
Hi ladies,
Hope your September has started nicely.
Just wanted to start the new week's post. Juli and Janice have their messages on the previous post. Janice, hope you are feeling better. Sounds like you are very busy at work. Juli, those costumes sound wonderful.
Big hello to all my wondeful friends.

I am doing Cathe's September rotation. So Monday I did Imax2 (not the run), and today I did PH. Still am doing BTR and rebounding, needless to say!!!

Have a wonderful, peaceful, happy and productive day and week.
Talk to you soon.:)
Hello everyone,
Hope you had a nice long weekend!
BFJ, do you rebound and BTR every day? That's very impressive. I'm substituting the run in the Sept rotation for IMAX 2 as well. I really like this workout. The rest of the high impact cardio's will be substituted by step, kickbox, and or, spinning.
Juli, your costumes sound so cute, I hope they come out really nice for you.
Janice, I'm glad that you're feeling better.
Otisan, Gloria, Firmscorpio, I hope you ladies have great workouts this week.

I will start my workouts today, since I lounged around all day yesterday:) It felt really good to do nothing.
Hi ladies,
I did MIC, 15 min. of BodyBar Hard core abs & back, & BTR. Rebounding will be later today.

Have a great one!
Hi All -- Posting from work, so this will be short. Did Vol. 5 last night along with some Yoga stretches. Really working on abs, sometimes mine have a tendency to "pooch" out even though I'm thin.

Hope eveyone is doing well.

Hello ladies,
Enjoying a beautiful day out here today. Tonight is Power Hour & Power Yoga for me.
Take care.
Hi girls. STILL no workout for me. The back thing still giving me fits. Glad to see you Bita. You're such a busy girl! Hopefully I'll at least be able to rebound with Tracie tomorrow. Hope you all have a great week. Til later...Janice
Hey Bita!

Could you share with me (when you find time) the workout you do with your B&TR? Do you just do the normal positions that are in the manual or have you made up your own routine? Thanks for sharing! By the looks of your rotation, you always do B&TR! :7
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Hey Bita!

Hi ladies,
Hope you all are doing wonderful.
It's always great to read your posts.

I did Power Hour, BTR, and rebounding will be later.

Debbie, I do the 6 lower body positions that are in the manual, and six upper body positions which 4 of them are in the manual for the tubing attachment for the upper body. I do 50 counts of each of these 12 positions everyday and doesn't take me very long, (since I've noticed I can fit few minutes each day better than a longer block). For me BTR is an add-on these days. Also Francine, in the forum, has some fantastic BTR routine which takes about 40 minutes. She also sometimes uses different counts up and down for variety. If you'd like you can ask her or I can provide it to you with her permission.
Hope this helps. Have a great day.

Dearest Janice, Gloria, Otisan, LA, FS, Juli, and Robyn have the most wonderful day also.:)
RE: Hey Bita!

Hello ladies,
Been having a bad workout week.Trying to get myself back on track here.Monday threw me off.Oh well,golden girl,sorry to hear your back is still bothering you.Hopefully,you'll be up and about soon.
Bita,you are amazing with your workouts.I was like that at one point.It's been over a year&a half still i've been in this rut.Still have four solid months to make up for.These are the cruical months.Holidays are around the corner.

Went for a bike ride on my mountain bike.My legs were burning.Have to get use to that.Practice,practice,practice.This weekend i'm going to Hampton Beach sidewalk sale/seafood festival with my friends(same ones i went to the beach with a couple of weeks ago,except for my niece Pamela :( )Can not wait.We are going to have a blast!!!!!
Hi Challengers

Well, usually Wednesday night is Date night with my DH but it wasn't to be. I had to work on a proposal that was to be delivered today so we did some shifting. I worked on the proposal until about 9 p.m. last night and then vegged out. My walk-through with the client went great today and in a few weeks we're making the presentation to upper management. I working hard right now but it sure beats hardly working. The cycle in my industry is a busy September/October and then really slow as we head to the holidays. I'm grateful for all this activity as I only have 2 months to make money before the slow time.

Tonight is Date night this week and we're heading out for a meal and then a walk at Sharon Woods. After all the rain earlier this week, we're now blessed with an absolutely gorgeous day and DH & I are taking advantage of it.

Tomorrow we go to my friend's daughter's wedding and I get to see the flower girls in their dresses! I'm so excited because I never saw the girls try them on after I made them. I hope they look nice in them. My friend told me one girl had tried hers on and it fit great. The other girl had not come by to pick hers up at the time we had talked last week, so I don't know about her.

I'm anxiously awaiting my Crunch Time tape with Susan Harris. She's my favorite instructor of all time.

Hope all is well with eveyone else. FS Hang in there! Any activity is better than no activity.

RE: Hi Challengers

Hi ladies,
Hope you're doing wonderful.
Janice, hope your back is doing much better. I know you take care of yourself really well. It's always wonderful to "see" you.
FS, I LOVE mountain biking. One of the funnest exercises and sports on earth, in my opinion. How cool that you got to do it! I haven't had a chance to do it as seriously since our DS's birth. We are teaching him to get his biking skills up so we can hit the mountains sometime soon!!! Legs adjust with practice, like anything else.
Juli, how fun to see your art work on the flower girls. How proud you must be.
Big hello to Gloria, Otisan, Robyn, and LA.

I did Intense Moves, and BTR. Will do rebounding later today.

Have a great rest of the day and a fantastic weekend.
RE: Hi Challengers

Good morning everyone,
FS, have a blast this weekend at the beach with your friends, how fun!
Janice, it's unfortunate your back is still hurting, I hope it heals soon. I once pulled a hamstring, and it took over 7 months to heal. I remember it so clear, because I kept thinking it was better and reinjuring it. Good luck.
Juli, have a great time at the wedding, and I hope you receive your Crunch time video soon, so you can share your experience with us.
Robyn, Gloria, Otisan and Bita, have a great weekend, and keep up the good work.
I have to say all you women amaze me, how do you find the time to do everything you do? I admire you all!
It's absolutely gorgeous out here in Chicago, so I will go for long walks this weekend along with practicing my Yoga. I did Imax Extreme (first time) last night and thought I was not going to make it till the end, but I did. That is one tough workout, I was drenched in sweat. This morning I did ME, what an awesome workout, this was my first time as well. Those tall box step ups kept my heart rate sky high.
Well, I have to say that my sensible eating and working out has helped me lose 8 unwanted lbs. I was so glad to see that scale move to 123lbs this morning. Bita, was right, it's coming off in no time!!!!
Have a lovely weekend ladies.
Thanks Bita!

Thank you so much for filling me in. I don't THINK my B&TR has an upper body attachment? If it does, I never knew it! I will dig out my manual and see what it looks like. I agree with doesn't take long to fit a few reps of each move for an add-on. I do have some of Franci's rotations that she has shared with me. I love her MiniPump workout. It only lasts 11 minutes and is great for an add-on. Again, thanks for sharing and letting me butt into your thread with your buddies once again. You all are amazing here and I admire your friendship that shines thru! THANX!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Transformation challenge.......

LA, Many Many ...congrats! You are very dedicated and strong. Good for you and more power to you!

Debbie, you are very welcome! The BTR's upper body attachment is sold separately. I was lucky to purchase it on ebay for $5 ....!!!!!!
Amazing, isn't it?! So I thought it was not much $ to loose. But I am so very extremely happy and pleased with it.

Another big hello to all my wonderful friends. Have a great day.:)

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