"tri" athlons
I'm a little concerned how many sports a trai involves ... ;-)
I'm doing a triathlon September 8. It is a sprint distance (500m swim, 15 mile bike, 3 mile run) with a pool swim. I did the Danskin last year and loved it. I meant to do four races this year, but I got shut out of the Danskin, had surgery, a bad flu at the end of June, etc. :-sleepy
To everybody out there who's thinking about doing a triathlon, here are some thoughts based on my humble experience.
1) Swimming: You don't have to swim freestyle, or for that matter, on your stomach. I'm a pretty good swimmer, but had a panic attack in the green, wavy waters of Cherry Creek reservoir and finished the swim doing mostly elementary backstroke. And there was a whole lot of creative swimming going on out there.
Triathlons with a pool swim are much less intimidating. In Colorado, anyway, especially with the drought, there isn't much place to practice in open water that isn't totally gross with fecal bacteria by this time in the summer. :-tired (By the way, everybody out there---please clean up after your dogs and keep them out of the water at lakes with swim areas! Yech!)
Regardless, the triathlon I'm doing gives you 24 minutes to complete the 500m swim. That's not all that fast.
2) Biking: spinning classes are great--they're fun, and they keep you working hard. It's nice once a week to enjoy the music, have a cheerleader, and not slow down for pedestrians walking three across the path or worry about cars running you off the road. :-cool
For sprint distance, you don't need special shorts. You can do the whole race in a swim suit (like the ironman leaders--no padding on the century--ouch!), and in just regular lycra exercise shorts. You can always throw running shorts over the swimsuit if you like. I swam and biked in a pair of Title 9 "Won't Ride Up" shorts in supplex and a Moving Comfort Sydney sports bra. Then I threw on a Coolmax tank top with my number pinned to it for the run. I wore my running shoes (with socks!) for the bike and used regular toe clips.
If your main goal is to finish, any bike will do. You do need a bike helmet, however, and nobody, (and I mean, NOBODY -- are you listening?) should ever get on a bike without one anyway. Spend $30-50 bucks, keep your brain the way it is. Plus, you get kudos at the emergency room when you go in for a broken collarbone. "Helmeted cyclist crashed on the sidewalk ..."
3) Running: I don't care about the run so much. I just run when I can and walk the rest. So somebody else can give some advice here (besides start slow and wear good shoes!).
4) Fitting Cathe in: "Training Plans for Multisport Athletes" as a great plan that allows for weights twice a week in the base phase, once a week thereafter. You can also do some other activity (it lists racquet ball, you could do step or kickboxing) twice a week. I lift after spinning class and a run as well, and go to Pilates class twice a week. Maybe I'll post a couple of possible rotations that include Cathe videos when I get my act together.
I'm just in the race to finish, and maybe go a little faster than last time. I encourage everyone to tri a triathlon!
http://www.plauder-smilies.de/pyth.gif Gretchen