too much aeorbics?


Active Member
I'm a guy who really enjoys cathes videos. I have them all but would rather do all aeorbics than anything else. I do them before work every morning. I have combined the cxt tapes so I do 1 hour of aeorbics. I feel guilty if i do weights, like i didnt work out or something. Im trying to shed my last 10 pounds to reach my weight goal and get my blood pressure back under control. Do you suggest trying the weight tapes maybe at night after work (3x) a week? Will the weights really help me break the plateau for the last 10 pounds? Thanks. Gene
Hi, Genobambino! (Love the handle!)

You absolutely do need to bring strength training into your program, and yes, weights will help you break through your plateau. When you strength train effectively, you build lean muscle mass that is metabolically active, so you'll burn your fuel (the calories and other substrates in the food you eat) far more effectively. Plus, the stronger you get in the muscle department, the more force and intensity you'll be able to bring to your aerobic / cardiovascular work.

If you feel guilty after a weight workout, it could be that you could be lifting a lot heavier and harder than you did IN the workout! Don't underestimate how strong you already are, and how strong you can become! And don't hesitate to do your patriotic duty and buy all of the Cathe strengthening tapes available!

I say this to a lot of people trying to "lose weight", but I never stop believing it: go real easy on using the scale as a determinator of body composition improvement. If you lose a pound of unnecessary storage fat but at the same time GAIN a pound of much-needed lean muscle tissue, you'll have done yourself a double good, but the scale is only going to say you "didn't lose weight". Go by how you feel, how your clothes fit, and most importantly how much you can do and improve in your workout execution.

Good luck!

Yes & eat your vegies too

Hi Gene,

All of us need to make time for the 3 componets of fitness: cardio, strength & flexibility. Besides being essential for long-term health & fitness, strength training will help you reach your weight goal. You'll also gain some attractive muscle that you just can't get from cardio work. Muscle burns more calories at rest which will help you lose weight.

The last 10 pounds is hard. You'll get a lot of empathy on this forum. But it is easier for males. Add in some weight training & make sure the diet is super clean. Cathe's made it easy for you with the CTX series. You do need to shake it up after 4 or 6 weeks to keep those muscles challenged. Since you're an adrenalin junkie, you might prefer Power Hour to something like PS or MIS. You want to do a total body workout 2-3 times each week.

There's an article that may interest you on dairy products & their affect on weight loss & blood pressure. See

Good luck Gene.
Somewhere along the line I came across this knowledge. Think it was in Plant Muscle...

During an exercise session, aerobics will burn more calories than lifting weights. But, when you are done with aerobics your body will quickly go back to its resting metobolic rate.

The more you lift weights, the more muscle you will have. The more muscle you have, the more calories you burn at rest. YOu have a higher resting metabolic rate ALL the time. Plus, after weight training, your metabolism stays elevated for a longer period before going to its resting state.

So, if like me (me of the past) you feel you must do the aerobics to burn more calories, you may be quite mistaken. In both the short and long run, lifting weights will help you lose weight.

If like me ( me of the present!) you like aerobics I'd go with the other posters suggestion of doing more circuit work.

But, by all means, include weights! They just may be what your body needs to shake things up a little! Jeanne
As a fella you are lucky to have 40% more lean muscle mass than a woman. You'll still start to lose muscle mass as you age. Definitely add weight training to your cardio! It'll boost your cardio performance!

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