Transformation Challenge: 11/24-11/30


Hi ladies,
Hope you are doing well.
I did Aerobics Rebounding (an old tape but a great one, very thorough), btr, and yoga.
My next three days will look like this:
Tues: Energy Sprint
Wed: Advance rebounding
Thurs: 5K run

Hope your week is wonderful and I wish you a Thanksgiving filled with love, joy, and thankful hearts for all the blessings.
Have a beautiful day.:)
Good morning ladies,
Hope everyone had a great weekend, and ready for another week.
Bita, you are awesome!! Thank you a million for introducing me to so many different w/o's. I did Powestrike 2 w/ my weighted gloves and what a w/o!! Outstanding!
Anyway, rebounded this morning, will be doing a little wt. training later, 1hr cardio kickboxing, and 1hr power yoga! Yep, I'm on a roll now!!
Have a great day and don't forget to w/o :)
I'm doing ME after i get off the computer.Totally siking for the four day weekend.What are you ladies doing for turkey day.
Hey everyone!

Sounds like we are all in high gear on our workouts! Nice to start this way going into the holidays. I'm totally into BB. Did step blast yesterday.

Hey Bita good luck on the run!

FS have a nice time skiing :)

LA I'm impressed with all you do!

well back to work !
Awesome job ladies!!

Bita, 2 days to go, and I'm sure you'll do awesome, so good luck!!
FS, sounds like you're doing great. How good are you doing with your new and improved way of eating, and have you noticed any difference?
Robyn, I'm so jealous girl, still waiting for the BB series ;(
Great job, it's so nice that you get to w/o with your son & daughter, how cool is that? I'm also very happy for you with your new friend as well;-)
Well ladies, this morning was rebounding, tonight 1/2 hr crosstrainer, 1 hr power yoga, and then dinner w/ my BF.
I LOVE the holidays, went and got half of my shopping done at lunch time yesterday, got all the guys the same thing different sizes, and well, the girls are never that easy, go figure. Can't wait to sit down and enjoy a big feast at my sisters.
Have a wonderful and peaceful day!
Waves and hugs to everyone else.
Bita and Lisa!

Sorry for popping in here AGAIN but I just had to share!!! I broke down yesterday and ordered the Urban Rebounder!!! After reading the thread about what a great buy it was, the great quality of it and also the fact that you get three vids with it, I couldn't resist. Now, my problem is letting hubby know! YIKES! We have NO ROOM in our workout area for one! He has a bad knee and a bad back. Hmmmm, I THINK he NEEDS one for Christmas, what do you think?!?! Ha! I am hoping it comes in time. Couldn't find anywhere how long it takes to be delivered. I am sure you will both be hearing from me once it arrives. Okay, I'm done. Just wanted to let you know.
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Bita and Lisa!

Hi Debbie,
I'm not Lisa or Bita, but I'm sure you're going to love your rebounder. Bita was right about it, and I do it every day like she does.
I ran into a similar problem about space the other day when my BF and I were going to do yoga together, and placed it against the wall standing up.
Mine took about 1 wwek or so to arrive, so let us know what you think once you start rebounding.

I am so sorry I called you Lisa! My cousins name is Lisa Ann and for SOME reason, I think that is YOUR name! Duuuuh! Just wondering if you can tell me what you like about your rebounder? Have you noticed extra toning in your LB? I can hardly wait to try it. Also, did you get the three vids that come with the UR? Wondering how intense they are? Thanks for any info and again, sorry I got your name wrong.
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!

Hi Debbie,
Not to worry, I actually thought there was a Lisa :) , hey, we all make mistakes. Yes, I can tell my legs are more toned from doing it every morning, my calves are really stiff every morning like never before, but I stretch them consistently with yoga. My upper body is more toned as well, because I do all my w/o's on it with weighted gloves, anywhere from 1 -3lb gloves. Some days, especially after kickboxing, I seriously have to use 1lb, because it's too much of a burn, so I concentrate on pushing my legs into the rebounder instead.
About the videos, it came with G-Force only, I bought the Aerobics phase II, and because they messed up my order, they sent me Aerobics I for free. I also bought Keep on rebounding on DVD, because I actually prefer DVD's. I've then bought UrbanR Intermediate and Advanced, and really like these the best, music is great. On lighter days, I love Keep on Rebounding, and G-Force. I no longer do Aerobics I or II, they're just too old for me, music is terrible. G-Force is great I did it this morning, and I tell you, I was sweating up a storm. I actually use kickboxing DVD's now to work on my rebounder when I want variety, just because the music is very upbeat, and I've pretty much mastered all different kinds of moves on the rebounder, so you can use it many different ways.
The reason why I do it every morning, is because I have noticed a big difference in my body, mental attitude, circulation, and just overall alertness in the am, and I actually look forward to doing it. On most days I only do it for 30 min's, because that's all I have time for, sometimes I put on my gym shoes, and sometimes I just roll out of bed, have a cup of coffee, and start rebounding. It's convenient, easy, fun, and a good w/o.
Hope that helps!!

Hi Janice,
Nice to hear from you honey. Happy Thanksgiving to you as well, and everyone else!!!

Have a wonderful weekend everybody!!!!!!!
Happy Thanksgiving!

Have a very happy, healthy holiday! I'm easing back into fitness, so today's workout is the wedding tape.
RE: Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving Bita, LA, FS, Janice, Gloria, Juli, Otisan!

Bita - thanks for starting this week's thread

LA - sounds like great results. When you get BB, let us know what you fine... I've noticed a definete improvement in muscle tone - fat loss and PARTICULARY on my legs and butt (my trouble areas).

FS - Hope your skiing was great.

Otisan - sounds like you will be back in no time

Janice - great to hear from you

Up early to get in a work out. THis week have done - step blast Push and Pull Step, Jump, Pump. Either legs and glutes or supersets today.

Have my first date w/ my new friend on saturday :) we shall see what becomes of it... nice thing is I've made a good friend anyhow!

Happy thanksgiving everyone! Gotta go and get in my workout. My ex comes for Thanksgiving (an interesting tradtion - huh) but it's great for the kids to see him on holidays!
RE: Happy Thanksgiving!

Finishing up this week (in just a minute with super set).

Hard to believe I'm finishing up the 4th week of a BB rotation. Did
S- step blast M Push and Pull W Step, Jump, Pump T legs and glutes F - Kick punch, crunch, S -supersets today.

Tomorrow start intensity series for 4 weeks

Have a great day all
Thanks LA!

Thanks so much for taking the time to post all the info for me. It DOES help! Thanks for the breakdown of the intensity of the vids too. I don't like spending money on them to find out they just are not worth your time. I can't wait for my UR to arrive. I battle the LB jiggle so I am hoping it is just what I need. I really like Cathe's L&G's tape. It seems to be helping although I have not been able to exercise this past week or so due to hurting my knee. :-( I am hoping it gets well soon so I can start back to my Cathe vids, rebounding and also teaching my classes. One more thing, if I can bother you hubby has a bad knee that gives out occasionally and also a bad back, BOTH of which have gotten MUCH better doing Cathe's strength tapes with me. Is rebounding easy on the knees and back due to the elevated surface? (compared to a hard floor) Thank you for taking the time to respond to me and excuse me for popping in on your thread.
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!

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