
For you Tracie Long fans, thought you'd like to know that her new website for her workouts is up -- and I think the 4 new workouts look fantastic!
I love Jen Carman too! I am so happy that Tracie, Jen and Susan are leading these workouts. They look so innovative!
Oh you KNOW I'll be on there Monday morning waiting for that cart to go up so I can order these!! They look FABULOUS!!

Could you give me some insides about why you love her workouts? And how they compared to Cathe's. I have been working out with Cathe's since this Mar. I really like it and got a good result. However, my schedule had to change due to my daughter's early am skating schedule.x( I am looking for a really good 30 min (including warm up and stretch) workout in those short days.


THANK YOU for posting this info.!!! While I'm a totally Cathe convert I started with the Firm years and years ago. To hear Susan Harris giving verbal cues - I LOVE IT! And I've always liked Tracie. Looks like a must addition to the Xmas wish list!

Tracie's workouts are nothing like Cathe's IMHO, except that they are advanced. Functional fitness works smaller muscles and your core, and watching these you think "yeah ... okay ... so what?" because they don't "look like" traditional strength training. They don't look like you're working hard or raising your heart rate, but you really are. I actually had better results over time in my entire core with this type of training than with any abs workout in ANY traditional strength training video. Think the Core Secrets workouts but much, much harder and much more interesting, without the annoying chatter from the vapid background exercisers in the newer ones. UHG. Again, this is only my opinion and I'm sure others will have differing opinions and different results. It all depends on how you like to workout, what your mindset is regarding cardio and strength training regimes, and what your goals are.

The length of her older workouts - the TLP's - Functional Strength and Dynamic Strength & Power are around 50 minutes each. Core Foundations which is the toughest core workout I have ever done is close to an hour. The "Yorktowns" - Core Cardio and Core Strength - are each around 55 minutes. The new ones are between 45 and 60 minutes long, and according to the message board on her new site will be available to order on Monday and are expected to ship on 12/20. This is information I'm gleaning from other sites.

Here is a link to her "old" site where the TLP's are available, although I did see on her new message board Core Foundations is sold out and they only have a limited number of the other ones. Also, Core Cardio and Core Secrets are only available on DVD-R and Tracie has posted she will not be re-doing these on regular DVD's. I believe this has something to do with past legal problems with her former business partner, but I have no firsthand information on this. I can tell you my copies of these workouts are still playing fine, but I know other people have posted on VF their copies are starting to act strangely.

Here is a link to her new site. On this site you can view descriptions and clips of the four new workouts. She has also posted on this site that her older workouts will never be sold on the new site:

And here is a link to one of many threads currently on VF about these workouts:


Tracie's workouts are definitely much different than Cathe's. I think it's fantastic that we have different types of workouts -- each all their own style. I usually rotate WHFN/FitPrime/Original Firms w/ Cathe and Tracie's stuff. And, Tracie has always been my favorite instructor :)
For those of you who do purchase these new tapes, I would love to read your reactions to them once you've done them. So, please post a follow up.
I'm getting ready to order these first thing Monday!
I find this type of functional training is such an excellent and effective complement to more traditional strength training.
These sure DO look good!! I'm ordering first thing Monday too, though I'm gonna have to order one at a time...I'm broke with Christmas coming! lol

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