tracie long

I just read over at videofitness some posts where one of her sites is NOT secure - I didn't write any of the info down as I'm not going to order but just thought I would pass that on so you can check the post over there.
I just ordered Dynamic Strength and Functional Strength. They should be here in a few days, so I'll let all of you know what I think!!

I just got the 3 DVD's Core Foundations, Functional Strength and Dynamic Strength Friday. I did the Core Foundations yesterday and I love love it. It works the core all through the workout, mostly on the ball with very unusual different moves. One standing move, you take a med ball and while doing a lunge, toss the ball to the opposite hand and rotate your body as in a spinal twist. Takes coordination, esp with an 8,10 or 12# ball. Whew!! I plan to try one of the other workouts tomorrow.
The set is like in the back of a truck/trailor, (?)but the moves in the workouts are different than what I'm used to. I'm thinking these will be a great addition to my workouts.
I preordered the next two DVD's that are filmed on the USS Yorktown, Core Cardio and Core Strength led by Tracie. Preorder and you get free shipping and a free band.

I emailed Tracie to inquire about these videos and see how different they are from other workouts. She was very kind and gracious to reply back. In essence, she says the workouts are intense using the med balls. They use 10-12# and move through all planes of motion and they work the core "ALOT".

The new to be release Core workout will use 2-6# med ball that will work on balance and rotation exercises and they will also do band training combined with jump training working the medial glutes that "are not targeted in tradional workouts".

My only sadness with the program is I can't get registered on her website. so far. But here is a link if you want to see a picture of Tracie doing the Core Cardio If you happen to get on her website, (I got in once) read her reasons for the new type of workout and what this new type of workout is all about. I thought it was so intriging and interesting that it made me want to see (and feel) for myself what it is all about.
Me again! LOL
Someone asked how long the workouts are: The First 3 DVD's are 45 min each and the two you can preorder now are 50 min each. I heard someone say that they may be ready to ship out (no pun intended) the last of this month or the first of April. ???

All this and a new DVD (I just got the advanced but from the looks of the pictures, my single DVD purchase may have been a bad move..haha)from Cathe long about in the April time frame...not just what more can a girl ask for, right? LOL
I just received Dynamic Strength and Core Foundations. I really like Core Foundations. I have done it twice now and at first I wasn't sure if I liked it, but after the second time I do. It's a tough workout at least for me! It has alot of unusual moves. I was laughing alot trying to do some of them and my stability ball would roll all over the place. it is something for me to definately work up too. It did have a few Cathe moves, some were more expanded on.

Dynamic Strength I have done once, and I did work up a sweat. I liked it but was not crazy about it like I am with my Cathe workouts. But I will definately use it now and then. My firms I haven't used in years since I found Cathe.

On the production end these don't hold a candle to Cathe. The set,(had two black curtains on the sides and like a photographer backdrop like you see in school pictures kind of a deal behind the exercisers) the photography, and editing are nothing like Cathe's. Also the leaders did not seem to have Cathe's warm personality. they sometimes seemed forced to say something. The people on core foundations didn't seem to want to be there to me. Maybe I'm just prejudice but I like Cathe and the crew, they seem to be genuinely having a good time together!
All in all I'm glad I bought them especially core foundations they will be a nice change once in a while. I think I'll use CF more though. If I had to pick between the two I would get Core Foundations!

Just my $0.02
FYI, in case you don't already know, Susan Harris and Jen Carmen will be the lead in upcoming TLP videos. They are scheduled to film in June 2004. Sounds exciting!

Aw gee ... wouldn't that be a shame for her ... LOL!! :)

(sorry ... I was feeling sort of bad-a** this morning and just couldn't resist!!)


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