
Hi ladies!

A couple of weeks ago I read a post by a fitness friend of mine that really hit home with me. She told of her gains of great muscle from using Cathe's tapes, but they were covered with a layer or more of fat. She joined WW, lost the extra weight and now her beautiful muscles are what you see. I've seen her pictures and I know she looks great. This same friend sent me a Cathe tape to see how I liked it about a year ago and I've been hooked ever since. I've seen changes in my body, but my weight has only fluctuated a pound or two back and forth. I've concluded that I can keep with what I'm doing, stay at my current weight, with a little extra flab over the muscle. Or, I can make some adjustments in my diet and see if that helps. I've never been very successful sticking with an eating plan. Strange because I love an exercise plan. So, my plan is to follow a few simple rules. Only eat when I'm hungry. Stop eating when I'm no longer hungry. Think about my food choices. I'm still going to eat my favorite foods just hopefully, less of them. This would be easy for most people, but I'm not most people. I can rationalize why I can eat that second serving or get the french fries with the value meal like you wouldn't believe. I weighed this morning and plan to weigh each Monday. So, next week you'll know if I've been good or bad.

I started my 7th week of Mandy's challenge today with the cardio portion of Body Max. Tennis tomorrow! Yippee! Hope everyone is doing well.

Gloria, what a timely topic! 3 weeks ago I decided to get serious about getting a "leaner look". Since Christmas, my clothes were a bit more snug and I wasn't doing anything to change that. I hopped on the scale (after at least a year of "not weighing myself")and found that I was running about 5 pounds over my ideal. So I started using WW point system and I stopped eating 3 hours before bed. I was a bit hungry at night, but I've always believed that a little bit of hunger isn't such a bad thing. 3 weeks later I'm down 4 pounds and feeling much more in control. The "layer of fat" - even if small - needs to come off to see those beautiful muscles. It's true. Eating is at least 1/2 of the equation.

So, here's to working on that 1/2 of the equation while we continue our workouts.

Today's workout was BootCamp! I'm off to a great week. :D
Gloria, thank you for the great topic. You hit the nail on the head so good!
fitdoc, congrats on shedding the 4lb off so beautifully.

For me eating habit takes a lot of will-power, tons more than staying on an exercise plan.

Yesterday, I did Imax2 and LBM. Also did Classical stretch for my back.

Today, Joyce's non-stop upper body and LBM.

Have a great day.:)

Editing to wish all my cyber friends to be doing great.
Hi! Hope everyone is doing well.

My exercise today was Gin's Intense Moves. Hopefully, will do some LBM later tonight.

Have a beautiful day.:)
Hi girls. Gloria you are so RIGHT!!! I'm the same. So much determination with workouts but suck at good food choices.

I did Firm's Lower Body Split-all 70 minutes of it!!! VERY HARD for me. Yesterday was 10-10-10 also VERY HARD for me.

Hi Fitdoc and congrats on the 4 pound loss.

Hi to Bita-you're doing great as usual. Always enjoy your sunshiny(Is that a word?) posts.

Hi Otisan. Hope all is well with you.

Hi Juli, Robyn and others. Have a great week all. I've been pretty good with my clean eating now for almost 2 weeks which is FANTASTIC for me. I haven't been "good" 2 weeks in a row in months!!!!!

Take care all.....Janice
Hi all,

Fitdoc, I've seen pictures of your abs. Your layer of fat must be in your big toe or somewhere. I know how hard you work to keep that look though and it is inspiring.

Janice, clean eating 2 weeks in a row is tough! You're doing great. I'm on my second day and proud of that. How sad! I'm really asking myself "Are you hungry?" before I put something in my mouth. Just because the clock says lunch time, snack time or dinner time doesn't mean I have to eat. I hope this method will work for me. Time will tell.

I played tennis this morning. Lost, bummer. We didn't make it easy for them though. I plan to do a PS tape later today. I don't always follow through with late workouts but I've got a busy week and I need to get one in today.

Hello to Juli, Bita, Robyn, Otisan, Debbie and where in the world is Firmscorpio?

Hi Ladies --

Had my mammo today. Since I had a biopsy last year, I have to have one every six months. The left breast had some microcalcifications but they don't seem to be in the pattern that raises the alarm. Back in six months for a follow-up. Not too alarming for me, but a little unsettling. For a person who hasn't had a lot of illness, it seems strange to have anything less than "perfect" health. I used to trust my body but ever since the biopsy, I don't have so much confidence. As far as I know, there's no history of BC in my family, but that doesn't make anyone immune.

Last night was Yoga (forward bends) and tonight is Vol. 1 with my DH. I tried Tamilee Webb, the Abs section. It didn't seem especially difficult, even the next day I didn't feel much. The second day, though, I could feel deep muscles that had done the work. I think I'll keep this one in my rotation. I haven't had a chance to do the Arms or Butt sections.

Hope all is well --

Good Evening! Today is one of those 18 hour days (I get the next 6 days off so don't feel too badly for me!) so no workout to report.

Gloria (that photo of the abs was taken before my Christmas/winter feast fest.)

Juli, it's nerve wracking to hear they found something - even if that something isn't suspicious for malignancy. You've inspired me to go get a mammogram though. I'm 37 but adopted. I have no idea what runs in my family. It's worth getting a baseline mammo.

Janice, 70 minutes of ANYTHING would poop me out! You're doing so well!

Bita, have you had a rest day this year? You're amazing!

Take care all. "See" you tomorrow.
Hi ladies,

Juli, glad you did you mamo. And glad nothing was warning.
Janice, that is a lot of hard work exercise, more power to you.
fitdoc, haven't missed a day yet! But no one know what happens tomorrow!;)
Warm hellos to everyone.

Inspired by Gloria's topic of the week, I decided to start my fat flush plan today. I do the plan couple of times a year. And I do love it quite a bit. My mom always tells me my face glows when I am on this plan! So here it goes for two weeks! (By telling you guys, I must stick to it!!)

I did Joyce's Non-stop lower body, and her stretch exercise. If you get a hold of that stretch tape or dvd you might want to give it a try. It is so simple and it feels SO good. She is aweful at her form, which makes me relax and just enjoy the gym style, simple stretch. I love fancy stretches too. But it feels so good to not care sometimes about every little move and form!

Well, have a wonderful wonderful ... day. :)
Hi ladies. Rest day for me. Juli-SSSOOO glad everything's OK with your Mammo. They're fun, aren't they?

Bita-You are awe insspiring to me!! You work so HARD and do so many different types of workouts! What is Fat Flush like? One of my FP friends is sending me her copy of the book as she says it's too "restrictive" for her. She's almost at her goal weight anyway.

Fitdoc-Don't hand me that crap-You don't have any FAT! PPLLEEAAASSSEE!! If you do, you hide it well!LOL

Firmscorpio-WHERE ARE YOU? You know how I worry!

Gloria-I also love to read your posts everyday. You and Bita both do varied and interesting tapes. What's your rotation like this week?

Robyn? How're you honey? Any luck yet?

Otisan? How's the neck pain? Hope it's better! My DH stepped in hole in the yard yesterday and twisted his knee pretty bad. He's down-playing it but I can SEE that it's swollen. Always something, right?

Well, I'm off tomorrow so I'll talk to ya'll Friday. Keep up the great work girls....Janice
Hi girls,

I hate to post when I haven't exercised. Didn't get around to PS yesterday and have been on a cleaning frenzy today. This means in order to get in my 5 workouts this week I'll have to double up tomorrow, get up veeeeery early Friday and wo before heading to Atlanta and get in a wo Sunday before church. One day at a time right? Eating has been very good though. I haven't changed what I eat, just how much and how often.

Juli, I had a questionable mamo a couple of years ago and I had the same feeling you described. Who? Me? I'm healthy and in good shape. I'm more careful about getting regular check ups now though.

Fitdoc, are you still a Clay fan? He's still my favorite, followed by Rheuban and Kimberly L. I think Josh should go tonight. I bet he has a powerful group of followers though.

Ok Bita, you know you have to tell us about your fat flush plan.

Janice, sorry about your DH. Did he ice his knee? My rotation for this week and next week is PS for three days and 2 workouts of my choice. Probably a quick treadmill run on Friday and a not too long cardio tape Sunday. I'm going to a fundraiser for the National Brain Tumor Foundation this weekend. There will be a 3 mile walk, but it will probably be at a leisurely pace.

When I check in tomorrow I WILL say I've done my two workouts!!

Good afternoon!:D

Muscle Endurance for me today. That one is a toughie!

I've already had my rest day for the week. So, I'm due for four more workouts this week. (Just makin' sure you keep me honest.)

Gloria, I am a HUGE Clay fan! I agree with you, Clay, Reuben and Kimberly were best - though I really do like Trenyce. I have enjoyed Carmen's modesty and she has held up well under some very tough judgement - but her voice just isn't "the best". Josh was awful. Marine or not, it's time for him to boogie . . .

Bita, I too want to know about the "fat flush" plan. It sounds painful!}(

Y'all take care!
This morning was my double wo. I did PS L&A and PS CST. Now if I can just make myself get up early tomorrow I'll be on track for the week.

Have a great weekend all!

Hi ladies,
Hope you are all doing great. Warning!!.....This is going to be a very long and hopefully with some ok information post, so please forgive me :) .

Well, first of all let me tell you that I received my slim series yesterday, so I started it today. I did "Shape it up" first. What can I say, it's a wonderful, tough, almost complete workout! I was very impressed. It is 78 minutes long. Within 10 minutes I was sweating like crazy! Debbie, the instructor, is very likable and has most pleasant, beautiful smile and personality, accurate counting, great shape,....
I felt like noodle afterward. And since I got up real early to do this workout knowing how long it is, I had time to do Lotte Berk afterward too. And I was so noodlish ;) it was SO hard to squeeze anymore! I loved it! It's very high rep weight lifting so it was difficult for me to lift heavy, cause I like my joints!! ;)

OK, now about the Fat Flush thingy! Here a disclamer ;) : I am not talking as a medical doc!! Only some curious soul who likes to try these things as long as they sound healthy and good!!
I mainly do the plan to cleanse my body physically from inside! I am sure one can loose weight and maintain her/his ideal weight by continuing any diet as long as they live and are able to consume food orally! But, to go back to the bad eating habits after couple of weeks or months of strict or clean diet.... you know the story!

I like this plan because it uses lots of water, flaxseed itself and its oil, cranberry juice, LOTS of vegies, fruits, low salt, no sugar, no coffee, and sensible amonth of starchy carb. I do not use the supplements they suggest.

In case you are interested more, here's from the Fat Flush book:

If not interested, and are not going to read such a long post ;), let me just wish you a very beautiful day and a great weekend.

"The Fat Flush Plan by Ann Louise Gittleman, Ph.D., C.N.S., McGraw-Hill, © 2002.

The Fat Flush Plan has a rather basic and clear-cut mission: to increase metabolism, flush out bloat and speed up fat loss. At the core of the plan is the commitment to promote a balanced lifestyle and champion simple healthy habits that we all overlook or forget about as a result of life in our hectic twenty-first century. Every aspect of each phase of the plan is targeted like a guided missle to accomplish this goal: helpful essential fats [e.g., flaxseed oil, gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), and conjugated linoleic acid (CLA)], amounts of protein (8 ounces or more per day plus two eggs), antioxidant-rich vegetables, moderate amounts of fruits, calorie-burning herbs and spices (e.g., apple cider vinegar, mustard, cayenne, ginger and cinnamon), cleansing diuretic beverages, exercise, journaling and even sleep.

Phase 1: The Two-Week Fat Flush
This kickoff phase, which is based on an average of 1100 to 1200 calories daily, is designed to jumpstart weight loss for dramatic results. This two-week phase will transform your shape by accelerating fat loss from your body's favorite fat storage areas -- your hips, thighs and buttocks. Some individuals report up a loss of up to 12 inches during this first phase of the diet, whereas they may lose only 5 pounds. This means that they are losing fat and bloat, not muscle (as with so many other diet programs). Remember, muscle weighs more than fat, so dropping a couple of dress sizes can be more significant than losing 10 pounds on the scale.

Phase 2: The Ongoing Fat Flush
Phase 2, the Ongoing Fat Flush, is the next step for those individuals who have additional weight to lose but who also want to pursue a more moderate cleansing program and enjoy a bit more variety in food choices while still losing weight. This Phase 2 porgram is designed for ongoing weight loss, with 1200 to 1500 calories each day, and is designed to be followed until you reach your desired weight or size. Phase 3: The Lifestyle Eating Plan
Phase 3, the Lifestyle Eating Plan, is really the Fat Flush maintenance program for lifetime weight control. This phase offers over 1500 calories daily, providing a basic lifelong eating program designed to increase your vitality and well-being for life. At this time, you well be using Phase 2 as your foundational program, with its one or two friendly carb choices. You can now add up to two dairy products as well as two more friendly carbs, making the grand total up to four friendly carbs -- weight permitting. Phase 3 friendly carbs include more choices from a variety of starchier veggies and nongluten hypoallergenic grains. As in Phase 2, you will add these latest foods one at a time to make sure that you are tolerating the new additions without any allergic symptoms."

Hope this helps.
Have a wonderful day.
Hillskip Hi!
If you have specific questions please let me know.
Meanwhile the best places to get detailed informations are:

Where you can read info both on break-down of the exercises (check the video reviews). And individuals' inputs and opinions on them are in their reader forum: General discussion and challeges and check-ins

Then there is the beachbody site:

Where they sell these tapes and you can find more information or contact them.

Again, please let me know if I can be of more help.
Have fun.:)
I'M HERE!!!!!!!!! It's been a busy last two weeks.GREAT NEWS!!! I BOUGHT MYSELF A BRAND NEW 2003 TOYOTA CAMARY!!! I'm in heaven.I bought it last Wednesday.I love it!!!It's heaven.Been having a tough time getting myself out of bed in the morning.My eating is out of control>I start my cleanse class Thurday which i'm looking forward too.

yes, it is perfect timing for this week's topic.I ordered the fat flush plan book also.I can't wait to get it.Cathe is working on four new videos?How sweet is that?
Hi All -- Just a brief check-in 'cause life is hectic this week. Last night was date night so no w.o. Tonight is ladies prayer group and I'm the leader, so no w.o. tonight either. Have to figure out a way to work one in for tomorrow. The weekend gets lots less hectic.

Thanks to everyone for their wellwishes regarding the mammo. It liftend my spirits.

Welcome back FS! I have a Camry, too and love it. It seems to NEVER break down.

My best to all--

Good evening! Today’s workout was Imax2. That one kicks my boo-tay every time;)

Bita, thanks for posting the info. Sounds tough. (I lack the willpower to eat 1200 calories a day!) I ordered the Slim Series and you’ve made me sooooo glad I did!

FS! Good to hear from you! Your new car sounds fun fun fun.

Hillskip, be sure to get the “Slim Series” as opposed to “Slim in Six”. Slim Series is challenging, Slim in Six is not (from what I’ve heard.)

Gloria, good job – stayin’ on track with the workouts. You go girl!

Juli, hang in there.:D

I’ll check in tomorrow.
Hi girls. Bita and Fitdoc-I ordered it too! Can't wait to get started! Bita-I'm doing the Fat flush thing too once Keri sends me her book. She says it's too restictive for her. I NEED a little restricting!!!LOL.

I did Tortoise this AM. STILL HATE those waltz and cha-cha thingies. Got a good sweat going tho!

FS-Glad you're back and congrats on the new car!

Bita-Let me know how well the SS works.

Fitdoc-Now that I think of it-I think(Not sure) I ordered slim in 6 and not SS. Might have to send it back and get my money back if it's not challenging.

Gloria-Thanks for asking about DH. Yes, he iced the knee and stayed off of it and it's MUCH better. He's such a sweetie, I HATE to see him in pain.

Hi to Robyn and Juli Janice

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