Totally confused:I just got my SHAPE magazine and it says


that for a toned and lean look to use heavy weights. I have heard for weightloss that heavy weights will just bulk you up so that is why I am doing Freestyle. All I want to do is lose this excess fat and show those pretty muscles underneath. Which is the best way to do it, of course eating clean is also a factor!!!
Thank you for your advice!!!
that for a toned and lean look to use heavy weights. I have heard for weightloss that heavy weights will just bulk you up so that is why I am doing Freestyle. All I want to do is lose this excess fat and show those pretty muscles underneath. Which is the best way to do it, of course eating clean is also a factor!!!
Thank you for your advice!!!
I think in weight loss that the diet is the most important element. But there are some of the educated ladies that are more able to help you further.

I think in weight loss that the diet is the most important element. But there are some of the educated ladies that are more able to help you further.

Personally I think the "heavy weights/bulk up" thing is a myth. I do think it's true that for women who tend to be heavy in the hips & thighs, heavy weights will add size. But in my own experience heavy lifting has given a lean, cut look without adding size at all.
Personally I think the "heavy weights/bulk up" thing is a myth. I do think it's true that for women who tend to be heavy in the hips & thighs, heavy weights will add size. But in my own experience heavy lifting has given a lean, cut look without adding size at all.
You can do it both ways, doing freesytle and more aerobics will burn the fat, and give you a toned lean look, kind of like models not really showy muscles.

Or you can use heavy weights and cardio and burn fat threw cardio and muscle mass for a nice toned lean look. I think this way is faster.

If your female you don't bulk, you may have one fast growing muscle in your whole body and it's usually the calves. And this is usually pretty standard, 30 - 40% weight. What I means is say ou weigh 100, 30 percent would be 30 pound weights, 40% = 40 pound weight. If you kept it right inbetween there, you'll get some good long lean muscle and have pretty showy muscles, something like Cathe, over time. You of course could go a bit lighter and get a more leaner look that doesn't have so much muscle showing.

It really depends what you want and what you see as bulky or lean, for that matter. Do you want to be more like Cathe? Or the model on the Shape magazine? As in muscles, or somewhere between the two?

You will always find people with different opinions. I found as I age, I do bulk with heavier weight. It worked great when I was younger...:)...but Freestyle seems to work great now. What you need to do is stick with a particular plan for about 3 months and if you don't see the results you want then switch things up...that has always worked for me...:)...Carole
I was taught in my resistance training class that heavy weights/ low reps increase muscle density, moderate weight/high reps increase the circumference of the muscle fibers. That's why body builders use low-moderate weight/high reps to increase the muscle size and create cuts. competative weight lifters are generally big but rarely have that cut musculature that competative body builders have.

Ideally you should train for both strength and endurance to keep your muscles guessing. But ditto on what everyone else said about bulking - bulk is just fat over the muscle.
ITHat is what I thought. I am bulky because of my fat :( I have really cleaned up my diet though since I have started ED recovery, I hope that is pays off! thank you all for your great advice!!!
Take care,
SHEri :)
Hi Kit,
I am looking for something in between the 2. I think Cathe looks magnifisnt, but I don't have the time to work out 2-3 hours a day. I am really trying with my diet, but I am so confused on the workout. I just started doing Freestyle about 4 days ago, I just didn't know if I should go back to heavy weights. i weigh 122 and am 5'2. I have had 3 kids and am trying to get pregnant again while I am still nursing my 3rd, so I don't want to lose that much weight but I def. have some there to lose from my past habits. THank you for your advice!!!!!!
Welcome, if you already started with freestyle try it, as it generally does boost metabolism a bit faster then the heavy weight workouts. At least from what I've seen of my clients, as well as my own body. Also don't be too disappointed if the weight doesn't come off all that quick, as when your nursing your body tends to grab onto that fat and refuse to let go. It goes back to when we were still-hunting for food, and with a baby you can't hunt as well, so your body keeps it's fat reserve during nursing time.

I personally like both free style and heavy weights, free style sure turned up my metabolism and pretty quickly, over about a 3 month period, I was burning a little over 200 calories more per day. But I like the heavy weight work, as I like to gain muscle faster then what I do with freestyle. I'm basically in the same boat as you, small but 4' 10" and want something between a model and Cathe as well. What works for me, is a combo of heavy and freestyle. Basically I've been doing every other week heavy, and the off weeks freestyle and have seen a lot of improvement, with muscle tone. As for me, I can lose weight great with free style, but the muscle definition just doesn't appear. I've done free style for years, trained by some of the top free-style instructors like Kathy Smith, and before I started to add in Cathe workouts, I just wasn't getting the muscle. In 5 years of increasing my weights I had a 1/2 inch difference between flex and unflexed in my upper arm, with freestyle. And with Cathe I gain muscle like crazy, mostly due to some of the meds I'm on, so I have to be careful. I'm probably one of the few who can say they can gain 1/4 inch of muscle with two week of any of Cathe strength training, and continue to keep building. And all my weights are 20 lbs or less. But then again, I'm pretty close to 90 pounds, it doesn't take much to hit my 40% max weight allotment

But you’re going to have to experiment and see what works for you. Once you get done having kids you maybe to use free style and actually be able to pump up. Right now you may not be able to do to grain to much muscle, do too to much estrogen. Or you maybe like some women and get a flux of testosterone, in-between and build muscle really quickly for a month and then drop off. Your going to have to experiment threw the cycle of your body to really know which one will do what you want it to do. Or you may end up with a combination of both. And that’s fine too, as you want a bit of a mixed result so mixing maybe the only way to get what you want kind of like what I’m doing. Don’t ever think that there is one way your you got to follow this set of rules, our bodies have their own rules and you got to do what is right for your body to achieve the goals that you truly want.


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