Total Body Blast Ck In 3/9-3/16


Hi Girls,
It is great to see you doing so well with your workouts.
You made me anxious to try the Terminator workouts. :D Yesterday I did the Viper for the first time. That was really fun. The time went by fast, and yet it is 80 minutes long! I added some ab work and felt like I got a total body workout.
Today I tried the Gauntlet. I see what you mean about having to catch your breath between the BootCamp cardio and the Imax 2 cardio. I wasn't red faced, but just needed a few more seconds of air. LOL

This week I also threw in PUB with Rythmic Step and I did Leaner Legs one day. Yep, they are still just as tough! Yet I was using a 35# barbell. Before the Intense Series, I was only using 25 and 30# so I guess that is an improvement. :p
Have fun with your workouts. :D Catch you later.
Hi Everyone,
Today was Muscle Endurance for me. Biceps are still very tough to do in this class.
I think I may do PS BBA for 2 weeks and see if that will strengthen my biceps better. I can lift heavier weights in that class. Perhaps it is the tempo that makes the bicep work so difficult. ???}(
In BBA I can use 30# barbell, but in ME I wimp out at 20#'s.
Frustrating! LOL
DH is supportive. He says to just keep at it, I'll get there.

Happy workouts everyone. :D

Today was PUB. I actually felt stronger on biceps. Maybe it's time to go heavier... I'm afraid though, because that biceps part is TOUGH!

Anyway, yesterday I did PLB, 1st 5 intervals of IMAX2, and Vplanks from PUB. (Those are STILL too hard for me!)

Well, I've decided that this Wednesday I will probably not be following the Total Body Blast exactly as I have been. I think I will still be doing all of the Intensity tapes often, but I can't wait to try out my CTX DVD. I may just alternate one week CTX and the next week Total Body Blast.

Wanda - Biceps are tough in ME! Then again, biceps are always tough for me. I'm not familiar with BBA, but are there less reps in BBA than ME?

Have a great day!
Hi there :)

I have been itching to do some CTX workouts so I dusted of LL today. Wow! That was a great workout!! I hadn't done that one in at least 6 months. I remember why I dread that workout so much - tough, tough, tough. I must admit though that I used a slightly heavier barbell (a little bit more than my usual pee-wee weights lol!) I felt so strong today doing the workout. I guess PLB is really working. I think I am going to do a CTX rotation this week. I'm also going to add in an extra leg workout at the end of the week. I definitely need it. Hope it's still okay to check in here even though I've veered off ... quite a bit. lol! What can I say? I have to change rotations constantly or I start to dread them - no matter how fun they are.

Tomorrow I plan on doing CTX chest, back, and cardio. Not sure what cardio workout I will do, but I think it may be Powermax or Intense Moves.

Hello! Today I did the cardio premix from C&W, CTX Back/Chest, and the abs from LL. What a great workout!! I love the music in C&W. I had so much fun doing that workout. I can tell I am getting stronger because I upped the weights in CTX Back/Chest. Yeah! I think PLB/PUB can definitely build some strength and help bust plateaus. Gotta run!! See you all tomorrow. :)
Hi Girls,
I'm up and ready to do PUB this morning. I had a terrible migraine Monday night. I took two night time sinus pills before I took my migraine medicine. I shouldn't have done that. Whoa, that knocks me for a loop. All I could do yesterday was walk for 30 min. The rest of the time was sleep.
So, I hope I don't drop those 20#ers on my head as I do the flys and overhead presses. :D

I see where you girls are missing the CTX series. You know, I think that CTX goes very well with the Intense Series. I have been alternating, or inserting as I should say, the two together. For variety with cardio, I put two CTX's together to make one hour, I do the CTX's upper body and of course, I add the ab work.
Perhaps it would be fun to put a rotation together using the Intense Series and the CTX. Or maybe someone has already put it together somewhere?

Keep up your good workouts. :D See ya later
Hi everyone!

This morning I did IMAX2. I didn't feel as energized as usual, but I made it all the way through. Yesterday I did Boot Camp. Tomorrow I will try to do ME before going on a short vacation. I will be taking my son to Astroworld. (It's spring break time here!!) The hotel we will be staying at has a fitness room, so I may jump on the treadmill or something. ;-)

I'll check back in next week!
Hi all :)
Today I did the first 5 intervals of Imax2. It was so much fun! I definitely like Imax2 better than Imax. I also did CTX shoulders and triceps. My arms are already achey! Tomorrow I have a long cardio day planned. I'm thinking of doing Cardio Kicks, but not sure on that one. I change my mind a lot. See you all tomorrow!
Hi, :D
I did Cardio and Weights and threw in an extra set of biceps. The first set I did with only 10#'s. I forgot that I normally used 12#'s so I did them over.
In the afternoon I did All Step. The core work in the Intense Series is helping to make the other ab work easier. LOL

I think Imax 2 is a little easier than Imax. Not so many jumps. :D
Hi all :) Today I did the cardio from Power Circuit. It was a lot of fun!! Boy, am I sore from doing CTX shoulders/tris. I love the way CTX makes my muscles sore. :eek: Not sure what workout I will do tomorrow, but I am definitely making sure I get Bootcamp in this week. I think I'm getting stronger so I should be able to live through the whole workout without feeling sick - like last time. lol!

Hi Wanda - did you do both of those workouts in one day? Wow! You are strong!!!!!

See you tomorrow!!
Hi All,

Just checking in to say I did PLB, Imax 2 and ab work from the Ab Hits video. Today I did Boot Camp, 30 min of Treadmill intervals and the Chest, shoulders and Triceps only from CST.

Tsut, that was an interesting combo you put together for Tuesday, I will have to try it. Sounds fun. :D
and, yes I put two classes together, but not back to back. I usually will put a 3-4 hour rest between them. Upping my protein seems to help with my muscle recovery time.
I also think Boot Camp helps with endurance. I personally want to do this workout every week for a long long time. :D

As a confession, I'm not doing very well with doing mostly strength training. Last week I did the Slow Heavy Series, yet I also did the Intense Series. I got brave and tried the Viper, and Gauntlet. I love the cardio too much to give up the Body Blast just yet. LOL If I continue on, the week of the 24th will make the 12th week of doing Total Body Blast.

See you all later, Laura, hope you enjoy your Spring break. Isn't it great to say 'Spring'? After this long hard winter, I'm so happy that it is almost Spring...yippeee!!!!

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