Transformation Challenge 5/12-5/18


Hi All -- I wanted to start with an uplifting topic today but I'll try later. It's a sad one for me because later this afternoon I have to have one of my kitties put to sleep. She has lung cancer and started to really deteriorate over the weekend. Two years ago, the vet said she had about 3 weeks to live. I'm blessed to have been allowed to keep her as long as I have and she was happy and painfree until just a few days ago.

Since stress is my main reason for exercise, I'm sure I'll do some
workout tonight but I'm not sure which one.

My best to all --

Hi all,

Still without a computer. I didn't realize how much I used it! Guess it's that way with lots of things. Anyway, at DH's office- again. Exercise is going great. Did S&H C&B today. DH ordered the Cathe DVD but it hasn't arrived yet. He asked me last week if I wanted anything special for MD, he had completly missed my blatant hint on the fridge. LOL

Janice, sorry about your FIL. I hope the treatments aren't too rough on him. And, Juli, what a tough thing to have to put your sweet kitty to sleep. So sorry.

Have to get off this computer now as DH is hovering around needing his desk. Hope to get things back to normal soon.

JuliN,I feel your pain.I went through that heart wrenching pain last July.My heart goes out to you and your precious cat.
((((Hugs to Juli)))) Perhaps our topic this week should be enjoying the present.

Today's workout was Muscle Endurance. Got three cavities fille - blech - I'm going to floss better!

Take care.:)
Juli, I am so sorry about your wonderful cat. Life is so precious.

Today was "keep it off", rebounding and Lotte for me.

Take care ladies.:)
Hi girls. Juli-Hope you're feeling better. That's such a sad experience. Been there.

Gloria-Hope you get your computer back soon.It's a pain isn't it?

Fitdoc-Sorry about the cavaties. Good for you to go ahead and take care of it early. How's your very sweet DH? Mine says to say hi for him. Thanks for asking about FIL everyone. He's starting the radiation tomorrow. I'm really worried about him and MIL as they are both so frail. ANOTHER reason to EXERCISE. Neither of them ever have done any kind of exercise in their lives. Really makes a big difference.

Bita-Always enjoy your sunny posts. You ALWAYS seem so positive. You're my role model.

On the workout front-Yesterday did Sin6 Burn It Up and this AM did Firm Cardio something(The one with Allie) It was harder than I expected. Not a bad workout. I was surprised.

Hi to Firmscorpio. I thought about you when I read Julie's post. Hope it didn't make you feel it all again.(((JULI))) (((Firmscorpio)))

Is there something wrong with Wildpony???? I haven't seen her post here in weeks. Is anything wrong? Please say no, just off tending the animals and working her little butt off. I worry since she's had those "lump" scares.

Where's Otisan too?? Maybe I've misssed something since I can't read or post some days due to my job. Hope everybody's well. Hugs....Janice
Oh, the horrors! THE HORRORS! Yard work for 8 hours. My hands ache, my back aches, my whole ole' body aches. I even rented a *%&$# tiller for the garden. I can't move. I'm pooped. That's my workout for the day.;)

(American Idol tonight! Wahooo. Gonna tape it on TIVO so I can watch sans commericals.)

Janice, DH is well. His practice is thriving. He's truly interested in his patients - which helps! I think Debbie is taking a long break.

I'm going to boogie now. Boogie on down the road.
Hi All --

Many thanks for all your kind words and thoughts regarding my kitty. I am confident that I did the right thing for her even though it was hard. It's terribly hard to give up a beloved member of my family, even the four-legged variety. It's so weird not to have to feed her before I go to work. Thanks for understanding.

I did CC2 last night.

Off to visit a client --

Hi girls,

Broke down and ordered a new computer. Actually, it's for my ds to take to college, but we'll use it in the meantime. Did Rhythmic Step today for the first time. Wow!!! Tough choreography! It's going to be a blast when I get the hang of it though. This is the first time I've used the slow motion feature on my dvd, I don't think it will be the last time.

Had a graduation dinner Monday night, chorus concert last night, Sr. party tonight. Busy week! Had to record AI last night. Did you vote Fitdoc? I voted 12 times for Clay. Will have to record it again tonight.

At DH's desk again, gotta check e-mail and get out of his way. Boy, I'll be glad to get a computer again.

Have a good day all,


Just finished a 75 minute roller-blading workout at Liberty Park. Beautiful 75 degree day. Tonight I'll do Pyramid Upper Body while I watch American Idol.

Have a great day all. Must run . . . :D
Hi ladies,
Hope all is well.
Janice, thank you for your kind compliment, it says to me for the millionth time what a wonderful lady you are. Best of wishes for your FIL, MIL and you all. Hear! Hear! about the exercise!!

Juli, looks like you have the emotions of missing your great cat under control. Your cat was very lucky to have you to take such good care of her.

Gloria, have fun with all the busy parties and the new computer.

Michelle, oh my! How fun to do roller-blading for that long in such a wonderful day!

I finished up with the 3rd week of slim series. Tomorrow starting the 4th one. Today I did power yoga and lotte berk. This Lotte berk does not get easier. The stronger one gets the stronger one pushes, so there is always that good ouchies feelings there. I love it!

Have a great rest of the day. I am going to the beach for couple of days to relax a bit and breath!
Take care! :)
Hope everyone is doing great!

Just did Shape it up and Classical stretch. Might be able to squeeze few minutes of rebounding when I can get myself off the computer!!

Off I go!!
Have a beautiful day and a great weekend.:)
Hey everyone:

Janice so sorry to hear about your FIL. My prayers are with you all.

Juli sorry to hear about your cat. We had to put our dog (she was 14) in October. SO hard to to do but as my vet said we had given her a great life and were doing the right thing taking her out of her suffering but yes it was hard.

Gloria - wow lots going on with you. When is/was graduation.
Busy here.. the prom was Friday everyone looked wonderful :) gosh they grow up sooo fast. I'm so sad about having her go away to college and she's just a junior. Lots of lacrosse for my son.

Fitdoc - wow you are so busy. Yuck with the cavities. I had a crown. I have a great dentist NO pain but lots of $$$.

Hi FS and Bita

Had an interview and phone screen (2 different places). Not good fits but some activity.

Been working out.. this week Imax, LL, Kick box, yesterday off... hmm needs so weights today.

Yes has been a while since we heard from wildpony. Hope she's ok.
Hi girls. Thanks for the well wishes for FIL and MIL. H'es doing better than we had expected. So THAT'S good news.

I took another rest day because I'm feeling "overtrained"(Is that a word?) Just needed the rest. My vacation!!!!!!starts next Thursday(May22) Can't wait!!! We're driving our motorhome to our favorite camping place and just relax for several days. Kids and grandkids are joining us Sat and probably Sunday. HEAVEN!

Hope to have more time to re-read your posts and catch up. We're short handed today at work so must go. AARRGGHH I'd rather "play" .....Janice
Hi All --

Just a quick post. I'm helping DH paint the basement, we're having it finished. I plan to do some ragging and today we put down the base coat. Tomorrow is the contract color.

Did CC2 last night. Really needed the stress relief.

Robyn, thanks to you as well for the kind words regarding my kitty. I still have 4 cats but the house really seems empty.

Janice -- Glad to hear your FIL is responding well. That's great news!

I'm worried about Debbie, too. Does anyone know how to PM her?

Back to painting --


Today's workout was Pyramid Lower Body.

Little story:

Today while walking through the store, the 3 year old heard me say "this is really frustrating". He said, "do you know what to do when you are frustrated?" (He learned this from Blue's Clues) "First you stop, then you take a big breath, then you think." That made me laugh.

Juli, I can't find her email address in my address book. I think it's but maybe she's at I can't remember. (Leave out the space before yahoo of course, I just did that so the web crawlers don't find the address.)

Take care all.
DOH, here I go replying to myself.:p

After running kids to soccer and baseball, I got them to bed and did my late night rendition of Cardio Kicks. Off to bed!:D

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