Okay, so this evening I am coming home from my sister's, driving on Interstate 95. Not much traffic, and I am in the slow lane, doing about 60. A tow truck comes up behind me and begins to pass on the left. He has a car on his bed and is towing one behind as well. He's NO WHERE near clear of me when he puts his blinker on and starts to pull into the right (I don't know why he was so anxious, we were the only cars there at the time, he could have waited two seconds and been clear). I sound my horn to let him know he isn't clear. He pulls back to the left. I start to drop back but before I can go two paces he pulls over AGAIN. The truck he was pulling was about half-way clear of me, no more. I lean on my horn again while trying to drop back, but knowing I'm not going to make it. This FOOL keeps coming and FORCES me OFF the road! I drive onto the shoulder and grass and then swerve back onto the road safely (I love my Forester!). And then this guy sticks his hand out the window and gives me the finger!
When I get home I tell DH about it - not in an over the top way, just in a "let me tell you about what happened" way. He's furious, calls information, calls the tow company and gets on the phone with the supervisor, yelling things like "State Police" and "I want some answers, dammit." The supervisor says he will look into it and call us back tomorrow. Five minutes later the phone rings and it's the owner, telling us he's firing the guy as this is not the first complaint he's had about this driver. So, that's all well and good. I'm glad DH stood up for me. But, the nervous nelly part of me is worried that this guy is going to find some way to get retribution on us for getting him fired.
Am I being silly? Do I watch too much news? Am I worrying about nothing? I feel like maybe we should have just let it go.
Thanks for the rant time!
Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming ‘Wow - what a ride!’ — Peter Sage
When I get home I tell DH about it - not in an over the top way, just in a "let me tell you about what happened" way. He's furious, calls information, calls the tow company and gets on the phone with the supervisor, yelling things like "State Police" and "I want some answers, dammit." The supervisor says he will look into it and call us back tomorrow. Five minutes later the phone rings and it's the owner, telling us he's firing the guy as this is not the first complaint he's had about this driver. So, that's all well and good. I'm glad DH stood up for me. But, the nervous nelly part of me is worried that this guy is going to find some way to get retribution on us for getting him fired.
Am I being silly? Do I watch too much news? Am I worrying about nothing? I feel like maybe we should have just let it go.
Thanks for the rant time!
Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming ‘Wow - what a ride!’ — Peter Sage