Transformation challenge 15-21


Good morning ladies,
I hope everyone is doing well. I'm feeling pretty strong today, and not as sore as I thought from doing the SS 2/dy. I finished the entire series, started Friday night, and ended Sunday morning. I didn't do the recovery one, only because I did my yoga instead.
Gloria, I'm a little sore, but I feel really good. I actually thought I would have to take today off, but I don't feel like I need to recover just yet. It was my first time doing this series, and I loved it. It will complement my rotation for the next 6 weeks along with Cathe's, and I'll keep you ladies posted as to my progress.
Tonight is 45 walk, Leaner legs, 1hr yoga. I'll start the SS rotation again tomorrow, but this time doing it once/wk like it's meant to be used. I just wanted to see what the entire series was like, and now I know :)
Have a great week!
Hi ladies,
Hope you are doing great.
LA, thanks for starting us off. You are doing fantastic. It's great to see you so strong. Like always, more power to you.
Janice, it's always awesome to see your message too. Hope you are safe and Isabel decides to calm down soon. It scares me that they named this one as a female, because usually is a males name. Scares me because of the mood issue!!!;) Just kidding though! Hope you and everyone are safe and sound.

Big hellos to all.

I did CardioKicks today, BTR, and later rebounding is on!
I am really loving this month's Cathe's rotation. I keep fitting SS in here and there, when I have time and my body allows.

Have a beautiful day and rest of the week.:)
Hi girls,

Today was a tennis day for me as will tomorrow be. I'll probably work in a SS or at the least part of the Cathe Ab dvd tomorrow. Did S&H Saturday - I love that series! I also played tennis with DH. I was pooped Saturday night.

Janice, I'd love to get together with you sometime. I'm not sure when I'll be traveling your direction but I'll let you know. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that Isabel doesn't hit your area(or any for that matter) It looks like it may go on up the coast a bit.

Hi to Bita, LA, Robyn, Juli, Firmscorpio!


Hi girls. Gloria-We're all hoping Isabel does move away. Too soon to tell yet. I'm trying not to worry because I can't do anything about it anyway. My morning workout was BSS2 MCB with Allie. LOVE!! it! That's a real "keeper" and one I will use over and over.

Hi to LA, Bita, Gloria, Robyn, Juli, Otisan. I had a long post this AM but it disappeared????? Argg!!!!

Anyway-Have a great week and I'll talk to ya'll tomorrow. FS-Glad you're felling better.......Janice
Hello ladies,
I did SBS(super body sculpt)this morning.I hung out with Timber99 yesterday.We stocked up on energy gels.I tried one for the first time this morning.To my surprise i had a really good workout mentally wise.I'm feeling better.Starting of with the new firms to get me back on track.

I love the new firm.Gloria,i also have the BBS2.They are fun workouts.You can make them tough by heaving up.I like them because they are different.

LA,my belly button is doing better.I've been wearing my jeans flaps down.They were irriating my belly button something fierce.My bruise is almost gone.I do expect a full year until i can change it.They say 6-8 months.To be on the safe side.I taking the full year.I bought two rings already.It will take awhile to get us to it.I'm glad i got i done.But,will not do it again.

Have a great night everyone;-)
Hi ladies,
Hope all is well.
Today is ME, BTR, and Rebouding for me.

Have a safe and beautiful day.
Good morning ladies,
Sounds like most of us are starting out great this week!
FS, so good to see you're doing better mentally and having fun with your the new Firm workouts. Way to go!
Gloria, I can't remember when I did the S&H series in one day, and including tennis in the same day, sounds like a wonder woman workout day! You must have really strong shoulders. I wish I knew someone who plays tennis, it's so much fun, and great workout.
Janice, it sounds like you're just having a lot of fun with these Firm workouts. Nothing like having fun while working out, keep up the great work.
Bita, I don't know what happened yesterday, I must have read the wrong day on the Sept rotation. Anyway, I read your post, caught it before I went to the gym, and did 30 min abs and Cardiokickboxing class with the group fitness coordinator. She was awesome, and I was drenched in sweat after it. Anyway, I'm back on track with the Sept rotation and SS.
Tonight is ME, and Shape it UP. Whew! We'll see how that goes.....
Otisan, Juli, and Robyn, hope you're all doing great this week.
Happy Tuesday all. LA-You sound good! Glad you've joined us. FS-Good to hear you sounding so much more positive!!!! Good girl!

I did SS Firm It Up this AM. Not nearly as much fun as G-force and the new BSS2 tapes but effective!

Hi to Bita, Gloria, Juli, Robyn, Otisan, LA and any I missed. Have a great week all.....Janice
Transformation challenge 15-21 and Slim Series

Hi girls!

I was just reading this post, when I noticed that some of you are doing the Slim Series. I started mine on Saturday, Sunday, took Monday off and did the third one today....all I can say is: OUCH!!!!!! :eek: :eek: :eek: OMGoodness, I could hardly walk Sunday and Monday! I have been taking 800mg of ibuprofen twice a day since Sunday! My chins and quads are on FIRE. NO KIDDING. I feel my quads have been FRIED....ouch, ouch....However, I like it. Sick,uh? :p

I find the exercises refreshing and different and like a school-gym type workout. I really believe they will do the trick for me! Really tough.

Can you tell me how your body reacted the first week of using the Slim Series? I had been running, doing BM and C&W, plus the CTX UBS before the SS. I am doing the SS until we get the new Cathe DVDs.


Blessings from our home to yours...Runathon[/img]
RE: Transformation challenge 15-21 and Slim Series

Hi Runathon,
your little laughing guy is hilarious, he's got me in stitches!
I just wanted to say that I've just started the SS, so I can't say much about it. I did do 2 DVD's/dy and thought I would be as sore as you, but wasn't. I will be starting the series again tonight, but I'm going to be increasing my poundage this time around and doing 1 DVD/dy. I know Bita has done it several times along with other rotations, and it has worked for her. I'm sure she will step in here, and let you know how it worked for her. I believe Gloria has also done it, and is currently doing it, but I'm not sure how it's worked for her. Gloria, can you let us know how it's helped you?
Good luck! I can't wait to see my results from this series. You can keep checking in with us here if you'd like, because I like to post my progress, and I have to say I've been doing pretty good.
RE: Transformation challenge 15-21 and Slim Series

Hi LA!

Yes, my little laughing guy cracks me up too! I just loooove it!

What? You were not sore? Must be because of the Yoga. Right? Man, I feel sooooo out of shape :eek: ...but wait! I was running for 40 minutes and doing BM and Imax 2 and UBS...soooo, I really wasn't THAT bad. Right? :p It must be the amount of reps and squats, etc.

Blessings from our home to yours...Runathon[/img]
RE: Transformation challenge 15-21 and Slim Series

Hi Runathon,
Yes, I was sore a little, but Yoga stretches me out so good, that it keeps my muscles from getting too sore. It does wonders for me, and I believe it stretches out all the kinks I would normally get from a normal tough workout. You're in great shape, it's just a different type of workout, so of course you're going to feel it. My quads were burning so much during the quad leg extensions with the ankle weights during the Shape it Up (I think), that at one point, I just screamed out, ENOUGH ALREADY! I'm telling you, it's the lengthening of the muscles after practicing yoga that makes them heal faster!! You should try it!
RE: Transformation challenge 15-21 and Slim Series

ENOUGH ALREADY?!?!?!?! Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! You have me in stitches!! :p But you know, that is what I like about it. It will keep me "burning" for a looooong time!

I have Yogilates I and II and they are good. I also have the first Pilates vhs from D. Austin...kind of too fast for me....and YogaSculpt...too hard on the wrists....hmmm, I give up! I don't know how else to incorporate Yoga/Pilates without the mysticism and/or torture on the wrists!

I am hoping that the SS Cool It will do the trick. What do you think?

Blessings from our home to yours...Runathon[/img]
RE: Transformation challenge 15-21 and Slim Series

Yes, I think you should try the SS Cool it tonight, I will too, and see how it compares to my yoga practice. The wrist problem is normal at the beginning, until they strengthen. There are times where mine start acting up after holding a pose for a very long time. It also goes away, like any other ache and pain.
Which SS are you doing tonight?
RE: Transformation challenge 15-21 and Slim Series

Thanks for the info!

I get up at 3:15 a.m. to exercise...and I did Mix it up this morning. I can't remember what it is I have to do tomorrow...too many "____ it ups!" workouts in this series! :p

I am going to try to do either Cool it or take some time to do stretching...if homework, dinner and kiddos permit!

Blessings from our home to yours...Runathon[/img]
Hello All:

I have been having a ton of fun with CTX Series. I did Power Curcit, All Step, 10.10.10 last week. This morning I did Leaner Legs tomorrow is Kickbox, then Upper Body.

Have a great week.

Hi Ladies -- Been busy but got two w.o. in this week. Last night I did YogaSculpt with my DH. He hurt his hip playing tennis earlier this summer and now gets physical therapy. They do a lot of Pilates-type moves so he joined me for the second part of the w.o.

Welcome to Runathon and Stacey! It's good to have you here.

Gotta head out to work --

Good morning ladies,
Hi Juli, nice to see you're still getting your w/o's in during your busy times.
Woke up energized this morning, so I got Firm it Up out of the way already. Tonight is cardio night substituting Cathe's CTX kickbox and Power circuit cardio with a 1 hr walk & yoga.
Have a great Wednesday everyone!
Hi ladies,
Had couple of minutes to say a quick hello.
Hope you are doing great.
Today for me: Cathe's CTX Kickbox and Power Circuit, minus the bi and back part, Tear it Up, BTR and rebouding!
I must run.
Have a beautiful day.

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