have Honors Day tomorrow and Prom Sat. night. DS spoke at the Jr. Honor Society induction this morning. I'm so proud of him, he did a great job.

Better not tie this up too long, DH will put me to work if I appear to have too much time on my hands.

Check in when I can. Have a great day.

Good Day! What a busy week. Lot's of call, rounding with the residents, teaching the medical students, research meetings and after three hours of sleep last night - Cardio and Weights today. I'm getting to old for this. I mean it. I've got to cut back because I just don't have the energy level to keep this up:eek:

On a brighter note, DH sent me flowers and candy}( yesterday. Beautiful tulips in yellow, white, pink, and purple. Things should slow down considerably this week.

Sounds as if everyone is doing well. I'll check in tomorrow!:*
Hi Ladies,
Hope you are doing wonderful.

Juli, congrats on your amazing self challenge weeks finishing up. Great work!

Gloria, you must be SO proud of your children. Such a great mom you are.

Michelle, I hope you get some deep, great rest. How very sweet and thoughtful of your DH for such loving, beautiful gifts. You deserve it for sure.

Big hellos to all.

It was my day off of Slim Series, so I did Eoin Finn's power Yoga, Classical stretch and rebounding. That power yoga and the stretch felt SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO great.

You have a beautiful night.:)
Hi girls. It does my heart good to read your posts! Everyone sounds great. I have a NEW challenge in my life-My FIL had a growth removed last week and today we find out what KIND of CANCER it is. SCARY stuff! I'm trying to keep my MIL calm and it's not been easy. The workouts are the only thing consistent right now. I'm doing the Slim in 6 instead of SS due to back problems AGAIN!GRRR! Next to CANCER the old bakc problems don't seem so big! I'll check back with ya'll after we know more news. Hope to know something today. <IL has already lost one husband! Seems like that should be enough for one lifetime. Janice
It's been a hetic two weeks.Still having trouble getting myself out of my rut.Did make a committed to myself today.Starting of with three goals and that's it.Getting back to my morning routine is my main focus.Cleanse is going really well.Going throughs lots of "tranformation" changes.Been really anal lately.All part of the cleanse process.So,who is buying Cathe's new "the body blast series?"
ME!ME!She is cranking out those videos.So,i have no excuse not to get back to my morning workouts.

Seems like everyone is doing well.Has anyone heard from Wildpony?Having company this weekend.Have LOTS&LOTS of house cleaning to do.Glad you are all doing well.And yes,i miss checking in with all of you.
Hi ladies,
Hope you are well.

Janice, I am SO sorry about your FIL's cancer. That is a LOT to go through for all of you. It breaks my heart. And I wish all of you peace of mind and health. I hope for the best for all of you and you are in my prayers. Big Big hugs to you. I hope your back feels better too. I think you are doing a great service to your body to go milder exercise wise. Although I've heard the slim in 6 is not so easy either. Please take care of yourself.

FS, I am glad that your cleanse is going well. I think you are doing great. And YES I am getting Cathe's new series. The amazing part is that there are other series coming which I want so badly too:
power 90 X, urban rebounding (15 of them :eek:), Christi Taylor, ....
Some people are getting rich!!! Defenitely not me, pocket wise!!
But physically, yes!!! ( I like to think so;) ( my rationalization!!! ) Oh, well got to help the economy somehow!!

Big hellos to everyone.

I started on my third week of slim series. Still alternate LB, classical stretch, and do rebounding.

Take care and have a great rest of the day.:)
Hi Ladies -- It's a hectic week with my DH traveling, so my post will be short. Did Vol. 4 tonight, had to do a shorter w.o. and that one's only 45 minutes. Effective, though.

Janice -- So sorry to hear about your FIL. Hopefully, it's been caught early. He will be in my prayers along with your MIL, DH and yourself. This is happening to the whole family, not just the stricken person. Good for you to continue taking care of yourself. Exercise is wonderful for stress management.

Waves to everyone. Gotta run.

Hi Janice!

Just a quickie to say that I will keep your FIL and your family in my prayers also. Cancer IS scary! They are very fortunate to have you helping! Will say a prayer for your back also. Glad your workouts are there for you! Keep us posted.
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Hi Janice!

Thanks Juli, Debbie, and Bita. It helps to know ya'll there for me. FIL is having radiation treatments starting next Monday. I'll keep ya'll posted as to how he does. Thanks again for caring!

This AM I did Nancy's Supercardio Sculpt. LOVE it! My back's better too so things are looking up!

Have a great Mother's Day all. WHERE IS WILDPONY! WORRIED Talk to ya'll Monday.....Janice
RE: Hi Janice!

Thanks Juli, Debbie, and Bita. It helps to know ya'll there for me. FIL is having radiation treatments starting next Monday. I'll keep ya'll posted as to how he does. Thanks again for caring!

This AM I did Nancy's Supercardio Sculpt. LOVE it! My back's better too so things are looking up!

Have a great Mother's Day all. WHERE IS WILDPONY! WORRIED Talk to ya'll Monday.....Janice
Hey lovies!

Good Day!

Today’s workout is Shape it Up from the Slim Series. I’ll let you know how it goes.

Janice, I hope everything turns out well for your FIL. I don’t have any of the new FIRMs, I should look into those – especially if they’re on DVD.

FS, It’s great to hear from you!

Bita, 15 rebounding workouts! Holy moly! (I need to check into those sometime.) I use the “helping the economy” argument whenever I shop! I’m doing my part!

Juli, Vol 4 is such an effective workout. Way to go – fitting the workout in!

One of my good friends was pregnant with child #3 when her DH left. Every year since her divorce, my other close friend and I do something special for her on Mother's Day. One year while she was away, we dug out all the weeds from her front yard and planted a garden.

This year she was planning a trip away (Her DH has the kids this weekend) She really wants to replace the carpet in her bathroom with tile. So we planned on sneaking into her house and replacing it while she was away. She cancelled her trip!

So on to plan B. We've invited her to a party at her house with food, wine, music and bathroom tile placement. It's our Saturday night date! I think it's going to be fun. (Luckily my DH is rather handy.)

Anyway, It makes Mother’s Day more fun.
Hey lovies!

Good Day!

Today’s workout is Shape it Up from the Slim Series. I’ll let you know how it goes.

Janice, I hope everything turns out well for your FIL. I don’t have any of the new FIRMs, I should look into those – especially if they’re on DVD.

FS, It’s great to hear from you!

Bita, 15 rebounding workouts! Holy moly! (I need to check into those sometime.) I use the “helping the economy” argument whenever I shop! I’m doing my part!

Juli, Vol 4 is such an effective workout. Way to go – fitting the workout in!

One of my good friends was pregnant with child #3 when her DH left. Every year since her divorce, my other close friend and I do something special for her on Mother's Day. One year while she was away, we dug out all the weeds from her front yard and planted a garden.

This year she was planning a trip away (Her DH has the kids this weekend) She really wants to replace the carpet in her bathroom with tile. So we planned on sneaking into her house and replacing it while she was away. She cancelled her trip!

So on to plan B. We've invited her to a party at her house with food, wine, music and bathroom tile placement. It's our Saturday night date! I think it's going to be fun. (Luckily my DH is rather handy.)

Anyway, It makes Mother’s Day more fun.

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